At this moment, when Yue Buqun became the Ming National Teacher during the Zhengde Dynasty, the guys in several other worlds also began to launch their plans.

Of course, their plans can be said to be one-size-fits-all, because their plans are simple, even simple and on the surface.

Expand their power.

While all the members of the chat group were expanding their power with each other, Naruto Uzumaki, who was in the Hokage world, just took a deep breath and looked at the figure in front of him.

"I'm sorry, but in order to bring the entire Hokage world into true peace, I can only send you away for the time being. "

At this moment, I saw Naruto Uzumaki's eyes just say with a determined expression.

For the firmness that Naruto Uzumaki currently has, the existence in front of Naruto Uzumaki couldn't help but scold: "You damn guy!"

"How dare you do this to me!"

"Where are you going to send me?!"

At this moment, in front of Naruto Uzumaki, the figure that was tied up couldn't help but roar loudly at Naruto Uzumaki.

In the face of this roar, a figure appeared directly beside Naruto Uzumaki.

"Tsunade, you don't have to struggle anymore, struggling is of no use to you right now. "

"At least you can't recover your strength at the moment, so let's honestly give up resistance. "

I saw a fluttering voice burst into Tsunade's ears.

In the face of this fluttering voice, Tsunade looked at the man in front of him with a hint of anger.


"Naruto Uzumaki, I didn't expect you to ally with Orochimaru!"

"You damn it!"

I saw Tsunade's eyes look at Orochimaru and Naruto Uzumaki in front of him with a wave of anger.

For Tsunade at this moment, she can be said to be very, very angry now.

Because Naruto Uzumaki said that Jiraiya came to her for something, then Tsunade naturally wouldn't suspect this, so Tsunade followed Naruto Uzumaki to see what was going on with Jiraiya looking for her, but what she didn't expect was that while she followed Naruto Uzumaki to this place, Orochimaru suddenly appeared directly and sealed the strength she possessed.

Looking at this scene, no matter how stupid Tsunade is, he can see that Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the fourth generation Hokage, actually got together with Orochimaru, a traitorous ninja, I don't know when.

And also arrested her, and most importantly, from the words between the two of them, it is clear that they don't know where to send her!

For Tsunade at the moment, this naturally caused her uneasiness.

Faced with the uneasiness that Tsunade had at this moment, Naruto Uzumaki exhaled deeply and said, "This is good news for our entire ninja world. "

"As long as you can successfully serve that being, then our entire ninja world will usher in true peace!"

"A peace like never before!"

At this moment, I saw Naruto Uzumaki's eyes at this moment with a determined expression.

As for why Naruto Uzumaki was going to arrest Tsunade directly with Orochimaru?

It's very simple, because since Naruto Uzumaki attended Zhu Houzhao's wedding, Naruto Uzumaki found that the wife that Emperor Ming married was not at all as beautiful as some ninjas in their world.

At the same time, Naruto Uzumaki also learned that after the princess from the Great Song Empire whom the Ming Emperor married, then if there was any problem in the Great Song Empire, the Ming Empire would help the other party. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then, in the eyes of Naruto Uzumaki, this should belong to the Great Song Empire and have been protected by the Great Ming Empire, and the most important thing is that the strength of the Great Ming Empire is really strong!

The Ming Empire really has enough power to disperse all incoming enemies.

That Naruto Uzumaki naturally had an idea, could it be that he could marry some ninjas in their world to the Ming Emperor?

If there is any accident or something like that for them here, doesn't this mean that they can also get support from the Ming Emperor?

Once they have the support of the Ming Emperor, then Naruto Uzumaki looks 100% sure that they will be able to usher in true peace!

After thinking about it, in the end, Naruto Uzumaki could only focus on Tsunade.

Without him, since you want to marry the Ming Emperor, at least you need to be strong in strength, right?

Although Naruto Uzumaki didn't know what kind of realm Tsunade's strength belonged to in the world of the Ming Emperor, Tsunade's strength was very strong, and that was right.

The most important thing is Tsunade's identity, but he is the granddaughter of the first Hokage of their Konoha Village!

Then if something really happened to them in Konoha Village, I believe that Tsunade should not die without help.

So Naruto Uzumaki's idea is as simple as that, to exchange Tsunade for the stability of their Konoha Village and even the peace of the entire ninja world.

In the end, Naruto Uzumaki found Orochimaru, and also described the situation in other worlds in detail, and Orochimaru naturally would not have any opinion on such a situation, so the two guys hit it off, and finally arrested Tsunade directly.


Naruto Uzumaki directly immersed his mind in the chat group.

"Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao. "

Naruto Uzumaki directly chose Aite Zhu Houzhao without hesitation.


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