
"Konoha Village was actually destroyed?"

For the ninja who was peeping into the bath, when he heard the words of the ninja in the distance, his eyes were filled with an unprecedented bewilderment and incredulity.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

In an instant, I saw his figure disappear in place in an instant.

As the ninja figure who was peeping into the bath disappeared into place, when his figure reappeared, it was next to the two ninjas who were just talking.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Konoha Village destroyed?"

"Is this true or false?"

I saw an urgent voice coming out of the mouth of the ninja "Zero Seven Zero", in the face of this urgent word and the ninja who suddenly appeared, the two ninjas who only had the strength of the ninja looked at each other with a trace of blindness and incredulity, and they both saw a trace of silence and a strand of incredulity in each other's eyes.

"You, you, you, you..."

"Who are you?"

One of the ninjas swallowed and spoke.

Faced with the words that the current ninja had, I saw that the guy who suddenly appeared in front of the two ninjas at this moment said directly: "My name is Jiraiya, and I want to know now if what you just said is true?"

"Is Konoha Village really destroyed?!"

At this moment, I saw that the ninja who had just been peeping at the bath, that is, the so-called Jirai, flashed a trace of anxious words and spoke.

After listening to the words from Jiraiya, the two ninjas in front of him looked at each other like this, and they both saw a deep silence in each other's gaze.

If it's other guys, then they really don't know each other, but the identity of the other party belongs to Jiraiya, so this one is different.

They still know who it is, and Jiraiya is also one of the three ninjas in Konoha Village, and it is said that Jiraiya is often not in Konoha Village, so it is not understandable that he is not aware of what is happening in Konoha Village.

But the question is, do they really want to tell Jiraiya about this result now?

This result is not an ordinary result, this is a truth related to whether Konoha Village has been destroyed.

They really didn't know if they wanted to talk about it for a while.

For the two ninjas in front of him who fell silent for a while, Jilai couldn't help but burst out the strength he had.

"Boom !!"

An unimaginably powerful force poured directly from Jiraiya's body in a frenzied manner.

"Say, what you just said is true or false?!"

When Jiraiya spoke with a serious voice, the two ninjas in front of him swallowed their saliva and replied, "What we just said is true. "

"Konoha Village has really been destroyed. "

"It was completely destroyed by an unknown force, and I only know that it is said that the name of the other party's force is the Ming Empire. "

"The existence called the Ming Empire directly wiped out Konoha Village, and even the Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash who was Konoha Village had been killed in battle, and many, many ninjas in Konoha Village died at the hands of the Ming Empire. "

The ninja in front of Jiraiya was already furious when they saw Jiraiya, and they directly told all the news they knew without any hesitation.

There's a good chance they'll get Jiraiya mad when they say the news, but if they don't, it's going to be a big problem, so they're just telling everything they know.

Listening to the words from the two ninjas in front of him, Jilai at this moment looked at the many guys in front of him with a heavy gaze 0 ...

"Old man, you actually died in battle?"

"The Ming Empire?"

When Jilai also listened to the words of the two guys in front of him at this moment, he understood that the two guys in front of him would never dare to lie, which meant that Konoha Village had really been destroyed, and even his teacher Yuan Fei Ri had been completely eliminated. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For his teacher Ape Fei Ri Chop, even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction, but it has to be said that his teacher Yuan Fei Ri Chop is indeed a very good teacher, and the reason why he can have his current achievements is that everything is inseparable from his teacher's teaching.

But the result?

His teacher actually died, which is really unacceptable for a while.

In the face of the silence and despair that Jiraiya had at the moment, the two ninjas in front of him swallowed their saliva and didn't know what to do for a while.

Obviously, they really don't know what will happen next, so at this moment, they can only stay where they are and wait for Jiraiya to deal with it.

"Get out of here. "

When 4.2 came back to his senses, he saw the trembling guy in front of him.

Hearing Jiraiya's words, there was an instant hint of joy in the eyes of the two ninjas in front of him.

"Yes, yes. "

"Brush, brush, brush..."

In an instant, I saw the figures of the two ninjas disappear in place in such an instant.

While the figures of the two ninjas disappeared in place in such an instant, Jiraiya looked in the direction of Konoha Village with a heavy gaze.

"Konoha Village, old man. "

I saw that Zilai just opened his mouth so heavily.


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