"See Your Majesty, at present, that group of Maoshan Taoist priests are already preparing to train zombies. "

I saw that the Qinglong Commander reported so respectfully.

Facing the report of the Qinglong commander, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

"Prepare everything, whatever they want, as long as they provide everything they need!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a serious look in his eyes.

After his wedding, Zhu Houzhao seemed to have seen the scene where the major empires would target the Ming Empire, after all, the strength of the Ming Empire was a little foul.

At present, the strong man on the bright side belongs to the two heavenly and human realms, and the overall strength of the Ming Empire is so strong, Zhu Houzhao does not believe that other empires have no idea of targeting the Ming Empire.

Since it is very likely that other empires will target the Ming Empire, Zhu Houzhao feels that what the Ming Empire needs to do is obviously to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized as quickly as possible, such as the current zombie army.

If the zombie legion of the Ming Empire is successfully refined, then the Ming Empire will have the real capital that can sweep the entire Kyushu Continent at that time. 027 After all, the zombie thing has a special feature, that is, it has the incorruptible body of King Kong, and can rely on the body to carry swords, guns and swords to attack, in this Kyushu continent, the method of attack is still a sword, gun and sword attack, so once the soldiers in the 100,000 army become zombies, they don't say that the real King Kong is not bad, but at least they can withstand most of the attack at one time.

I am afraid that when the time comes, the power of these 100,000 troops on the battlefield will be comparable to that of 500,000.

It is even possible that an army of 100,000 can sweep through a country.

So on the question of this zombie army, Zhu Houzhao's attitude is very simple, that is, no matter what the other party needs, as long as the zombies can be refined, everything the other party needs will be provided!

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

I saw that the Qinglong Commander at this moment replied respectfully.

At this moment, when the Ming Empire in the Kyushu Continent was preparing to refine zombies, in the Ming Empire where Yue Buqun was, Yue Buqun came to Kyoto at this moment.


Yue Buqun's eyes looked in the direction of the palace with a solemn look.

"I just don't know if it's going to work. "

I saw Yue Buqun's eyes muttering to himself with a thoughtful expression.

As for why Yue Buqun came to the palace?

It's very simple, because Yue Buqun wants to make the Huashan faction the state religion in the entire Ming Empire!

As for the rivers and lakes?

I'm sorry, the rivers and lakes have long been out of Yue Buqun's eyes, and Yue Buqun's world already belongs to the whole world.

He wants to make the Huashan faction the state religion of the Ming Empire, as long as the Huashan faction can become the country of the Ming Empire, then the Huashan faction can naturally enjoy huge luck.

Then, with the knowledge he has, he can completely lead the Ming Empire to sweep the entire world!

As long as he can lead the Ming Empire to become stronger, then when the time comes, won't the luck of the Huashan faction of the country be rising?

It's not impossible for him to even become the emperor of the next emperor, as for becoming an emperor?

I'm sorry, if it belonged to other dynasties or even other emperors, Yue Buqun might really have this idea.

But it's a pity that the dynasty he is in is the Ming Dynasty, and the current emperor is Emperor Zhengde Zhu Houzhao, so Yue Buqun can only completely dispel the thoughts in his heart, who let them chat with the emperor Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty?

So when he was the emperor in the Ming Dynasty, or even the emperor during the Zhengde Dynasty, Yue Buqun directly chose to refuse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since you can't be an emperor, you can only be a high-ranking national teacher.

While Yue Buqun was thinking in his mind, his figure also disappeared directly in place at this moment.


When Yue Buqun's figure disappeared completely in place, when Yue Buqun's figure appeared once, he had already appeared in the palace.


Bursts of footsteps sounded in the majestic palace.

And just after Yue Buqun's figure appeared in the palace, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of Emperor Zhengde who was in the palace.

"These damn things!"


"Don't wait for me to get their hands on them, or I'll let them experience what real pain is!"

I saw a hint of anger flashing in Emperor Zhengde's eyes, and he shouted.

In the face of the roar that Emperor Zhengde had, many eunuchs under his hands knelt tremblingly and did not dare to move.

As for why Emperor Zhengde was so angry?

It's very simple, it's completely because of the problem of the group of civil and military officials in the court today, which makes Emperor Zhengde angry and can't vent his anger.

In the face of Emperor Zhengde's anger, a leisurely voice came into Emperor Zhengde's ears: "Why is Your Majesty troubled?"

"I wonder if Poor Dao can solve His Majesty's problems?"

When this leisurely voice came into the ears of Emperor Zhengde, I saw that Emperor Zhengde's eyes immediately carried a solemnity: "Elder Wang!"


In an instant, an existence wearing a eunuch costume appeared directly in front of Emperor Zhengde.

And at this moment, when this guy dressed as a eunuch appeared in front of Emperor Zhengde, Yue Buqun, who was wearing a Taoist robe, appeared at the door of the main hall.

"Your Majesty, you are polite. "


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