
When Li Anguo held a halberd in his hand and launched an attack on the ape Fei Ri Slash, Yuan Fei Ri Slash at this moment instantly came back to his senses.

"Damn, I'll deal with you bastards later!"

I saw that Sarutobi suppressed the anger of the fleeing ninjas of the Hyuga family.

About the escape of the Hyuga family?

He will definitely make those guys pay, and before he can let the guys of the Hyuga family pay, he must first deal with the existence in front of him.

"Come out, Ape Demon!"

Yuan Fei Ri did not hesitate to psychic his psychic beast.

"Bumper bumper!"

At the same time that the psychic beast of the ape flying sun slash was directly channeled out, an ape appeared on the battlefield at this moment.

When the ape appeared on the battlefield like this, there was a flash of confusion in his eyes.

"What's going on?"

"This is another war?"

The ape demon flashed a bewildered expression.

At this moment, the ape Fei Sun Slash roared so loudly.

"Hurry up and turn into a golden hoop stick!"

Listening to the roar of the ape flying sun, the ape demon subconsciously and completely transformed into a golden hoop stick.

"Brush, brush!"

When the ape demon directly turned into a golden hoop stick, the ape Fei Ri slashed the golden hoop stick and swung it towards Li Anguo fiercely.

"Bell Bell !!"

In the face of Li Anguo's halberd, the golden hoop stick of the ape flying sun slashed collided with Qi Che Yu so fiercely.


An unimaginably powerful force erupted directly across the entire sky.

In the face of this unimaginably powerful force that directly exploded completely in the entire sky, some of the Ming soldiers below couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "The marshal's strength is really strong. "

And after the generals from the Qilin Legion saw Yuan Feiri, who could actually fight with their marshal, those generals couldn't help but sigh at the moment: "I didn't grab this guy who looks like a monkey and can fight like this with the marshal." "

"This monkey-like guy is very strong. "

One general after another said with a slight discussion.

They still recognize Li Anguo's strength very much, after all, as one of the marshals of the five major legions, can Li Anguo's strength be weak?

Li Anguo's strength is the strength that has been recognized by all, so a guy in this world can actually fight with their marshal, which means that this guy's strength definitely belongs to the strong.

"It's normal, this is also a new world, so it's not impossible to have a strong person in this world. "

A general said so slightly, his identity is the former Shanhaiguan General Soldier, then he thinks that this is also a serious world, and it is not impossible for there to be a strong person in this world.

"That's right, it's also a decent world, and the existence of a strong person is not something impossible. "

One general after another just nodded slightly.

"Let's do it!"

"Get rid of all those guys!"

At this moment, one after another generals just looked at the ninjas in front of them with a murderous gaze.


Soon, one after another, the generals directly picked up the weapons in their hands and attacked the ninjas in front.

In the face of the attack from this Ming general, many ninjas in Konoha Village could only start to continuously mobilize all the chakras in their bodies at this moment.

"Howe Fireball Technique!"

"Water Dragon Technique!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

One ninja after another began to use ninjutsu to attack many Ming generals.

In the face of these so-called ninjutsu attacks, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of many Ming generals.

Their strength is here, they are different from those ordinary soldiers, those ordinary soldiers will still be afraid of water and fire and the like, but after reaching their Grandmaster realm, this situation has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

0 for flowers0

They have long been unafraid of these so-called ordinary flames.

Therefore, in the face of the ninjutsu attack launched by the ninjas in Konoha Village, many Ming generals completely chose to ignore it and directly picked up the weapons in their hands and slashed at them.

"Die, scum!"

One after another, the Ming generals attacked directly at the group of ninjas.

In the face of the attacks of many Ming generals, those ninjas at this moment reacted instantly, and the strength that these guys possessed was completely unafraid of those ordinary attacks.

"Damn it!"

One ninja after another couldn't help but scold.

For these enemies who suddenly appeared outside Konoha Village, they still don't know what the origin of the other party is, they only know that the strength of the other party is very strong, which causes them to be embarrassed like this now.


Bursts of explosions began to echo throughout Konoha Village.

In the face of the slaughter that broke out between the two sides, Naruto Uzumaki, who was outside the battlefield, looked at the two sides who were killing, and Naruto Uzumaki's eyes were so heavy.

The Nine-Tails in Naruto Uzumaki's body were looking at the scene of the killing between the two sides, and at this moment, the Nine-Tails showed a deep smile.


"You deserve it, you deserve it!!"

A hint of unprecedented joy flashed in Nine-Tails' eyes.

The Nine-Tails didn't have a good impression of Konoha Naka's attitude, so when the Nine-Tails watched the ninjas in Konoha Village being beaten up like this, the Nine-Tails couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement at this moment.

"It's good to die!"

The Nine-Tails roared loudly and excitedly in Naruto Uzumaki's body.

The battle continues.


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