"It's so good to die!"

At this moment, I saw that the nine-tails at this moment shouted loudly with such excitement.

In the face of the excited shouts possessed by the Nine-Tails, the current Naruto Uzumaki could only slowly close his eyes at this moment.

"Alas, for the sake of peace, your sacrifices are all worth it. "

In this regard, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment could only just open his mouth to comfort.

What else can I do?

For Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, he really thinks that the sacrifices of this group of guys are really very meaningful.

Because the situation is here, the powerful strength possessed by the Ming Empire can completely unify the entire ninja world.

Since the Ming Empire has a powerful power that can unify the entire ninja world, the Ming Empire can bring real peace to the entire ninja world after completing the "one zero zero" whole!

Since the Ming Empire can bring true peace to the entire ninja world, what are some killings?

Compared to the continuous war, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment felt that a short period of killing was the best choice.

At least kill all the people who should be killed now, which means that there will never be any killings in the future, because in the future, all the big guys will be ordinary people living under the rule of the Ming Empire.

And at the same time that Naruto Uzumaki closed his eyes like this, the situation on the entire battlefield directly accelerated.

That is, the soldiers from the Ming Empire began to kill these ninjas of Konoha Village one by one as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and at the same time, the ninjas from Konoha Village also learned that the ninjas of the Hyuga family had chosen to flee when the war had just started.

In other words, how did these people fight to the death on the front line, but the Hyuga family, which is the top wealthy family in Konoha Village, chose to run away and let them fight for the Hyuga family?

Who can bear this?

They are fighting for themselves, not for the guys who are fleeing the battlefield.

So when they learned that the group of guys from the Hyuga family actually chose to run away, the group of ninjas on the battlefield no longer had any intention of fighting, and there was only one thought in the minds of these ninjas fighting on the battlefield, that is, to escape from the battlefield and survive!

One of the Zhongnin just looked at those murderous Ming soldiers, and at this moment, this Zhongnin swallowed his saliva deeply.

"No way!"

"There must be no accidents, I want to survive!"

"I'm going to survive!"

At this moment, the current Zhongnin said to himself with a determined gaze.

Compared to dying on the battlefield, he felt that he must survive!

"I'm getting out of here!"

After looking at those murderous Daming soldiers, I saw that Zhongnin at this moment directly chose to break away from the Daming soldiers opposite him, and then ran directly towards Konoha Village behind him.

There's no way, the only place he can escape from is Konoha Village, as for the rest of the place?

The rest of the places are all soldiers of the Ming Empire, and the powerful number of soldiers possessed by the Ming Empire directly blocks all routes that can escape, and the only place where you can escape is Konoha Village.

So at this moment, the ninja of Konoha Village directly chose to run madly towards Konoha Village.


While the middle ninja of this Konoha Village directly left the battlefield and ran wildly towards the Konoha Village behind him, the other ninja of Konoha Village next to him just watched this scene blankly.

"No, I'm going to survive too!"

"My wife is still waiting for me, I don't think I can die here!"

I saw that this shinobi at this moment showed a determined expression.

Even if he just belongs to an ordinary Shinobi, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own family, he has a family, and he must not choose to sacrifice on the battlefield for his family.

"Whoa!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In an instant, I saw that this lower ninja at this moment had left the battlefield in the form of teleportation 0 ...

One after another Konoha ninjas saw this group of guys leaving the battlefield.

Looking at this group of beings who left the battlefield, the eyes of all the ninjas in Konoha Village couldn't help but be flickered.

"No, I'm going to get out of here too!"

"The family must not be destroyed in my hands!"

Watching the departure of one civilian ninja after another, some family ninjas couldn't hold back any longer.

They will not tolerate the complete destruction of their family here.

"Brush Brush !!"

In an instant, one ninja after another broke away from the battlefield as fast as they could, and ran frantically towards the Konoha Village behind them.

In this way, at the same time that the soldiers of the Ming Empire began to attack this group of guys as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and this group of ninjas of Konoha Village had also begun to lose their initial combat effectiveness, and the ideas that these ninjas of Konoha Village had at this moment were almost on the surface.

They're getting out of here!

They're going to get out of here alive!

"Boom la la !!"

One ninja after another from Konoha Village fled the battlefield like this.

While countless Konoha ninjas fled the battlefield like this, the situation on the entire battlefield directly appeared in unprecedented turmoil.

Looking at the Konoha Village ninjas who were running away frantically in Battle 4.2, the Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, who was fighting with Li Anguo, couldn't help but scold at this moment: "You damn guys!"

"You're on the run!"

"Come back soon!"

Ape Fei Ri couldn't help but scold.

Facing the scolding from Yuan Fei Ri Chop, Li Anguo directly held the halberd in his hand and continued to swing it fiercely towards the Ape Fei Ri Chop on the opposite side.

"Brush, brush!"

A sky-high slash slashed back from the halberd towards the ape flying sun.

"Boom !!"


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