While Li Anguo led the soldiers of the Kirin Legion directly into the Hokage world, Naruto Uzumaki's figure also followed.

When everyone's figures appeared in the Hokage World, Li Anguo at this moment looked at the place where they were now, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Where are we now?"

Li Anguo's eyes looked at Naruto Uzumaki in front of him with a look of inquiry.

If they want to unify this world completely, then they must first know the general map used in their world.

Otherwise, wouldn't they be like a headless fly?

Listening to Li Anguo's words, Naruto Uzumaki saw the forest they were in so deeply, and Naruto Uzumaki's eyes carried a heaviness.

"This is Konoha Village, the Konoha Village of the Land of Fire. "

I saw Naruto Uzumaki at this moment open his mouth so heavily.

Listening to Naruto Uzumaki's words, Li Anguo nodded thoughtfully.

"Tell me what the general situation in the world looks like. "

Li Anguo asked directly at Naruto Uzumaki.

For this world 937 realm, Li Anguo doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

But for this so-called Konoha Village?

I'm sorry, he'll completely knock down this so-called Konoha Village later, as for the Fire Country behind Konoha Village?

I'm sorry, but after knocking down this Konoha Village, I'll also take down this so-called Fire Country.

Listening to Li Anguo's words, Naruto Uzumaki nodded and replied, "This marshal, the situation in our world is different from your world. "

"Our world is divided into five major countries, and there are some small countries around the big five, but those small countries can basically be ignored. "

"Basically, the situation in the whole world is that there are five major countries, and among the five major countries, there are five great ninja villages, and according to you, these five ninja villages belong to the military power possessed by the five major countries. "

"The most powerful is the one that belongs to the Fire Country, and the most powerful deity is the Konoha Village in the Fire Country. "

Naruto Uzumaki probably said something about the situation that existed in the entire Hokage world.

After listening to Naruto Uzumaki's words, Li Anguo squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the Konoha Village that they had outside the forest.

"Action, occupy this so-called Konoha Village!"

I saw Li Anguo wave his hand without hesitation.

"Yes, Marshal!"

After listening to the orders given by their marshal, the many generals beside Li Anguo replied directly and solemnly.


Soon, one general after another began to directly and frantically mobilize all the troops under their command.

"You continue. "

Li Anguo said to Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto Uzumaki listened to Li Anguo's words while looking at the Ming army that was preparing to act, Naruto Uzumaki exhaled deeply: "The current location we are in is in the Devil's Forest outside Konoha Village. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But I believe the guys in Konoha Village should have spotted us. "

Naruto Uzumaki just exhaled deeply.

The scale of the soldiers in the Kirin Legion is not small, and if the guys in Konoha Village will still find the soldiers of the Kirin Legion, then Naruto Uzumaki wonders if there is really something wrong with the guys in Konoha Village.

After all, such a large number of (adbb) troops can't be found, so the Konoha Village is destroyed.

Listening to Naruto Uzumaki's words, Li Anguo shook his head indifferently: "Then let them go." "

"Anyway, we have come to this world, and what we need to do next is to fully incorporate this world into the rule of the Ming Dynasty!"

As for the question of whether they will be discovered by this so-called strong man in Konoha Village?

Li Anguo said that it didn't matter, he had never expected to launch any surprise attacks or anything like that, and he had always advocated frontal warfare.

At this moment, while Li Anguo and Naruto Uzumaki were talking, all the ninjas in the entire Konoha Village had already fallen into a state of panic.

Especially the ninjas from the Hyuga family, the ninjas of the Hyuga family have a pair of white eyes, and the strength they possess can make them clearly see the huge army they have outside of Kimura.

When the ninjas from the Hyuga family saw the huge army they had outside Kimura, the entire ninjas of the Hyuga family fell into a state of panic like never before.

"An enemy has invaded!"

"And the enemies have already hit Konoha Village!"

At this moment, the ninjas of the entire Hyuga family instantly fell into a state of panic.

They couldn't imagine what kind of enemy this was, and these enemies had all sent a large army to the outside of Konoha Village.

The most important thing is that they have never heard from this army before this.

However, this situation can be postponed, and the current situation is how to deal with this huge army that has appeared outside of Konoha Village.

While the Hyuga family was the first to fall into panic, one after another the guys in the ninja family discovered the huge army that appeared outside Konoha Village, and even some civilian ninjas had a huge army outside Konoha Village.

Soon, all the ninjas in the entire Konoha Village knew that Konoha Village had been invaded by the enemy, and even the enemy's army had come outside Konoha Village.

For a moment, an atmosphere of panic enveloped the entire Konoha Village.


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