"Boom !!"

In an instant, when the halberd slash from Li Anguo's hand swung towards Yuan Feiri Slash fiercely, at this moment, Ape Feiri's face changed instantly, and then he directly held the golden hoop stick and swung towards that slash.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

An unimaginably powerful force erupted frantically directly from that slash.

In the face of this unimaginable powerful force, when it erupted directly from the slash, the face of the ape flying sun slash at this moment changed dramatically in an instant.

Because he sensed a fatal crisis in this attack, and most importantly, he seemed to be a little unable to withstand it.

"No, I can't die here!"

"I haven't led Konoha Village to become the true overlord of the entire world!"

Ape Fei Sun Slash roared loudly with an anxious feeling in his heart.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, the powerful fighter plane from Li Anguo from 03 directly cut off the arm of the ape Feiri.

"Plop plop..."

When Ape Fei Ri Chop's arm was directly cut off like this, Ape Fei Ri Slash's face at this moment instantly brought an unprecedented despair.

Because at this moment, the Ape Fei Sun Slash has clearly understood that when his arm is cut off, it means that he is completely unable to release any ninjutsu.

Sure enough, as the ape Feiri's arm was cut off, it fell directly to the ground like a waste.

Looking at the current appearance of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, I saw that the current Li Anguo was holding the halberd without hesitation and continued to swing towards the Ape Flying Sun Slash.


Just as Li Anguo swung towards the ape flying sun, an anxious voice came into Li Anguo's ears.

"Please also ask the general to spare Grandpa Hokage's life. "

In an instant, an anxious voice continued to enter Li Anguo's ears, and also into the ears of Ape Feiri.

In the face of this intersecting and familiar voice, Ape Fei Ri directly opened his eyes and looked at the figure in the distance.

It's just that when Ape Fei Ri saw the figure in the distance, an unprecedented despair flashed in his eyes at this moment.

Because the being that appeared in his field of vision belonged to Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto Uzumaki came all the way to the battlefield from outside the battlefield, and the most important thing was that the soldiers of the Ming Empire did not do anything to Naruto Uzumaki at all.

This doesn't seem to be anything, but the problem is that the costume Naruto Uzumaki is currently using is a serious ninja costume, and some of the Konoha Village ninjas dressed as other ninjas were directly beaten or even completely killed, but at this moment, Naruto Uzumaki, who was also equipped with ninjas, did not have any accidents, and Naruto Uzumaki said that he would let the general in front of him spare his life.

This had to make Ape Feiri think of a crucial point.

That is, where did these soldiers come from?

It is impossible for these enemies to suddenly appear in the territory of the Fire Country, and then suddenly appear outside their Konoha Village, right?

It's obviously impossible to appear suddenly, so it's impossible to say that all of them are mastering space-time ninjutsu, right?

That's impossible, but if there is a mole to respond, it seems to be different.

And now, the mole has appeared in front of him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That is Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the fourth Hokage.

In other words, Naruto Uzumaki actually became a spy for Konoha Village, allowing these damn enemies to fight all the way outside Konoha Village, and even the other party was about to destroy Konoha Village.


"Naruto Uzumaki, you damn it!"

"I won't let you go even if I die!"

Sarutobi looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a painful look in his eyes, and at the same time, the slash that erupted from the halberd in Li Anguo's hand also fell directly.


The terrifying slash not only killed Sarutobi and killed him, but also destroyed the gate of Konoha Village behind Sarutobi.

At this moment, Naruto Uzumaki just stared blankly at the slain ape Fei Ri Chop, but Naruto Uzumaki's mind was still echoing with Yuan Fei Ri Chop's words to him just now.

That is, Ape Fei Ri will not let him go when he says he will die, saying that he deserves to die?

What exactly did he do?

"This, why did Grandpa Hokage say that about me?"

"What the hell is going on?"

Naruto Uzumaki's eyes flashed with a hint of deep confusion.

Obviously, at this moment, Naruto Uzumaki was completely unaware of the fact that Sarutobi thought that Naruto Uzumaki belonged to the 7 spies before he died.

Regarding Ape Fei Ri Chop's current behavior before he died, if Zhu Houzhao knew about it, he would also pat Ape Fei Ri Chop's shoulder.

Although Zhu Hou looked down on the guy Ape Fei Ri Chop, after all, Konoha Village could be said to have entered the weakest era in history during the period when Sape Fei Ri Slash was in power, and even the darkest era in the entire history of Konoha Village.

But for the words of Ape Feiri before his death, Zhu Houzhao really recognized it very much.

Because what is the difference between Naruto Uzumaki's behavior and a spy in some way?

It doesn't make any difference at all!

It's just that Naruto Uzumaki's espionage behavior belongs to becoming a spy of the Ming Empire, so Zhu Houzhao said that he very much agrees with Naruto Uzumaki's espionage.

In the face of the fact that Sarutobi, who was the Hokage, died like this, the ninjas of Konoha Village who were on the entire battlefield directly no longer had any power to resist.

All of a sudden, the battle ended hastily.


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