"It's over, there's no way to escape. "

Tsunade's eyes flashed with a heaviness that he had never seen before.

For Tsunade at this moment, she had the idea of running away before this.

Although the being in front of her has the power of the upper ninja realm, for her, Tsunade has enough power to deal with the guy in front of her.

If nothing else, the strength she has is her self-confidence.

But the problem is that the extremely powerful existence that he just had in the depths of this palace directly shattered all the confidence that Tsunade had.

Because no matter how stupid Tsunade was, she could tell where the actual gap between the two of them was.

The powerhouse in the depths of the palace was able to make Tsunade perceive the power between the two of them with just a wisp of divine thought.

"I'm afraid that the strength of that strong man has surpassed that of grandpa. "

Tsunade muttered to himself with a heavy look in his eyes.

Regarding Zheng He's powerful power, it seems that the other party's power has obviously surpassed her grandfather's power in the current Tsunade, you must know that her grandfather is known as the god of the ninja world!

As a result, she has now met a strong person whose strength has probably surpassed her grandfather's level.

"What the hell is this place!"

"Why is there such a terrifying existence!"

A deep sense of despair flashed through Tsunade's heart.

In the face of the despair in Tsunade's heart, the current Orochimaru showed a bright smile at the moment.

"Your Majesty, this is the woman that Naruto Uzumaki and I want to contribute to Your Majesty~. "

I saw that the big snake pill at this moment just showed a hint of flattering gaze and looked at Zhu Houzhao.

At the same time, Orochimaru couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart: "Sure enough, this is really worthy of other worlds!"

"I'm afraid that this power has completely surpassed the god of the ninja world!"

"I didn't expect that I could see the existence of a god beyond the ninja world here!"

"My future is definitely here!"

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a hint of excitement that he had never seen before.

For this country that is known as the Ming Empire, then at this moment, Orochimaru looks, he feels that he is afraid that he can see his future here.

If he wanted to make his future even bigger, he felt that he had to stay in this so-called Ming Empire!

"No, I have to stay here!"

In this regard, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with unprecedented excitement.

Listening to Orochimaru's words, Naruto Uzumaki, who was currently beside him, said softly, "That's right, Your Majesty, this woman is a woman I dedicated to Your Majesty. "

"The identity of the other party is the granddaughter of the first Hokage in Konoha Village in our world, and the strength of the other party is quite good. "

I saw Naruto Uzumaki at this moment just open his mouth and explain.

Listening to Naruto Uzumaki's explanation, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of curiosity as he looked at the tied up Tsunade in front of him.

"The power of the Great Grandmaster realm is interesting. "

When Zhu Houzhao looked at the power of the Great Grandmaster Realm possessed by Tsunade, he instantly understood where the gap between the two worlds between them was.

The power possessed by Tsunade was obviously a shadow-level powerhouse that belonged to the Eight Classics, but this so-called shadow-level powerhouse was just a powerhouse belonging to a great grandmaster realm in their Kyushu Continent.

Since the power possessed by Tsunade is a powerhouse that belongs to the realm of the Great Grandmaster, then the super shadow level above this shadow-level powerhouse should belong to the level possessed by the Thousand Hand Pillars and Madara Uchiha, which should belong to the realm of heaven and man that they have in this world.

The super shadow-level powerhouses in the Hokage world, that is, the guys at the level between Madara Uchiha and the Thousand Hands Pillar, can completely beat any existence below their level at will, and if they are in the Kyushu Continent, they are powerhouses that belong to the realm of heaven and man, and they can completely beat the existence below the realm of heaven and man. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With such a conversion, Zhu Houzhao instantly understood the gap between the worlds of the two sides.

"'Then the power of the Shattered Void Realm possessed by Zheng He belongs to the existence of the six realms?'"

In this regard, Zhu Houzhao instantly deduced that the six powerhouses in the other party's world were the Broken Void Realm possessed by Zheng He in their world.


When he learned about the gap between the worlds between the two of them, a trace of unprecedented curiosity flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes at this moment.

"It's interesting. "

In this regard, at this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at Tsunade like this, and a trace of deep curiosity flashed in his eyes.

And when facing the curiosity in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, Orochimaru's eyes beside Tsunade lit up slightly.


"Things are stable!"

For the big snake pill at this moment, he can naturally see that this Ming Emperor does not have any desire for Tsunade in his eyes at all, at that time, I don't know why this Ming Emperor has such a strong curiosity, but since the other party has such a strong curiosity, it also means that the probability of them taking refuge in this Ming Empire has become reliable.

Thinking that he would be able to take refuge in this Ming Empire next, the Great Snake Pill at this moment showed a trace of unprecedented excitement.

And when Orochimaru showed a trace of unprecedented excitement, Zhu Houzhao at this moment looked at the huge pair of European pies that Tsunade had.


Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up instantly.


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