Soon, the mighty delegation entered the palace.

After the envoys of the seven empires entered the palace, the palace had long been decorated with golden splendor.

After all, it is also Zhu Houzhao's first wedding, so naturally it needs to be grand.

I saw that after all the officials of the Daming Empire and the envoys from the Seven Great Empires were seated, even some specially invited people also came to this palace.

It's just that in the face of this group of specially invited people, some officials from the Daming Empire, as well as guys from other empires, all looked at this group of guys with a hint of curiosity.

"Who are these guys?"

"What is their identity?"

"It seems that their identities should be ordinary people, can ordinary people also come to this palace to participate in the wedding of the Daming Emperor?"

I saw that Liu Xie, the prince of the current Han Empire, flashed a trace of doubt at this moment and spoke.

"This 390, I don't know."

For the words of Liu Xie, the prince of the Great Han, a general next to him looked at a group of guys who had a high status in the heart of the Daming Emperor on the other side, but those guys were completely dressed by ordinary people, maybe some guys were dressed particularly luxuriously, but they were not any guys they knew.


The envoys of the Seven Great Empires all looked at the group of members of the chat group and the guys they brought with them with a curious gaze.

I saw that at this moment, the hit behind Yue Buqun flashed a heavy gaze towards everything around him.

"Husband, this."

At this moment, Ning Zhong looked at Yue Buqun with a trembling gaze.

For Ning Zhongze at this moment, she can be regarded as ignorant from beginning to end.

Because she was brought here by Yue Buqun in a daze, and then she was stunned to find that she had actually come to another world, and the dynasty she was currently in in another world also belonged to the Daming Zhengde Dynasty, but this world was completely different from theirs.

There are all the countries in this world that have appeared in their history, and their strength is far beyond the power of any country in their history, even if they are now in the Ming Dynasty, this Ming Dynasty has more power than Ning Zhongze imagined.

And now, they ended up in the palace to attend the wedding of the Daming Emperor, and the most important thing is that if Ning Zhong is not wrong, watching their existence comes from the princes of various countries.

The princes of those historical dynasties looked at them with a hint of curiosity at this moment, and the most important thing was that the strength exuded by the generals beside them made each of them understand that the strength of this group of guys could simply be regarded as extremely terrifying.

In front of such a powerful existence, is this group of guys really suitable to sit here?

For the fear that Ning Zhong had at this moment, Yue Buqun spoke so calmly at this moment: "Junior sister, there is no need to be so nervous, we are currently distinguished guests belonging to the Emperor Daming, and they dare not take anything from us." "

"All we need now is to eat the wedding banquet of the Emperor Daming here quietly (CEEC)."

Yue Buqun said so calmly.

Although Yue Buqun was also uncalm in his heart at this moment, Yue Buqun did not show a scene of fear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What is he afraid of for?

For Yue Buqun, he didn't have the need to be afraid at all, mainly because the situation was here.

The princes and generals of these countries may be powerful, but the problem is that he is not a common man in each country.

He is a common man in the Daming Empire who belongs to the Eight Classics!

Even if he does not belong to the Daming people in this world, he also belongs to the Daming people of the Eight Classics, and the most important thing is that he does not belong to the existence in this world.

So what is he afraid of?

At this moment, Yue Buqun seemed that as long as he didn't provoke that group of guys, then he had no need to be afraid at all.

While listening to Yue Buqun's words, Yue Buqun's junior sister Ning Zhong was forcibly enduring the fear in his heart at this moment, and forcibly pressed the fear in his heart to the bottom of his heart.


Ning Zhong exhaled deeply.

In the face of the fear that Ning Zhong had at this moment, the people brought over by the other group friends of the chat group also showed the same level of fear.

Because in this regard, except for Tonis Dak, a guy from modern society who has no concept of imperial power at all, Tony Duck is not afraid at all, and at the same time, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, the two serious demons are not afraid, the rest of the guys have shown different levels of fear.

The most important thing is that the group of Taoist priests from the Maoshan Sect, the group of Taoist priests from the Maoshan Sect all have more or less strength, so they can naturally see the power of national fortune exuded by the princes of that country, and at the same time, the terrifying murderous aura exuded by the generals of those countries.

Each of the auras emanating from their bodies could make them feel a sense of fear that they had never felt before, but they all gathered together at this moment.

At the same time that the group friends in the chat group showed a trembling, a burst of sounds came into everyone's ears.

"Tread, tread..."


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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