Just when many ninjas in Konoha Village were suffering from the ridicule of many Ming generals, Naruto Uzumaki's figure appeared directly above the Hokage Building.

When Naruto Uzumaki looked at the villagers of Konoha Village who chose to surrender below, Naruto Uzumaki breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's good that they made the right choice. "

In this regard, Naruto Uzumaki felt a deep sense of happiness in his heart.

Because for Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, he thinks that after accompanying this group of Konoha villagers choose to submit to the Ming Empire, it means that these Konoha villagers will never suffer any wars again.

From then on, they were, to some extent, truly living in peacetime.

As soon as he thought of this, Naruto Uzumaki also began to gradually recover from the shadow of Sarutobi slashing at him damn angrily.

Why did he lead the soldiers of the Ming Empire to their world?

That's not because Naruto Uzumaki is very clear about the importance of peace in 047, as long as the soldiers of the Ming Empire can bring peace to their world, then Naruto Uzumaki doesn't mind some of the killings caused by the soldiers of the Ming Empire in their world.

After all, if there is no killing, how can peace come?

As it is now, maybe there are indeed a lot of dead guys in Konoha Village, but it has to be said that from now on, the villagers of Konoha Village will never have any wars again, and from now on the villagers of Muya Village will live in a peaceful era.

Naruto Uzumaki thinks his plan is halfway there.

And in the face of the joy that Naruto Uzumaki had, some of the ninjas who were under the Hokage Building were looking at Naruto Uzumaki with a confused gaze at the moment, especially some guys who knew Naruto Uzumaki, and those who knew Naruto Uzumaki were looking at Naruto Uzumaki standing there with an incredible gaze at the moment.

"This, this..."

"What's going on?"


One ninja after another, there was a look of wonder in their eyes.

Facing the incredulity in the eyes of many ninjas, Li Anguo, who was above the Hokage Building, said so seriously: "From now on, your identity is no longer a person belonging to Konoha Village. "

"Your identity is no longer a villager in Konoha Village, and you are no longer a ninja in Konoha Village. "

At this moment, in the face of the words from Li Anguo's words, the many ninjas below and the many villagers in Konoha Village looked at each other like this, and they all saw a deep silence in each other's eyes.

For Konoha Village, they still have deep expectations, if nothing else, just because they grew up in Konoha Village is enough to mean that their relationship with Konoha Village cannot be severed.

But what about now?

From now on, the identity they are using now is no longer that of a certain person in Konoha Village, and the identity they have from now on will be the people of the Ming Empire at this time, which is from the current villagers in Konoha Village and the ninjas in Konoha Village, this situation has really never been experienced.

There was a deep (adbh) confusion in the eyes of all the guys.

Looking at the confused look in the eyes of the guys in the Konoha Village, Li Anguo, who was standing in the Konoha building, continued to speak: "Do you understand?"

"I don't mind saying it again if I don't understand it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw Li Anguo's eyes just like this with a calm voice in his eyes.

"Remember, from today onwards you will no longer be the guys in this so-called Konoha Village, from today onwards. "

"There is only one identity of you, that is, from the people of the Ming Empire, the existence you need to be loyal to does not care if it belongs to the Hokage in this so-called Konoha Village, the existence you need to be loyal to from now on will be the emperor of the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, a trace of seriousness flashed in Li Anguo's eyes.

"The emperor of the Ming Empire will be the existence that you need to be loyal to in the future, and you will be the subjects of the Ming Empire. "

In the face of Li Anguo's words, the guys from Konoha Village below looked at each other like this, and they all saw a deep confusion in each other's eyes.

But it does not prevent them from understanding a truth now, that is, from today onwards, their identity will no longer belong to the existence of Konoha Village, and their identity will belong to the people from the Ming Empire.

They will be the common people in this so-called Ming Empire.

When they thought that the identity they would have from today onwards would be the people of this so-called Ming Empire, all the guys had a deep heaviness in their eyes.

"I understand. "

In the blink of an eye, one guy after another replied honestly.

They wanted to say no, but unfortunately the cost of refusal was too great.

They thought that if they dared to refuse now, they would be greeted by death.

Who wants to die?

They don't want to!

Since you don't want to die, you can only honestly choose to surrender.

From today onwards, they are no longer the villagers of Konoha Village, they are the common people of the Ming Empire!


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