
"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"Where the hell did these enemies pop up from?!"

In the Hokage Building, as the Hokage, Sarutobi Slash shouted at the patriarchs of the many ninja families below with a sense of horror in his eyes, and at the same time, one after another ninjas whose strength had reached the upper ninja level were facing the angry eyes of Sarutobi Slash~Light.

However, for the angry gaze that Ape Fei Sun Slash has at this moment, there is no one who is currently at this time - to refute Ape Fei Sun Slash.

Because at this time, they also want to know what the hell is going on!

Why did the enemy come outside Konoha Village, and they actually received the news of the enemy?

If it weren't for the sheer number of enemies, I'm afraid the enemy would have already launched an attack on them in Konoha Village, and they would have been able to receive news of this enemy, right?

This is a fatal blow to them.

"Hokage-sama, I don't think we'd better worry about this issue first, let's discuss how to deal with the army outside of Konoha Village first. "

"Although they don't know why they came outside Kimura now, judging by their current situation, they should be preparing to attack, and there is even a high probability that they will attack at any time. "

"How do we deal with it?"

As the patriarch of the Hyuga family, he flashed a trace of anxiety at this moment.

The white of his eyes could let him see how huge the army outside Konoha Village was, such a huge army appeared quietly outside Konoha Village, if it weren't for the huge number of the other party that it was difficult to hide, I am afraid that the other party would have really appeared in Konoha Village to attack them.

Regarding Hinata Hinata's words, all the patriarchs of the major families in the scene fell silent for a while.


At the same time, one patriarch after another really didn't know how to reply to this question for a while.

Naturally, they had received news about the huge number of enemy troops, and regarding the huge number of troops the enemy had, they thought that their Konoha Village might not be able to compete with them at all.

Although this seems to be a bit of a debasement and elevating the enemy, this is indeed a serious fact.

The power they possess in Konoha Village is really no match for each other.

Their Konoha Village is in danger!

Listening to Hinata Hinata's words, the ape flying at this moment said so seriously: "The major families will mobilize all the ninjas in their respective clans!"

"All we can do now is to fight the enemy!"

"I don't know who this enemy is, and I don't even know where this enemy is. "

"But that doesn't stop us from having the attitude we have now, which is to let the enemy try the power we have!"

"We, Konoha Village, will never surrender!"

At this moment, there was an angry anger in Ape Fei Ri's eyes.

Although he also knew how huge the number of troops used outside of Konoha Village was, after all, they didn't fight, and in the absence of a fight, Sarutobi still belonged to the famous Shinobi.


In an instant, the patriarch of one family after another replied so seriously.

Obviously, for these family patriarchs at this moment, they can also understand that the current Konoha Village has suffered an unprecedented life and death crisis, and the most important thing is that they must also work hard for the life and death of Konoha Village. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because no one knows what the enemies outside of Konoha Village will do to them, although Konoha Village's attitude towards them is not very good, at least all the foundations they currently have are in Konoha Village, if Konoha Village is destroyed, it means that their respective families are to some extent what is the difference between that and extinction?

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Naturally, they couldn't accept this fact, so they had to fight for Konoha Village!


One after another the patriarchs of the clan left the Hokage Building, and they returned to their clan as quickly as possible, and soon directly gathered all the ninjas in the entire clan.

As the patriarchs of the major families in the entire Konoha Village began to gather their clansmen, in the Hokage Building, Danzou, who was the leader of the root at this moment, came to the side of Sarutobi Hiza.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why would such a strange enemy appear outside of our Konoha Village?"

I saw a trace of incomprehension flashing in Tuan Zang's eyes.

When Danzou learned that an unimaginably large army had appeared outside of their Konoha Village, Danzo's first reaction was who was joking with him.

Because how is this possible?!

You must know that their Konoha Village is the most powerful village in the entire ninja world!

Even if an enemy does invade, at least the enemy must first invade the Fire Country!

But what is the situation now?

The enemy actually came directly to the outside of their Konoha Village without realizing it?

They hadn't spoken of the invasion of the Fire Nation before.

Regarding Tuan Zang's question at the moment, Ape Fei Ri Slash's eyes replied with a heavy heart: "I don't know, I don't know who the enemy is, and I don't know how the enemy came out." "

"I only know that our Konoha Village is in danger. "

I saw that Ape Fei Ri Slash's eyes looked out of Konoha Village with a heavy look.


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