
In an instant, I saw that in the Daming Palace on the Kyushu Continent, a dark blue crossing door appeared directly in front of Zhu Houzhao.

When this dark blue crossing door appeared in front of Zhu Houzhao, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a trace of deep expectation at this moment.

Regarding the Tsunade behind this door, Zhu Houzhao said that he was still very curious.

Just when a trace of deep curiosity flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, three figures appeared directly in front of Zhu Houzhao.

Faced with the appearance of these three figures, Zhu Houzhao said with a smile at this moment: "Welcome to the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao laughed softly.

And in the face of the smile that Zhu Houzhao had at this moment, the three figures that were currently appearing in the Daming Palace, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment flashed a trace of respectful words and replied: "See Your Majesty." "

Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth 03 respectfully at this moment.

For Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, the future peace in their ninja world depends on the Ming Emperor in front of him, so Naruto Uzumaki at this moment has no idea at all in front of Zhu Houzhao.

And when the current Orochimaru looked at the figure in front of them, a trace of deep solemnity flashed in Orochimaru's eyes at this moment.

"This force. "

When Orochimaru looked at the Ming Emperor in front of him like this, Orochimaru's first feeling was that the aura exuded by this Emperor Ming was really unusual, and the aura exuded by this Emperor Ming once made Orochimaru understand a truth, that is, the Emperor Ming in front of him was the real lord of a country!

As for the daimyo of the five great powers of their world?

I'm sorry, at this moment, it seems that the daimyo of the five major countries in their world has no qualifications to be called the lord of a country!

The comparison between the two sides immediately showed how dazzling the posture of the Ming Emperor in front of him was.

At the same time, the power in the body of this Ming Emperor had to make Orochimaru feel a little deeply surprised at this moment.

"This Ming Emperor actually has the power of the Shangnin realm, and even the power exuded by this is not as simple as ordinary Shangnin. "

When Orochimaru sensed the power in Zhu Houzhao's body, Orochimaru immediately felt a little surprised by the strength that this Ming Emperor possessed.

Because the daimyo of a country in their ninja world has no strength at all, the lord of a country in their ninja world is just an existence with power, although the lord of a country in their ninja world has strong power, but unfortunately the other party does not have strong strength at all.

But what about now?

The lord of the empire in another world in front of him has a strong strength, and the strength of this body ninja realm makes Orochimaru see a difference at this moment.

Facing the arrival of Orochimaru and Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, Zheng He, who was in the depths of the palace, flashed a trace of curiosity at this moment.

Because Zheng He just now suddenly noticed a trace of abnormality, in the face of the slightest abnormality that suddenly emerged in this palace, Zheng He naturally couldn't take it as if it hadn't happened.


In an instant, when Zheng He's divine thoughts directly echoed in the palace, he instantly discovered the three figures that appeared in front of His Majesty.


Facing the three figures that appeared in front of Zhu Houzhao, Zheng He directly took back his divine thoughts in an instant.

Although Zheng He didn't know who those three figures were, it didn't prevent Zheng He from understanding a truth at this moment, that is, these guys in front of His Majesty should be from other worlds.

Because there is a guy Zheng He knows, it seems that he is a guy from another world, and two new existences have come out next to the other party, and Zheng He seems to be a guy in the other party's world.

Since the other party knew their majesty, Zheng He naturally took back his divine thoughts. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And at the same time as Zheng He withdrew his gaze like this, at this moment, the eyes of the big snake pill in front of Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but have an unprecedented solemnity, and even Tsunade, who was sealed in strength, also looked at the depths of this palace with a solemn gaze.

"This, this force. "

Tsunade and Orochimaru both had a heaviness in their eyes.

For the feeling of peeping just now, whether it was Tsunade or Orochimaru, they could detect behind it what level of strength the 783 other party possessed.

Although they don't know what to say, they can clearly say that the strength of the other party is definitely beyond their imagination!

The power they possess is not like an ant in front of the other party, and the other party's just by exuding a breath is enough to make them feel a sense of crisis.

"This, this..."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a heavy look at the emperor of the Ming Empire in front of him.

"Is this the one from the Ming Empire?"

"What kind of realm does this belong to?!"

A hint of deep fear flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

In the face of the fear that flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, there was a heaviness in the eyes of Tsunade, who was tied up beside him and sealed his strength.

"It's over, and it seems that there is no possibility of escape at all. "

Tsunade's eyes were filled with a heavy sloquée.


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