The battle was fought in full swing.

As the battle between the Ming soldiers and the ninjas of Konoha Village completely began, the masters of the two sides also found opponents at this moment.

It's just that the ninjas from Konoha Village do belong to the suppressed side.

There's no way.,Although this ninjutsu from the ninjas in Konoha Village is indeed extremely weird.,Daming soldiers really haven't fought with this kind of guys.,So when they fought with these guys, they were really a little bit almost killed by the ninjas of Konoha Village.。

But it's a pity that the number of Ming soldiers is here!

How many ninjas are there in Konoha Village?

How many soldiers are there in the Kirin Legion?

The difference in the amount of money between the two sides is completely different.

So on the surface, it seems to be evenly matched, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that the ninjas in Konoha Village are completely hanged existences.


One Ming soldier after another began to lay siege to a ninja.

In the face of the attack from the Ming soldiers, the ninja of Konoha Village at this moment is just 257 The chakra used in his body is constantly released towards him.


A stone wall was directly released, but at the same time that this stone wall was released, a Ming soldier beside him directly picked up the weapon in his hand and slashed at the Konoha ninja.

In the face of the attack from the Ming soldiers, the Konoha ninja directly chose a teleportation technique and teleported directly to other directions, but unfortunately, the Ming soldiers still followed closely behind and picked up their weapons and slashed towards the Konoha ninja.

"Hehe, you still want to run away?"

"Suffer death, you!"

A Ming soldier looked at the ninjas in their field of vision with a hint of hideousness.

After these preliminary collisions, they already have a general understanding of this so-called ninja, the means possessed by these ninjas seem to be very scary, but as long as they are allowed to get close, they can completely beat all these ninjas in Konoha Village.

Even some of the ninjas in Konoha Village are completely unable to carry their addj knives, as long as they can slash them, these so-called ninjas can basically be said to belong to the dead warp.

These guys can be said to be extremely weak.

Their methods seem to be very powerful, but unfortunately, their methods cannot eliminate the Ming soldiers in the first place.

The power possessed by the Ming soldiers doesn't seem to be very good, but don't forget that the Ming soldiers are all cultivated existences!

The internal force in their bodies is not an ornament!

It's not a problem to resist the ninjas in this Konoha Village a little, so as long as you can withstand this first wave of attacks, the second wave is a siege from the Ming soldiers.

In this way, one ninja after another in Konoha Village was directly killed by the Ming soldiers.

And those ninjas from the Hyuga clan had already begun to run frantically towards their clan's place at the first moment of the battle.

As for fighting to the death with the Ming soldiers?

I'm sorry, how did the people of the Hyuga family choose to refuse!

How could they possibly choose to fight these enemies who were very tough at first glance?!

The most important thing is that you already know that they can't beat each other at all, so why should they continue to fight each other?

Are they long-lived?

Sorry, none of the guys will feel like they've lived long enough, they all want to survive.

Faced with the escape of the ninjas of the Hyuga family, some ninjas in Konoha Village showed a bewildered expression at the moment.

"This, this..."

One of the ninjas of the small family looked at the fleeing Hinata family, and there was a look of confusion in his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn't this a matter of life and death for their entire Konoha Village?

Why did the ninjas of the Hyuga family choose to flee when faced with the critical point of life and death in Konoha Village?

The ninja of this small family didn't know what the situation was at all, but when the ninja of this small family was stunned for a moment, the Ming soldiers who were fighting with him directly raised their swords without hesitation.


The razor-sharp sword cut off the head of a ninja.

But after the ninja's head was cut off, the Ming soldiers who cut off the head looked at the fleeing Hyuga ninjas.

"I didn't expect this group of guys to be so knowledgeable, hehe. "

"I'm going to deal with you guys when they're done. "

Looking at the ninjas of the Hyuga family who had escaped, the Ming soldiers said with disdain.

The guys who ran away also have to be dealt with, but the guys on the battlefield must be dealt with before the guys who escaped.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

One after another, the Ming soldiers began to kill the ninjas in Konoha Village as if they had been beaten with chicken blood!

As the ninjas of Konoha Village began to be killed by the Ming soldiers one after another, the Ming soldiers had a more and more courageous expression in their eyes at the moment.

But the ninja from Konoha Village showed a look of horror.

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiza, who was fighting with Li Anguo at the moment, also saw the escape of the ninjas of the Hyuga family.

"These damn bunches!"

"When you become a deserter, you must look good when the time comes!"

Ape Fei Ri couldn't help but scold.

The escape of the group of guys from the Hyuga family really made Sarutobi feel angry.

In the face of the angry anger of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, Li Anguo, who was opposite him, held a halberd and launched an attack on the Ape Fei Sun Slash.


"Dare to be distracted by fighting me?"


I saw Li Anguo holding a halberd and slashing at the ape flying sun.



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