"Don't talk about you, even I feel like it's like a dream. "

After listening to the words of his junior brother, Uncle Jiu on the side also had a sigh in his eyes.

In their world, the status of their Maoshan faction can be regarded as quite powerful, but unfortunately, the decline of their Maoshan faction is a fact on the surface, but since he joined this chat group that can communicate with the outside world, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Their entire Maoshan faction has come to this unknown world, and what their Maoshan faction needs to do next is to refine zombies for the emperor of the Ming Empire.

Train 100,000 zombies!

That's what they're going to do next, and it sounds a little bit incredible, but it's a fact that's on the surface.

"yes, it's like a dream. "

One guy after another said with a hint of emotion in their eyes.

At this moment, while many disciples of the Maoshan faction were sighing slightly, the head of the Maoshan faction came to the side of the commander of the Jinyi Guard.

"See Your Excellency. "

After the head of the Maoshan faction looked at the murderous Jinyi guard in front of him, the head of the Maoshan faction swallowed his saliva and said.

Looking at the figure of the head of the Maoshan faction and listening to the words of the head of the Maoshan faction, the Qilin commander had a trace of doubt in his eyes: "What's the matter?"

I saw that the Qilin commander spoke with a hint of doubt.

"My lord, that's what I want to ask. "

"Do these soldiers really understand their fate next?"

"The next soldiers will commit suicide en masse, and when the time comes, they will turn from a living person into a corpse, and although they will be resurrected in an alternative form, will these soldiers be able to accept it?"

"If it's not acceptable, then it's probably a big problem. "

The head of the Maoshan faction swallowed deeply and said.

Listening to the inquiry from the head of the Maoshan faction, the Qilin commander at this moment smiled like this: "That's what you're talking about." "

"As to whether these soldiers can have the idea of dying for the imperial court, I can only reply to you clearly. "

"They have. "

"When the time comes, they will naturally cooperate with you, even if it is death. "

At this moment, I saw the Qilin Commander speak solemnly.

Regarding the question of the lives of the soldiers of this 100,000-strong army, the Qilin Commander was also surprised when he first got the news, because their majesty's reply said that these soldiers were willing to pay their lives for the Ming Empire, or that these soldiers only knew what their fate would be like next, but they still chose to follow him here without hesitation.

What does this mean?

This shows that these soldiers will really choose to put down their lives!

For the attitude that these soldiers have, even the Qilin Commander at this moment is extremely admired, because if it were him, I am afraid he would not be able to be so decisive, but these soldiers have achieved this kind of decisiveness, which will inevitably make the Qilin Commander feel a burst of admiration.

Listening to the words spoken by the Qilin Commander, the head of the Maoshan Sect nodded deeply.

"I see. "

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan faction was a little surprised by the reply of the Qilin commander, but he still said that he understood.

At the same time, I was also a little surprised by the attitude that the soldiers of the Ming Empire had. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You must know that this is not a war or anything like that, if it is just a war or something, then it is easy to say, but unfortunately this is not a war at all!

This is the real sense of sending all the soldiers to death!

As a result, these soldiers still didn't have any complaints, so for the head of the Maoshan faction, this would naturally cause him a little shock, this belongs to the power of the Ming Empire in this world!

With such powerful soldiers, then the Ming Empire in this world does not unify the entire Kyushu Continent, which is a truly special and unusual thing.

"'Then let me give you the icing on the cake!'"

The eyes of the head of the Maoshan faction flashed with a hint of deep and firm self-talk.

Although the strength of the Ming Empire in this world is very strong, the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment feels that he may be able to help the Ming Empire, or the icing on the cake.


Soon, the figure of the head of the Maoshan faction came to the side of his disciples.

"Master, what did the commander of the guards say?"

One after another disciples of the Maoshan Sect looked at their head with a puzzled gaze.

Regarding the gaze of these many disciples at this moment, the head of the Maoshan faction replied with a deep breath: "It's very simple, the juniors and disciples in this 100,000 army are all willing. "

"Are they willing to die for the Ming Empire? "

The head of the Maoshan faction (the king's Zhao) said the words that the Qinglong Commander had spoken to him to his many disciples.

And in the face of the words of the head of the Maoshan faction, the disciples of the Maoshan faction looked at each other one after another, and they all saw a deep shock in each other's eyes.


"The soldiers of this 100,000-strong army can actually do this?"

One after another Maoshan class disciples, even including the ninth uncle, they all looked at the soldiers in the 100,000 army around them with an incredible gaze at this moment.

"This, is this a soldier belonging to the Ming Empire?"

Uncle Nine said with a shock in his eyes.


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