With the passage of time, the princes of one empire after another came to Daming Kyoto on behalf of their respective empires.

When the princes of many empires came to Daming Kyoto, what entered their vision at this moment was the huge Kyoto that belonged to the Daming Empire.

When Fusu, the prince from the Great Qin Empire, looked at Daming Kyoto at this moment, a trace of emotion flashed in Fusu's eyes: "Sure enough, the Daming Empire was once magnificent, and with this Kyoto, it can already represent the extraordinary that the Daming Empire once had." "

I saw Fusu at this moment shook his head slightly.

Entering Fusu's vision is Kyoto, which is not inferior to the Great Qin Empire, the vastness of Beiping City and the strength of Beiping City, at this moment, it seems that the effort is no less than that of their Great Qin Empire's Kyoto Xianyang City.

Regarding this point, Fusu has the absolute right to speak, after all, he himself is the prince of the Great Qin Empire, there are some special things that he cannot touch, but about the problem of this city, Fusu said that he can still reach 873.

While listening to the words spoken from Fusu, Meng Tian beside him nodded slightly at this moment.

"Your Royal Highness, this Kyoto of the Daming Empire is indeed not weaker than the Kyoto of our Daming Empire, this Daming Empire once belonged to the broad after all, although the Daming Empire finally caused the Daming Empire to decline because of the emergence of an emperor, but today's Daming Empire has a strong emperor, this strong emperor has directly restored the Daming Empire that was originally in a state of decay. "

A trace of deep admiration flashed in Meng Tian's eyes.

Regarding the emperor of the current Daming Empire, Zhu Houzhao, as long as you deeply understand the existence, you can know that this Daming Emperor can be said to be exceptionally strong.

The clans in its empire, the merchants in the empire plus the landlords, these existences can be regarded as a particularly important existence in each empire.

(CEEC) Their strength may not be particularly strong for the emperor, but they are an indispensable part of the entire empire, and they also belong to the existence that secretly controls the entire empire.

Every empire will suppress such characters as much as possible when facing them, after all, the existence of such characters is to some extent to divide the rights of the emperor.

However, it is not possible to directly eliminate all this group of existences, because if all this group of beings is really eliminated, then for the entire empire, it will definitely make it completely broken.

But the emperor of the Daming Empire is different, in the face of this kind of existence that will cause damage to the entire empire once eliminated, the Daming Emperor directly wiped out all the people in the entire empire who did not submit to the emperor, and even the imperial power completely caused damage in one fell swoop.

This is indeed a traumatic experience for the Daming Empire, but what about the final result?

The final result is that the current Daming Emperor won this infighting victory with a strong posture, and the Daming Emperor eliminated all the existences in the Daming Empire that did not submit to him in one fell swoop, and there was no longer any existence in the entire Daming Empire that could resist the Daming Emperor.

As for the so-called imperial power does not go to the countryside?

Sorry, this is really possible in other empires, but it is different in the Daming Empire.

In the Daming Empire, the four words that the imperial power does not go to the countryside are simply ridiculous.

Therefore, today's Daming Emperor is already a terrible enemy in the eyes of the emperors of all countries, which will naturally affect the many generals in their respective empires, and the generals of their respective empires naturally regard this Daming Emperor as a terrifying existence.

Listening to Meng Tian's words, Fusu at this moment looked at Beiping City in front of him with a flash of understanding.

"Yes, this Daming Emperor's means are not ordinary, I can't do it. "

Fu Su shook his head slightly and sighed.

As the current prince of the Great Qin Empire, he was the next emperor of the Great Qin Empire, but it was a pity that Fusu believed that even if he became the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, his ability would not be comparable to this Daming Emperor.

The means between the two of them were completely different, and the means that the Emperor Daming possessed could completely crush him. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the face of Fusu's emotion, Meng Tian, who was beside him, fell into silence at this moment.

What did Meng Tian say?

Could it be that he wants to say that the means possessed by the Daming Emperor are actually not powerful at all?

The means that the Emperor Daming possessed were very general?

If Meng Tian really dared to say this, I am afraid that Fusu would have a different opinion about Meng Tian, thinking that Meng Tian was a very jealous existence.

"Let's go, go into town. "

"This time we represent the face of the Great Qin Empire, and then we need to meet the princes of several other empires. "

Fu Su said with a serious look in his eyes.

He couldn't stay at this city gate for too long, otherwise the news that Prince Daqin saw Daming Kyoto fell silent for a while, and it was even very likely that the news that the strength of the Daming Empire was far superior to the Daqin Empire would be passed on just like that.

No way, he now said that the place he is in is the Daming Empire, and all any unfavorable news is likely to be amplified.

"Obey. "

Meng Tian beside him replied respectfully.

"Tread, tread..."

Faced with the sound of footsteps, I saw that under the leadership of Fusu and Meng Tian, the Daqin delegation entered the Daming Kyoto.


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