"Gather them all!"

One after another, the Ming soldiers began to arrest all the villagers and ninjas in Konoha Village, and gathered them all together.

In the face of the actions of the Ming soldiers, all the ninjas in the entire Konoha Village did not dare to resist at all.

As for the revolt?

I'm sorry, they just fled back from the battlefield, where do they have the courage to resist?

If you have the courage to resist, you won't be able to flee back from the battlefield.

So when one after another Ming soldiers directly grabbed it and grabbed the place where they gathered, during this period, none of the villagers and ninjas in the entire Konoha Village dared to resist.

After a while, all the guys in the entire Konoha Village had been gathered.

But when all the guys in the entire Konoha Village had already gathered outside the Hokage Building, the marshal of the Kirin Legion, Li Anguo, and all the generals were already in place.

"These are the villagers of Konoha Village. "

One of the generals just looked at the group of guys he had in his field of vision, and there was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"We've obviously won, what's the situation with your expression?"

A general's eyes flashed with a hint of confusion and he spoke.

Faced with the doubts that this general had at this moment, a general who felt a trace of disappointment beside him said with emotion: "Alas, the main thing is that the end of the battle is too fast. "

"I thought that the strength of this group of guys was very strong, I thought that our Qilin Legion could have a big battle after coming to this world, but I didn't think that the battle would end so easily~~. "

At this moment, the general shook his head with slight emotion.

For the current general, he really felt a trace of helplessness.

The strength of these guys is simply too weak.

After listening to the emotion that this general had, the general beside him was also slightly silent for a while.

"Well, I can't really find anything wrong with your reason. "

"But you're right, this fight ended too quickly, and I thought the same as you before I came here. "

"I thought that our Kirin Legion would have an unprecedented battle after coming here, but no one wanted the battle to end so hastily. "

"It's a bit of a disappointment. "

I saw that the current general shook his head slightly.

Soon, many of the generals in the Qilin Legion began to discuss constantly, and all the generals' words were full of disappointment about this war.

Obviously, this is not the war they expected at all.

The war they expect should be fierce, at least let them fight.

But the result?

But the result is that this war is fought as if it wasn't fought, at least the guys in Konoha Village look too rubbish among these generals, and they don't have the appearance that war should have.

Listening to the words coming from behind him, the corners of his mouth pulled slightly, as the marshal of the Qilin Legion, Li Anguo.

"Ahem, cough, cough..."

In an instant, in the face of Li Anguo's cough, the faces of several generals behind him instantly became serious.

With no sound behind him, Li Anguo just looked at all the villagers of Konoha Village that he had in his field of vision.

"You should know what's going on, right?"

At this moment, I saw Li Anguo at this moment just looking at the villagers of Konoha Village in his field of vision with a calm gaze. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the face of Li Anguo's words, the ordinary villagers of Konoha Village below trembled one by one, and those ninjas in Konoha Village couldn't help but speak at this moment: "We are the people of the Ming Empire. "

"We are willing to submit to the Ming Empire. "

In this regard, these ninjas of Konoha Village must not have been able to say these words before, but it is a pity that the brutal war has made them understand a truth, that is, the powerful strength of the Ming Empire wants to completely crush all their existence.

If they don't listen, then the result is fun.

The final result is 100% certain that all the guys were killed by the soldiers of the Ming Empire.

Who wouldn't want to survive?

They all want to survive!

So what if they all want to survive?

It's simpler, just honestly choose to take refuge in the Ming Empire.

They haven't forgotten that before this, a general from the Ming Empire said that if you choose to join the Ming Empire, you can survive.

Therefore, at this moment, this group of ninjas in Konoha Village can only tremble and turn to the Ming Empire.

In the face of the trembling of the group of Konoha Village ninjas, Li Anguo, who was standing on top of the Hokage Building, smiled disdainfully.

"'Look, the battle didn't (Zhao Li Zhao) gave them a choice, but the guys chose to refuse. "

"Okay, now the battle is over, this group of guys has been beaten like this, and now they choose to take refuge in Daming. "

"A bunch of cheap bones. "

A hint of disdain flashed in Li Anguo's eyes.

In the face of the disdain in Li Anguo's eyes, many generals behind him also replied with slight agreement at this moment: "The marshal is reasonable, this group of guys are all cheap bones. "

Listening to the taunts that came to mind from above the Hokage Building, the group of ninjas below could only hold back the grievances in their hearts at the moment and bear it quietly.


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