"Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao. "

I saw that Naruto Uzumaki directly chose Aite Zhu Houzhao.

For Aite from Naruto Uzumaki, a trace of doubt flashed in Zhu Houzhao's brow, who was handling affairs.


"What's the matter?"

I saw a trace of doubt flashing in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

For the guy Naruto Uzumaki, Zhu Houzhao can be regarded as having a little understanding, although the other party is said to belong to the protagonist in the Hokage world, but since the other party joined their chat group, it should be that the other party's view of life has been changed, so the other party has the appearance of a guy who doesn't talk much.

Even if the other party came to attend his wedding, but in Zhu Houzhao's impression, Naruto Uzumaki didn't have any superfluous words at all.

But at this moment, Naruto Uzumaki chose to take the initiative to Aite him, which had to make Zhu Houzhao curious, that is, what was Naruto Uzumaki doing?

For Zhu Houzhao's doubts, Naruto Uzumaki, who was in the Hokage world, exhaled deeply. 623

"Your Majesty, I have a woman here, and I want to give her to you. "

I saw that Naruto Uzumaki at this moment spoke directly to Zhu Houzhao.

Regarding Naruto Uzumaki's current words, everyone in the chat group showed a confused expression.

As for what Naruto Uzumaki took the initiative to do with the Aite Zhu Passport, not to mention Zhu Houzhao, even some other people in the chat group felt a burst of curiosity.

But all the guys in the chat group at this moment showed a confused expression.

Because if they didn't hear it wrong, Naruto Uzumaki said that he was going to send a woman to Zhu Houzhao?

As if guessing the confusion that everyone in the chat group had, Naruto Uzumaki explained: "That's right, I don't have anything worthy of His Majesty's attention in my current world, but there are only some beautiful women in my world. "

"Your Majesty, as an emperor in an empire, must need a little more descendants to inherit this huge empire, and although Your Majesty has just married now, a wife is still a little unconservative after all, so I am ready to give one of my women here to Your Majesty. "

I saw Naruto Uzumaki just say the words he had already thought of.

And listening to Naruto Uzumaki's words, I saw that the eyes of everyone in the chat group lit up slightly.

Yue Buqun, who was in the world of smiling proud rivers and lakes, flashed his eyes full of essence like this.

"Don't really say it, this Naruto Uzumaki really gave me a way. "

"I seem to be able to give my daughter to the emperor in my chat group. "

At this moment, I saw that Yue Buqun's eyes were filled with deep thought at this moment.

Yue Buqun thought that the words spoken by Naruto Uzumaki could be said to be very, very correct.

Today's Zhu Houzhao is in charge of a huge Ming Empire, and in the future, the Ming Empire will definitely have 100% certainty that the entire Kyushu Continent can be unified, since the Ming Empire has 100% certainty that the entire Kyushu Continent can be unified, then who will be the next successor of the Ming Empire at that time?

Although it is said that the emperor of the current Ming Empire already has a wife, what if this wife does not give birth to a qualified successor?

It seems that the Ming Emperor must need more descendants, because only a little more freight forwarder can choose a qualified successor, not the kind of successor that can only be forced to choose that successor.

So at this moment, Yue Buqun seems to have if his daughter Yue Lingshan gave birth to a qualified successor to the Ming Emperor in their chat group, then wouldn't this mean that he Yue Buqun can say that he can one day attain Taoism and ascend to heaven?

Regarding whether the Ming Emperor in their chat group will be able to become more powerful in the future?

Yue Buqun had never doubted it.

The completion of the power possessed by the other party in the Ming Empire can be described as terrifying, as long as the other party is given a chance, then the other party can burst out with unimaginable terrifying power, so what kind of existence will the Ming Empire become in the end?

Yue Buqun didn't know, but it didn't prevent Yue Buqun from understanding a truth, that is, the power possessed by the Ming Empire is a well-deserved first-class existence in today's chat group, even if Xu Xian's wife does not belong to a human being, Xu Xian's wife is a thousand-year-old snake demon who belongs to the Eight Classics, but compared with the Ming Empire?

I'm sorry, Yue Buqun still values this Ming Emperor more.

Yue Buqun is not the only one who has the same idea, and the heroes in the Fengyun World can't help but think about their chins at this moment.

"Looks like a pretty good idea, huh. "

"This guy who usually only knows diving didn't expect to be able to come up with such a good idea. "

The Hero looked at Naruto Uzumaki with the same satisfaction in his eyes.

For the hero, Naruto Uzumaki belongs to the kind of guy who doesn't talk much on weekdays and only knows about water groups on weekdays, but he didn't expect this guy who only knows water groups on weekdays to say such a good opinion.

"It seems that this can really be acted, and it seems that I can also marry my daughter to the Ming Emperor. "

A hint of thought flashed in Xiongba's eyes, and he muttered to himself.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao, as the protagonist, showed a confused expression.

"This guy. "

A hint of confusion flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes as he looked at Naruto Uzumaki's words.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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