"If you really want to get the canonization from the Terran Emperor, then you need to do something for the entire Terran race. "

"Do you think we can do things for the Terrans?"

"Unrealistic. "

"So what we need to do now is to honestly continue to cultivate, and we must remember that we must not kill humans, otherwise there will be more twists and turns on our future road." "

Bai Suzhen instructed Xiaoqing.

She didn't want some kind of accident with her sister.

For the instructions from Bai Suzhen at this moment, Xiaoqing's eyes looked at the fire qilin with a wave of envy and jealousy.

How she wanted her to be the one who was canonized.

It's a pity that she can only think about it in her heart.

"I understand sister. "

A trace of unprecedented helplessness flashed in Xiaoqing's eyes.

Although Xiaoqing very, very 24 wants to obtain the canonization of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, when facing this scene, Xiaoqing can only completely give up this idea in his heart.

"Alas. "

Xiaoqing sighed helplessly.

And when he faced the strength of the Fire Qilin suddenly raised to the late realm of Heaven and Man, Zhu Houzhao had a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Take him down and offer whatever he wants to eat." "

"Let's go and rest first, everyone from the Maoshan faction, you will come and discuss it with Xuan. "

At this moment, I saw Zhu Houzhao order with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, Zheng He nodded respectfully at this moment.

"Obey, Your Majesty. "

And the fire unicorn directly chose to obey in the face of Zheng He's traction.

"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, the fire qilin was directly taken away by Zheng He.

And after the fire unicorn was taken away like this, one after another brocade guards also came to the side of many group friends.

"Distinguished guests, please come with us. "

At this moment, this respectful voice came from the group friends in the chat group, but they did not have any ideas, so they directly followed the brocade guard to the place where they needed to live next.

As for the many guys of the Maoshan faction?

Many guys from the Maoshan Sect followed Zhu Houzhao all the way to the hall.

"See Your Majesty. "

After everyone's figures appeared in the hall, Ninth Uncle was the first to speak.

"See Your Majesty..."

In an instant, the Maoshan Sect behind Ninth Uncle spoke so respectfully.

For what everyone in the Maoshan Sect had at the moment, a smile appeared at the corner of Zhu Houzhao's mouth.

"I wonder what happened to Chief Lin Dao's discussion?"

For Zhu Houzhao's words, Ninth Uncle was looking at the head of the Maoshan Sect behind him at this moment.

"Master. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the face of Ninth Uncle's words, the head of the Maoshan Sect stood up at this moment.

"See Your Majesty, Poor Dao is the head of the Maoshan faction, and for this request of Your Majesty, Poor Dao chose to agree on behalf of the entire Maoshan faction. "

"The Maoshan faction is willing to submit to Your Majesty!"

At this moment, I saw that the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment spoke with a firm word.

Perhaps this was somewhat unrealistic for these cultivation sects, but it was a pity that the current situation was directly on the surface.

At that time, even if the head of the Maoshan Sect did not think about himself, he also needed to consider for the entire Maoshan Sect.

As long as the Maoshan faction chooses to join the Daming Empire, then the Maoshan faction at that time will naturally be able to obtain the support of the entire Daming Empire!

With the support of the entire Daming Empire, isn't the take-off of the Maoshan faction a fact that belongs to the surface?

As the head of the Maoshan faction, how could he watch the Maoshan faction take off and go away from him?

So his choice is very simple, that is, the entire Maoshan faction chooses to submit to the Daming Empire!

"See Your Majesty!"

Listening to the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect, the elders of the Maoshan Sect behind him and the disciples of the Maoshan Sect naturally could not continue to maintain their same nature just like that.

Looking at the submission from the disciples of the entire Maoshan Sect below, Zhu Houzhao had a deep smile in his eyes.

"Everyone, since your Maoshan faction is willing to submit to Yu Xuan, you are willing to serve the Daming Empire. "

"Then Xu naturally will not treat you badly, you Maoshan faction, Xu chooses to support it. "

"Although I can't say that I can't say that my Maoshan Sect will always sit firmly among the 973 largest factions in the world, but at this stage, your Maoshan Sect definitely belongs to the number one faction in the entire Daming Empire. "

"As long as your Maoshan faction can serve the imperial court, as long as your Maoshan faction can be loyal to Xuan, resources are the least valuable thing. "

Zhu Houzhao said so calmly to the many guys of the Maoshan Sect below.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the head of the Maoshan faction did not have any doubts about him at all.

What is this for?

There is no need at all, for the emperor of an empire, its resources are completely sprinkled things.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty, long live !!"

In an instant, under the leadership of the head of the Maoshan Sect, one after another the elders and disciples of the Maoshan Sect began to shout in unison as if they had been rehearsed.

The echo of shouts resounded in the Golden Luang Hall.


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