At the same time that the princes of the major empires returned to the major empires one after another, what happened in the Ming Empire was also transmitted to the major empires at this moment.

First of all, the first point is the fire unicorn owned by the emperor who belongs to the Ming Empire.

That's right, it's about the fire unicorn that the Ming Emperor owns, and that fire unicorn doesn't belong to any so-called alien beast, the fire unicorn is a serious divine beast!

They can say with certainty that it does not belong to some rare beast, it is purely a legendary divine beast unicorn that belongs to the Eight Classics!

But as for the news being transmitted to the ears of the emperors of the various empires, the first reaction in the eyes of the emperors of the major empires must be disbelief.


How is this possible!

If the mount of the Ming Emperor is a little strange animal or something, it is not impossible.

After all, as the emperor of the Ming Empire, it is not very normal for the other party to have some strange mounts?

But what did they hear as a result?

The emperor of the Ming Empire actually had the legendary fire unicorn as his mount?

The Qilin, the divine beast that is serious, is actually the mount of the Ming Emperor?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't sound like it's true.

Therefore, when the emperors of the major empires received the words of the princes of their major empires, the first reaction of the emperors of the major empires was disbelief.

For example, Li Shimin from the Tang Empire.

At this moment, Li Shimin replied with a hint of helplessness: "You are absolutely mistaken, how can there be such a thing as a unicorn in this world?"

"If there are mythical beasts in this world, they have been discovered a long time ago, how can they be discovered by the Ming Emperor.?"

"Even if there really is a divine beast, then how can it be subdued by the Ming Emperor?"

I saw that Li Shimin shook his head slightly at this moment.

The legendary mythical beast unicorn?

No, no, no, the world would never believe such a statement anyway.

Then in the face of the current attitude that Li Shimin has, Li Chengqian, who was below, said with a serious voice: "Father, I didn't lie. "

"Emperor Daming really has the legendary divine beast Qilin as a mount. "

"Uncle Cheng can testify completely. "

Li Chengqian's eyes said with a firm expression.

He can say with certainty that the mount of the Ming Emperor is really the legendary divine beast Qilin, and there is no possibility of falsehood.

Faced with Li Chengqian's attitude at this moment, Li Shimin's brows furrowed slightly: "Don't make trouble, how can there be such a thing as the legendary unicorn?"

"If there really is a legendary unicorn, the Great Zhou Dynasty thousands of years ago could have arrested this so-called divine beast unicorn, how could it be left until now?

Li Shimin said lightly.

However, in the face of Li Shimin's words, Cheng Yanjin, who was below, exhaled deeply: "Your Majesty, although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said a little eagerness in his words, there was nothing wrong with the words spoken by His Royal Highness the Prince. "

I saw a heavy opening in Cheng Yanjin's eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Facing Cheng Yanjin's words, Li Shimin's brows furrowed slightly and said, "Are you sure?"

"You must know that it belongs to the legendary divine beast, how can there be such a thing as a divine beast in our world?"

"The Divine Beast has always been alone in the legend, how can there be a Divine Beast?"

A trace of seriousness flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

For Cheng Yanjin's words, it seems to have a bit of weight in Li Shimin's place.

If nothing else, Cheng Bitingjin's strength is here, this general of one of the great grandmaster realms in the Tang Empire, then Cheng Bitingjin's realm is enough to mean that Cheng Biting Jin will definitely not be confused by any so-called illusion.

As for Li Chengqian?

Li Chengqian's strength in the acquired realm is really likely to be confused by some so-called illusion, so in the face of his crown prince Li Chengqian's words, Li Shimin didn't really believe it, Li Shimin felt that this should be a little trick made by the Ming Emperor.

But for Cheng Yanjin's words, this is different.

Cheng Biting Jin's strength is the Great Grandmaster Realm, although it is not the existence of the late stage or even the peak realm of the Great Grandmaster, but even so, the strength of the early stage of the Great Grandmaster already represents the power that Cheng Biting Jin has in the entire Kyushu Continent, except for the powerhouses of the Heavenly and Human Realm, the power of the Great Grandmaster Realm has stood at the top level of the entire Kyushu Continent.

That also means that there is no existence that can easily bewitch the existence of a great grandmaster, and the words spoken by Cheng Yanjin are very weighty to Li Shimin.

But at this moment, Cheng Yanjin also said that he saw the legendary divine beast Qilin from Emperor Daming.

So Li Shimin wanted to confirm once again whether this was true.

In response to Li Shimin's inquiry, Cheng Yanjin nodded and replied: "'Your Majesty, regarding the Divine Beast Qilin Mount owned by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, although I don't know where he obtained this legendary Divine Beast from (Li Hao). "

"But the mount of the divine beast Qilin owned by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty does belong to a fact placed on the surface, and it is not an illusion or anything like that. "

"It's a real divine beast unicorn. "

Cheng Yanjin's eyes said with a solemn expression.

"And that's not the point, the point is that the strength possessed by the Divine Beast Cavalry is the realm of heaven and man. "

Cheng Yanjin said to Li Shimin with a heavy look in his eyes.

Regarding Cheng Yanjin's words, Li Shimin's eyes instantly carried a sense of incredulity.


"The Divine Beast Qilin of the Heavenly and Human Realm?"

For a moment, Li Shimin was shocked.


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