"Boom !!"

In an instant, the overwhelming flames spewed directly towards Jiraiya.

In the face of this overwhelming flame attack, I saw that at this moment, Zilai had just been hurt by a trace of incredulous eyes looking at the flames in his field of vision.

If the flame just now can be regarded as a flame that can see its power, and this flame at this moment is in Jiraiya's heart, and the power contained in this flame no longer belongs to him to fight against.

"Damn it!"

I couldn't help but scold.

"Water Escape: Waterfall!"

Zilai also directly mobilized all the chakras in his body frantically, and "Three Eight Three" directly used these chakras in the form of water escape ninjutsu at this moment in the direction of the flames spewed out by the fire unicorn.

Although Jiraiya also sensed the crisis in the flames possessed by the fire qilin, at this moment, Jiraiya could only put his hope on his ninjutsu.

And at this moment, Jilai also directly used the water ninjutsu to attack the flames of the fire qilin, and the water overcomes the fire, which is a well-known fact.


Just as the flames of the Fire Qilin and the Water System Escape Technique of Jiraiya collided together, bursts of unprecedented vibrations erupted directly from the attack between the two of them.

As the attack between the two sides broke out fiercely, the collision of water and fire directly splashed a thick mist.


At the same time as the thick mist was splashed up, the flames spit out from the fire unicorn fiercely suppressed the water escape of Jiraiya.

"Boom la la !!"

Just when the flame of the fire unicorn suppressed Jiraiya's water escape so fiercely, Jiraiya's face changed in an instant.

"Not good!"

In the face of his attack, he was completely helpless to win the other party, and even when the opponent's attack could suppress him fiercely, Jiraiya's eyes carried an unprecedented solemnity.

At this moment, the most basic judgment ability of the self is still there, and from the flame of the other party, you can understand that the strength of the other party is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Even the strength of the other party may have to steadily suppress him, a shadow-level powerhouse.

"Fire escape!"

"Water escape!"

"Immortal arts!"

In an instant, I saw that Jiraiya began to use all the abilities he possessed against the fire qilin.


The sound of the burst of attacks began to pour frantically in the direction of the fire qilin.

However, in the face of the attack from Jiraiya, a trace of deep disdain flashed in the eyes of the fire qilin the size of a lantern.

For this attack of Jiraiya, it may seem very cool, but does this coolness really mean that its strength is very strong?

No, no, no, the offensive power that Jiraiya has can only be said to be average for the Fire Qilin.

At least the fire qilin really didn't take this attack of Jiraiya to heart.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

A burst of angry roars came directly from the mouth of the fire qilin.

"Boom la la !!"

The blazing flames continued to gush madly forward directly from the mouth of the fire qilin.

In the face of the flames spewed out by the fire qilin, Jiraiya also began to constantly mobilize the chakra in his body to frantically counterattack forward.

"Boom !!"

In the face of the power that Jiraiya possessed, the flames of the Fire Qilin swept away all the power like a grain that broke ten thousand laws.

"Boom, boom!"

When the flames of the fire unicorn began to annihilate all the power that Jiraiya possessed, a series of earth-shattering explosions also began to echo at this moment.

Looking at Jiraiya, who was directly suppressed, a trace of deep heaviness flashed in Tsunade's face not far away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


A flash of despair flashed through Tsunade's heart.

In the face of this suppressed Jiraiya, Tsunade seems to have seen what the ending of Jiraiya will look like.

There is no doubt that 100% of the ending of the meeting is death.

Tsunade couldn't help but bite his lip with a sense of despair in his heart.

At the same time as a trace of heaviness flashed in Tsunade's heart, a figure appeared directly in the land of the Thousand Hands Clan.

"How daring, daring to attack Your Majesty!"


As the marshal of the Qilin Legion, Li Anguo appeared in this thousand-handed clan land at this moment, and at this moment, Li Anguo was holding a halberd and looking at Zi Laiye, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Although Li Anguo didn't know who Jilai was, it didn't prevent Li Anguo from being able to understand that the current Jilai was an existence that was going to attack their majesty.

Regarding Li Anguo's appearance, Zhu Houzhao at this moment said with a 2.7 stream of calm words: "Don't be impatient, just wait quietly." "

"Let's let the Kirin see what level of power this guy has. "

Zhu Houzhao looked at Jilai, who was beaten by the fire qilin, and Zhu Houzhao said directly with a calm expression in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Li Anguo, who had just arrived in this clan, was stunned for a moment, but soon came back to his senses.

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

And in the face of Li Anguo's arrival, Tsunade on the other side had an even more painful despair in his face.



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