"Is this the so-called Ming Empire?"

At this moment, Zilai looked at the Ming soldiers who were patrolling in his field of vision with a heavy gaze.

Although this place is already close to their Konoha Village, there is still a long distance from their Konoha Village, but at this moment, there are already soldiers from the Ming Empire patrolling at such a long distance.

"I didn't expect that this place has become the territory of the Ming Empire. "

For this scene at this moment, it can only be said that the Ming Empire not only completely occupied their Konoha Village, but even directly expanded the territory area owned by their Konoha Village more than doubled.

"It's a pity that this doesn't bother me!"

For those soldiers who were patrolling, Zilai also said that even if he stopped some ordinary guys, he still wanted to stop him, a shadow-level powerhouse?

Foolish people talk in their dreams!

"Tu Dun!"

In an instant, Zilai also directly unfolded the earth escape, and at the same time, the figure directly entered the earth.


In an instant, Jiraiya's figure was moving directly in the direction of Konoha Village, but Jiraiya's current figure was underground.

As Jiraiya's figure moved directly in the direction of Konoha Village, the members of the dark tribes of the villages behind him also quickly came to the place where Jiraiya had just been.

At the same time, they also saw the Ming soldiers who appeared in their field of vision.

As they watched the Ming soldiers patrolling in front of them look at the empty clearing, these ninjas instantly realized that Jiraiya should have used Earth Escape just now.

"Hehe, Tu Dun?"

"We use it too, be careful~. "

"Don't let them notice it, they still have some strength. "

One of the Shangnin opened his mouth so solemnly and asked, for the strength of the soldiers of the Ming Empire, he also noticed that the place was still very strong.

For these Ming soldiers whose strength seems to be very strong, they must not underestimate each other.

"Yes. "

One after another, the ninjas began to minimize their aura at the behest of the ninja in their respective villages.


Soon, one by one, the figures began to cast earth escapes and began to dive into the depths of the earth.


After a while, all the ninjas in the ninja village used their earth to lurk in the place where the former Konoha Village was located.




"The village has become like this, this, this..."

Jiraiya's eyes carried an unprecedented heaviness.

In Jiraiya's field of vision, the buildings he was once familiar with had all been demolished at this moment, and the piece of building that he had outside of the Hokage Building still existed in his memory, but at this moment, all those buildings had been demolished.

As for the demolished buildings?

It can only be said that it was demolished when the villagers of the original Konoha Village gathered.

Although there is an open space outside the Hokage Building, that open space is completely unable to accommodate such a large number of Konoha villagers, so what should I do?

Then we can only tear down all the buildings, otherwise how will we talk at that time?

So there was a scene where the buildings that Jiraiya saw at this moment were all demolished directly.

"I'll get revenge on you!"

"You wait, Emperor of the Ming Empire, I will definitely make you pay!"

At this moment, Jiraiya said with a heavy opening in his heart.

As for the source of all this, at this moment, he naturally saw that all of this was caused by the emperor of the so-called Ming Empire.

If it weren't for the emperor of the Ming Empire, how could their Konoha Village be defeated?

Then how could so many ninjas die in their Konoha Village?

All of this was caused by the emperor of the Ming Empire!

So for Zilai at this moment, he must completely kill the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

He wants revenge!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Looking at the Ming soldiers who were patrolling in the distance, Zi Lai also said with a heavy heart in his heart.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

I saw Jiraiya's figure disappear in place.

As Jiraiya's figure disappeared in place, one after another ninjas from other villages suddenly appeared in place behind him.

"The next thing we need to do is to wait honestly, don't be discovered by the Ming soldiers in advance, otherwise we won't be able to leave at that time!"

One ninja after another said with an exhortation in their eyes.

Their goal is to watch the battle between Jiraiya and the strong man in the Ming Empire, but don't be directly captured in advance before the battle between the strong and the manufacturing in the Ming Empire (No's) starts, then it will be really unlucky.

"No problem!"

"Understand !!"

One ninja after another replied with a serious look in their eyes.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

As everyone left, the Ming soldiers still began to patrol.


One after another, the figures of the Ming soldiers began to patrol the entire Konoha Village.

At the same time, the figure of Jiraiya came to the former land of the Thousand Hands Clan.

"Wait, this is?"

A hint of wonder flashed in Jiraiya's eyes.



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