"Since your Maoshan Sect is willing to serve Daming, now I have a question for you. "

"How long does it take to refine a zombie legion?"

"This is the number of zombie legions starting at 100,000, and it is even likely to break through to one million in the future. "

"How long will it take?"

"The most important thing is that they have to follow Xuan's orders. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao ordered to the guys of the Maoshan Sect's pigs.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's request, many guys from the Maoshan faction looked at each other like this, and they all saw a deep embarrassment in each other's eyes.

"Your Majesty, if you have a million zombie legions, I'm afraid this is really a difficulty. "

"But with a hundred thousand zombie legions, this is not impossible. "

"But it takes time, and it's not short. "

I saw that the head of the Maoshan Sect spoke with a hint of embarrassment.

Practicing zombies is not a difficult thing for them, although their Maoshan faction is essentially a sect that lowers demons and removes demons, but they also know this thing of refining zombies very well, because their Maoshan faction has this vein that specializes in driving corpses.

The other Maoshan School disciples also studied how to get out of the devil and how to destroy the zombie, and there was a good saying.

Sometimes the one who knows you best is not yourself, but the enemy.

Many guys from the Maoshan school are very suitable.

They are very familiar with how to destroy zombies, so they are naturally familiar with how to refine this zombie, so they have no problem practicing zombies at all.

It's just that this number is a bit huge, starting at 100,000!

One hundred thousand zombies, they feel their scalps numb when they think of it, not to mention that Zhu Houzhao actually said that this zombie is likely to reach a million in the future.

Millions of zombies, they think this is not their old life.

But you can start with 100,000, and it is not impossible to spend a little time if 100,000 is used.

Therefore, when the many disciples of this Maoshan Sect listened to the words of their leader, they instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

If 100,000 zombies are divided equally, then each person needs to practice thousands.

This is not a problem for them to consume some energy and time.

"But Your Majesty, the personnel of these 100,000 zombie legion soldiers'.?"

The head of the Maoshan Sect just tried to ask.

Although these 100,000 zombie legions can be completely refined, the question is where the source of the zombies in these 100,000 zombie legions comes from?

100,000 zombies means that a population of 100,000 is needed!

Where did they get these 100,000 people from?

Is it possible to just find a random place to turn all the 100,000 people in a city into zombies?

This is obviously unrealistic, so the question before us is where to get the people belonging to this 100,000 zombie army.

In the face of the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect, many disciples of the Maoshan Sect also looked at Zhu Houzhao with a silent gaze.

Let them train zombies?

No problem, but where exactly did this 100,000 of this 100,000 zombies get from?

Listening to the words below, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed a smile and replied, "Small problem." "

"Isn't it just a hundred thousand people, all you need to do now is to prepare to refine these zombies, and inform Xu of all the materials that need to be prepared, and Xu will come to solve these material problems for you at that time." "

"As for the 100,000 population of these 100,000 zombies, you can rest assured. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"These 100,000 people will be 100,000 soldiers who belong to the Eight Classics. "

"It is guaranteed to be a strong soldier, all you have to do is refine all the soldiers of this 100,000 army into zombies!"

"And the most important thing is to ensure their sanity, and to want a soldier who can follow orders, not belong to some beast-like being." "

"Can this be done?"

Zhu Houzhao said his request to the group of Maoshan Taoist priests.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's request, many guys from the Maoshan Sect replied solemnly at this moment.

Especially the head of the Maoshan faction.

"~ See Your Majesty, as long as the materials can meet the requirements, then it is completely possible for His Majesty's zombie legion to have sanity, not belonging to the type of beast. "

At this moment, I saw that the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment replied with a hint of categorical tone.

That kind of naturally formed zombie, it is almost impossible to have an independent sense of self, and even this hope is extremely small.

But their kind of artificial refining is different.

Their kind of artificial refining can directly interfere with it, which is why the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment has such strong self-confidence.

It's just that the resources that need to be consumed are a little huge, but they are not a separate Maoshan faction now, but behind them (Qian Li Zhao) rely on a huge Daming Empire!

Since they have a Daming Empire behind their backs, then the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment is directly with a trace of iron, and even patting his chest is certain.

They can be practiced!

Listening to the reply of the head of the Maoshan faction, Zhu Houzhao showed a satisfied smile.

"Very well, since you have such strong self-confidence, then I believe in you. "

"The zombie legion of the Daming Empire is handed over to you, don't let Xu down." "

Zhu Houzhao showed a serious expression and spoke.

"Obey, Your Majesty!"

One after another, the unbelievable words came out of the mouths of the Maoshan Sect Daoist priests.


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