"No way!"

"I'm going to have to go back and check it out!"

A firm voice came from Jiraiya's mouth.

Although he didn't know what was going on, it didn't stop him from going back and seeing what was going on.

What is the origin of the Ming Empire that destroyed Konoha Village, why did he appear in Konoha Village, and if he can, he wants to avenge his teacher and Konoha Village.


In an instant, when Jiraiya was about to go to Konoha Village, his figure disappeared in an instant.

And this scene was seen by one ninja after another.

After a while, the news that Jiraiya was preparing to take revenge on the Ming Empire was directly transmitted to the shadows of the major ninja villages.

At this moment, when the four generations of Yunyin Village were looking at the news passed in front of him, the four generations of Yunyin Village said to themselves: "Then let's see how powerful the strength of the Ming Empire is." "

03 The four generations of Yunyin Village just said to themselves.

For the four generations of Yunyin Village at this moment, they didn't know how powerful the strength of this Ming Empire was before this, but now that they were going to take revenge as a shadow-level strength, they could clearly understand how powerful this so-called Ming Empire was.

They can go and see the gap between the power of the Ming Empire and theirs, or the gap between their strength and the Ming Empire.

"Go and see, see how powerful the power of the Ming Empire is, or how the Ming Empire killed this self. "

The fourth generation said so seriously.


When the dark tribe of Yunyin Village listened to the orders given by their four generations, one after another members of the dark tribe disappeared in an instant.

"Brush Brush !!"

As one Shadow after another members of the Shadows vanished into place, the shadows of several other villages held the same opinion.

Regarding this Ming Empire, they don't know what the confidence of this Ming Empire looks like, and they don't even know what this Ming Empire looks like.

Well, now that one of the three ninjas is also going to the Ming Empire for revenge, I believe that as one of the three ninjas, Jilai should also be able to test how strong the power of the Ming Empire is.

Because Zilai also has the shadow-level strength of the Eight Classics, if Zilai is easily defeated by the Ming Empire, then they have to think carefully about how they should face this Ming Empire, but if it is said that there are naturally exchanges with the Ming Empire, then they can treat the Ming Empire as an alternative version of Konoha Village.

Soon, as Jiraiya's figure arrived in the Land of Fire, ninjas from several other countries also appeared in the distance of Jiraiya.

"Shadows from several other villages. "

But when the ninjas from several other villages appeared in the distance of Jiraiya, Jiraiya's brows furrowed slightly.

As for the ninjas of several other villages, Jiraiya still dealt with them, and if it was normal, he would definitely drive them all away.

But at the moment?

At this moment, Jiraiya just took a deep look at the group of guys, but he didn't intend to drive them away.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

Jiraiya's figure continued to run quickly in the direction of Konoha Village in the hinterland of the Fire Country.

Watching Jiraiya's figure leave, the members of the dark department of several other villages couldn't help but discuss: "Anyway, he should have discovered us just now, right?"

One of the ninjas couldn't help but speak.

Regarding the words spoken by the current ninja, beside him, a ninja whose strength had reached the middle ninja level said in confusion.

"We're so far away from Zilai that we can still detect our traces?"

I saw that at this moment, this middle ninja's eyes just opened with a hint of doubt.

Regarding the words spoken by the current middle ninja, the upper ninja beside him replied so lightly: "That's right, Jilai has naturally noticed our figure, but he didn't break it clearly." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw that this Shangnin at this moment said so lightly.


"Is it the strength that a shadow-level powerhouse has?"

For this scene at this moment, the current ninja whose strength was only at the middle ninja level showed a surprised expression.

"Or else?"

007 "That's a shadow-level powerhouse!"

"Although it may not be as strong as the shadow of our village, it is also a shadow-level powerhouse that belongs to the eight classics, and it belongs to the same level of existence as the shadow of our village, do you think the strength of the other party will be weak?"

The current shinobi just spoke calmly.

"Don't ink it, hurry up. "

"Catch up with Jiraiya as fast as you can!"

At this moment, a solemn order fell.



In an instant, one figure after another rushed towards the direction of Jiraiya at the fastest speed.

With the wild running of everyone's figures, at this moment, the figure of Jiraiya came to the territory that he once owned outside Konoha Village.

"This, is this the soldier that belongs to the Ming Empire?"

Jiraiya looked at the soldiers who were patrolling one by one in the distance, and Jiraiya said with a heavy self-talk in his eyes.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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