"The Divine Beast Fire Qilin of the Heavenly and Human Realm?"

Li Shimin said with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

In response to Li Shimin's unbelievable words, Cheng Yanjin nodded slightly and said, "That's right, Your Majesty." "

"Although this may sound a bit unrealistic or even incredible, the Ming Emperor's mount, the Divine Beast Qilin, is real, and the strength of the other party is in the realm of heaven and man. "

"Although I don't know which level it belongs to the realm of heaven and man, it is certain that the aura emitted by the divine beast qilin is a well-deserved heaven and man. "

Cheng Yanjin said with a heavy voice.

Listening to the words from Cheng Yanjin, Li Shimin's eyes directly carried an incredible expression.

Obviously, Li Shimin more or less believed in Cheng Biting Jin's words.

Because he believes that Cheng Biting Jin will not lie to him in this world, that is to say, Cheng Biting Jin's words are true, the Ming Emperor really has a divine beast unicorn as a mount, and the strength of that divine beast unicorn still belongs to the realm of heaven and man.


Li Shimin's brows furrowed slightly.

"A divine beast unicorn with the realm of heaven and man, plus Zheng He, who also has the realm of heaven and man in the 930 countries of Emperor Daming. "

"This Ming Empire now has two heavenly and human realm existences!"

Li Shimin's eyes were heavy.

Regarding this realm of heaven and man, there is only one of the major empires, and there may be some guys whose strength is at the peak of the great grandmaster's realm, but in the end, they have not broken through to the realm of heaven and man.

If there really are two celestial powerhouses in any empire, then they will definitely choose to start doing their best to see if they can swallow up one of the surrounding empires.

After all, a strong man in the realm of heaven and man can drag down the strong man of the other empire, and another can completely snipe the general of the enemy empire on the battlefield, such a country with a strong man of heaven and man will definitely be defeated.

In that case, it is only a matter of time before the other party's empire is annexed.

Therefore, the celestial powerhouses of the major empires all belong to two, but as a result, the celestial powerhouses of the Ming Empire suddenly have one more.

The Ming Empire, which has two celestial powerhouses, has a position in the entire eight empires, which directly brings about an earth-shaking change.

Although the current overall strength of the Ming Empire cannot be regarded as top-notch, in terms of high-end combat effectiveness, the overall strength of the Ming Empire is already a truly top-level existence.

"It's a big problem. "

Li Shimin said with a heavy self-talk in his eyes.

Just when Li Shimin's eyes were talking to himself with a heavy heart, Cheng Yanjin, who was below, chose to close his mouth at this moment.

He just needs to make sure that this thing is true, as for how to deal with it?

I'm sorry, but it's really not something he can solve.

In the face of Li Shimin, the emperor of the Ming Empire, fell into a deep solemnity, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Yingzheng, also showed an expression of disbelief.


"A legendary divine beast unicorn, and that divine beast unicorn actually has the power of the realm of heaven and man?!" (adbe)

Ying Zheng said with an incredible look in his eyes.

Regarding the incredulity in Ying Zheng's eyes, Meng Tian at this moment replied honestly: "Yes, Your Majesty, the emperor of the Ming Empire did surrender to a legendary divine beast, the Fire Qilin, and the strength of the Fire Qilin is still a heavenly powerhouse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw that Meng Tian at this moment told Yingzheng everything he saw and heard in the Ming Empire.

In the face of Meng Tian's words, Ying Zheng at this moment closed his eyes tightly, with an unprecedented heaviness in his eyes.

He was wondering how to deal with the situation.

The fire unicorn in the Ming Empire has a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man, which means that the balance has been completely broken.

In the case that the balance has been completely broken, the identity of the fire qilin with the power of the Heaven and Man realm on the other side of the Ming Empire is another problem.

Although Ying Zheng doesn't know where the Ming Emperor got a fire unicorn from, he can already do a lot of things just by virtue of the identity of this unicorn as a divine beast.

You know, it's a mythical beast!

In the case that there were no divine beasts in the seven empires, a divine beast suddenly popped out in the Ming Empire.

The result is still the auspicious divine beast Qilin, so what will those ordinary people in the whole world think of the Ming Empire?

I'm afraid that the emperor of the Ming Empire should have been recognized by heaven, right?

Otherwise, how could the emperor of the Ming Empire have this legendary divine beast Qilin?

It is even very likely that the emperor of the Ming Empire will succeed the Great Zhou Dynasty of the previous era and unify the entire Kyushu continent again.

Because the divine beast unicorn represents the auspiciousness of the heavens, then this represents the strong team of the heavens that appeared in the Ming Empire, doesn't this mean that the Ming Empire has the qualifications to be able to join the entire Kyushu Continent?

Or is it that the Ming Empire is recognized by heaven and earth as the existence of the unification of the entire Kyushu continent?

There is a good chance that all of this will happen.

And for the emperor Yingzheng of the Great Qin Empire, this is undoubtedly a disrupting of all his deployments.

"It's a big problem. "

Ying Zheng said with a heavy self-talk in his eyes.

At the same time that the emperors of the Tang Dynasty and the Great Qin Empire were in a heavy state at this moment, the emperors of those empires also knew what happened in the Ming Empire.


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