After a while, the Qinglong Commander began to lead these Maoshan faction guys to the place where the Qing Empire was once located, and there were 100,000 troops traveling with them.

As for where did these 100,000 troops come from?

It's very simple, it is an army of 100,000 summoned by Zhu Houzhao.

The soldiers in the 100,000-strong army are all the existence of the acquired realm.

The Qinglong commander led an army of 100,000 and many guys from the Maoshan faction to the place where the decisive battle broke out between the Qing Empire and the Ming Empire.

As for why you should go there?

It's simple, because if you want to refine zombies, you definitely need a place full of resentment.

Where is it suitable in today's Ming Empire?

Then Zhu Houzhao can only think of one place, that is, the decisive battle between the Ming Empire and the Qing Empire, where hundreds of thousands of troops of the Qing Empire were buried.

The guys of the Great Qing Empire must have been full of 03 resentment before they died, which happened to be very suitable for zombie training.

And in the face of the travel of the 100,000 army, the spies of the major empires also showed a trace of doubt.

They really want to know where the 100,000 army came from!

The spies of various countries in the Ming Dynasty can be said to be extremely confused about the appearance of this 100,000 army, because they don't know where this 100,000 army jumped out of it.

These 100,000 troops seemed to appear out of thin air, appearing in the Ming Dynasty and Kyoto out of thin air, and then these 100,000 troops set off in the direction that once belonged to the Qing Empire.

"Could it be that this is to counter the rebellion?"

At this moment, the bad people from the Tang Empire just opened their mouths with a hint of thought.

"Leave it alone, just pass the news on. "

"It doesn't matter what his 100,000-strong army is doing, we just need to pass on this news. "

A captain from the bad people of the Tang Empire said lightly.

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to monitor the Ming Dynasty, their number itself is not particularly large, where to separate some superfluous bad people to monitor where the 100,000 army is going?

Then the only way to pass this news back to China is to let the leader of the bad people report it to their Majesty, and let their Majesty send some extra bad people to discuss the news of this army.

Anyway, they definitely can't leave Daming Kyoto casually, the place they are in is the base camp of Daming Jinyiwei, they are finally able to gain a foothold in this Daming Kyoto, once they leave, who knows what will happen?

So they can't just get out of here.

The existence of the same idea is not only the bad people of the Tang Empire, but also several other empires have the same idea.

Anyway, they definitely can't leave here casually, otherwise their base in this Ming Kyoto will be destroyed at that time.

One after another, news centered on the Ming Dynasty and Kyoto is still pouring towards the major empires.



And the Maoshan Taoist priests who are in the 100,000 army at this moment, the Maoshan Taoist priests are looking at those soldiers with a sigh of emotion in their eyes at this moment.

"Master, can these soldiers really understand what they're going to do next?"

Shi Jian, who is currently a senior disciple of the Maoshan Sect, couldn't help but speak.

Maybe this Shi Jian's thoughts are a little bit abnormal, but it is just in their world, coming to this new world, seeing this new future, that as the senior brother of the Maoshan faction, he feels that he needs to make the Maoshan faction stronger.

Therefore, Shi Jian naturally showed the brilliance that a senior brother should have.

At present, he has an idea, that is, can these soldiers really die willingly and become zombies?

Listening to the words from Shi Jian, the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment also opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.

"Well, I don't know about that either. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At that time, we can only let this brocade guard inform these soldiers, at least we need to let these soldiers become zombies willingly, once something goes wrong, this is probably a real crisis for our Maoshan faction. "

The head of the Maoshan faction shook his head helplessly.

He also wanted to know if the soldiers really knew what they needed to do next.

That's death!

Even if it will be resurrected in another form at that time, are zombies still human?

It's not the same death yet!

Can these soldiers really die willingly?

What if they regret it when the time comes, and even 617 will do something to them?

The head of the Maoshan faction felt that it was necessary to discuss it with the commander of the Jinyi Guard.

A ventilation is required.

"Makes sense. "

Listening to the words from the head of the Maoshan faction, Shi Jian, the senior brother of the Maoshan faction at this moment, couldn't help but nodded.


As the figure of the head of the Maoshan faction walked in the direction of the commander of the Jinyi Guard, many disciples of the Maoshan faction also began to discuss at this moment.

"I didn't expect it to be true. "

"It all feels like a dream. "

A hint of emotion flashed in the eyes of the four-eyed Dao Leader, and he looked at the soldiers around them.

They've literally come from their world to a new world, and all they need to do is turn all of these soldiers into zombies.

It sounds incredible, but what it sounds incredible is a fact that belongs to the Eight Classics.

This really made the four-eyed Taoist feel a deep emotion.


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