
In an instant, I saw that at this moment, a trace of bewildered gaze flashed at the figure in the field of vision.

If you talk about others, then it's very likely that Jiraiya will admit his mistake, but about Tsunade?

That's embarrassing, I can only say that he can't admit that he is 100, and that is the figure that belongs to Tsunade!

"Why is Tsunade here?"

A trace of deep doubt flashed in Jiraiya's eyes.

"No, Tsunade must get out of here!"

"It's dangerous here!"

At this moment, I saw that Jiraiya's face changed dramatically at this moment.

Although Jirai doesn't know why Tsunade is here, but according to Jiraiya's speculation, it should belong to Tsunade and also received the news that the current Konoha Village was destroyed by the so-called Ming Empire, and Tsunade came to take revenge.

For this behavior, if it is a normal time, it is absolutely supportive, but now?

Although I don't know how powerful the strength of the Ming Empire is, I can probably know the strength of the 610 Ming Empire, even if it is very likely that he will follow his teacher, the third generation of Hokage Ape Fei Ri Slash, to be completely solved by the Ming Empire.

The Ming Empire, which was so dangerous, naturally couldn't watch Tsunade suffer the same crisis as him.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

In an instant, I saw Jiraiya's figure disappear in place in an instant, and when Jiraiya's figure appeared again, it was already leaping directly in the direction of Tsunade at a rapid speed.

Tsunade, who was in the land of the Thousand Hands Clan, looked in one direction with a slightly solemn face.

Obviously, Tsunade sensed an aura as well.

"It's, it's the breath of Jiraiya. "

Tsunade's eyes flashed with a heavy look at a corner of the Thousand Hands Clan's land.

At the same time as a trace of heaviness flashed in Tsunade's gaze, a figure appeared directly in front of Tsunade.

"Brush, brush!"

With the flickering of this figure, a white-haired Jiraiya appeared directly in front of Tsunade.

"Tsunade, why are you here?"

"You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous here!"

I saw a trace of anxious words flashing in Jiraiya's eyes, and he spoke.

For Jiraiya at the moment, the best option for the current Tsunade is to leave here.

However, in the face of the anxious look that flashed in Jiraiya's eyes, Tsunade's eyes were so dark.

"Well, get out of here. "

"You'd better get out of here now. "

At this moment, Tsunade's gaze opened with a heavy voice.

Then facing the heaviness in Tsunade's eyes, Jiraiya flashed a trace of confusion at this moment and looked at Tsunade.


"What happened?"

"Tsunade, why do you say that?"

I saw that at this moment, Jiraiya also looked at Tsunade with a hint of doubt.

He didn't know why Tsunade would say such a thing to him in such a tone, he only knew that the current situation that Tsunade currently had was very wrong.

"Tsunade, is this what happened?"

Jiraiya's eyes flashed with a solemn look at Tsunade.

Facing the solemnity in the eyes of Jiraiya at this moment, Tsunade exhaled deeply (ADCE): "Whew!"

"Jiraiya, if you want to survive now, all you need to do is get out of here!"

"Get out of here as quickly as possible, otherwise my life and death won't be something I can interfere with at that time!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Get out of here!"

Tsunade shouted with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Regarding the roar that Tsunade has at the moment, Jiraiya just flashed a trace of confusion and looked at Tsunade with a hint of surprise.

"No, Tsunade, you must have had some kind of accident!"

"Don't be afraid, come on!"

"Your strength plus my strength, we can completely solve some of the problems, although I don't know what kind of situation it belongs to, but I believe that with our strength we should be able to solve some problems!"

Jiraiya spoke in a dissuasive tone.

For Jiraiya at this moment, he really doesn't know what kind of situation this belongs to, but he can know that the strength he has is the shadow level of the Eight Classics, and the power that Tsunade has is also the shadow level powerhouse of the Eight Classics, and the two of them are placed here, can't they solve some problems?

Therefore, the idea of Jiraiya is that the two of them join forces to solve some problems.

Then in the face of Jiraiya's words, Tsunade's eyes were filled with heaviness and despair.

"Solve the problem?"

"What problem can you solve?"

"I'm curious. "

A fluttering voice came into Jiraiya's ears.

In the face of this fluttering voice, Jiraiya's anxious eyes looking at Tsunade directly turned into unprecedented solemnity at this moment.

"The art of chaotic lion hair!"

In an instant, Jiraiya's snow-white hair suddenly grew like the hair of a female ghost, and at the same time, the hair also became as sharp as a needle at this moment and flung directly behind him.

In the face of this attack at this moment, there were bursts of angry roars directly behind him.

"Roar, roar, roar..."


Blazing flames erupted directly behind Jiraiya.


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