As the moon sets and the sun rises, banquets specially prepared by the Imperial Imperial Family of the Ming Dynasty have filled every corner of Kyoto.

As for where did so many cooks come from?

Very simple, the food for these ordinary people must not be the same as the cooks in the real dining room, and the food for these ordinary people can be said to be semi-finished products.

It was something provided by Tony Stark.

For such a huge list provided by Zhu Houzhao, even Tony Stark could not refuse.

If nothing else, the population of Daming Kyoto is in the millions!

Providing half-finished food for millions of people is naturally a proper big list, so Tonis Dak has already prepared this list in advance, and also deliberately went to the Kyushu country on the other side of the ocean to customize this list.

No way, the appetites of the common people of Daming and the beautiful country in which Tonis Lake is located are not the same type at all.

The appetite of the common people of Daming is the appetite of the people of Kyushu, and it is impossible to let millions of ordinary people eat hamburgers, right?

That's not possible, so all this food is from Kyushu's specially customized Chinese food.

Under the power of the Daming royal family, millions of semi-finished Chinese food can still be served on the table for the common people to enjoy.

The streets are directly filled with tables on which are placed one by one, the uniform pork knuckle rice!

That's right, unified pork knuckle rice!

Then in the eyes of later generations, this pork foot rice, which can only be eaten when they can't catch up or even helpless, is directly regarded as a delicacy by the common people in Daming Kyoto at this moment.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze'~!"

"Everyone has it!"

"Who dares to squeeze blindly again and cut off all your heads!"

One after another, Jin Yiwei just held the embroidered spring knife and looked at all the common people in his gaze.

In the face of the threat from Jinyiwei, those ordinary people can only resist the desire in their hearts, and just look at Jinyiwei, who is distributing pig's foot rice, with drool.

When one after another ordinary people ate pig's foot rice like this, all the ordinary people had an unprecedented excitement in their eyes.

"Haw, haw..."

The sound of eating continued throughout Daming Kyoto.

All the ordinary people just looked at the pork foot rice with vegetables, meat, and even rice in their bowls, and no common people were not excited.

Even if there are many rich people in Daming Kyoto, but more and more belong to those ordinary people, the really rich guys only account for a few percent of the entire Daming Kyoto, but the ordinary people account for more than 90% of the Daming Kyoto.

When more than 90% of the people in Daming Kyoto eat this delicious pork knuckle rice, they feel as if it is the best thing they have ever eaten in their lives.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!

In an instant, an unprecedented excitement flashed in the eyes of one ordinary person after another.

It's just delicious!

They had never eaten this thing in most of their lives, so when the pork knuckle rice provided by Zhu Houzhao was distributed to every people, their eyes would have an unprecedented excitement in their eyes.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Hooray!!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Excited shouts began to fill the entire Daming Kyoto.

In the face of the shouts that filled the entire Daming Kyoto, the envoys from the Seven Kingdoms all showed an incredible expression and looked at the brocade guards who were distributing pig's foot rice.

At this moment, Prince Fusu of Daqin showed an incredulous expression and spoke: "This, this, the Daming royal family is actually so rich?" "

"Providing food for millions of people in Kyoto, if I'm not mistaken, there is actually meat in it."

At this moment, Fusu at this moment spoke with an incredulous expression.

Although there is often a case of disaster relief, it is not the same thing that the whole people of Kyoto eat a delicious meal because of the emperor's wedding.

This can only be understood from the side, that is, the Daming Empire has more wealth than they imagined, and the Daming Empire has enough money to provide such a delicious meal for the common people.

Facing the shock that Fusu had at the moment, the princes of several other empires saw this scene that they currently had in their field of vision.

"~ Is this the national strength of the Daming Empire?"

The Great Tang Prince Li Chenggan's eyes at this moment flashed a trace of heavy self-talk.

The distance between the Daming Empire and the Tang Empire was not particularly far, although there was also a Great Song Empire between them.

But the object of the current Daming Emperor is a princess of the Great Song Empire!

The relationship between the Daming Empire and the Song Empire is destined not to be too stiff, but their Tang Empire is different.

There is no so-called friendly relationship between their Tang Empire and the Daming Empire, and if the Daming Empire has such great strength, then their Tang Empire is in danger.

"Be sure to inform Father Emperor of this news!"

"The Daming Empire is simply too dangerous."

At this moment, I saw that Li Chenggan, the prince of the Great Tang Dynasty at this moment, was secretly thinking about Daoist in his heart.

The princes of several other empires also had the same idea in their hearts.

They felt a pang of wonder that the current Daming Empire could actually allow millions of people to eat a meal with vegetables, meat, and even rice.

This can only represent one thing, the national strength of the Daming Empire surpasses them.

The Daming Empire is very dangerous!

Danger like never before!


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