"Jiraiya. "

There was a deep despair in Tsunade's eyes.

If it was just a fire unicorn that Jiraiya had to face before, then Jiraiya might not be able to escape.

But now?

After Tsunade looked at Li Anguo beside Zhu Houzhao like this, this idea in Tsunade's heart had been completely dispelled.

Not for anything else, just because the current strength of Li Anguo is definitely not an existence that they can compete with.

Because Li Anguo's strength is also a shadow-level powerhouse!

How powerful is the power of a shadow-level powerhouse?

Don't look at the current Zilai is also suppressed by the Fire Qilin, and even Zilai has no parry power at all in front of the Fire Qilin, but it does not mean that the strength of the shadow-level powerhouse is weak.

It can only be said that in front of the fire qilin, this shadow-level powerhouse seems to be very insignificant, but the power of 03 possessed by this shadow-level powerhouse is still very powerful.

And now, a shadow-level powerhouse from the Ming Empire has appeared directly on the scene, where should he flee next?

There's no way to escape!

It is already a great ability to survive in front of a strong man of her grandfather's level, and now there is a strong man of their level here to keep an eye on the next traces of Jiraiya, and ask if Jiraiya still has a way to live?

There is no doubt that there is no way to live at all in the future!

Thinking that her friend for so many years would face the end of death next, Tsunade's eyes carried an unprecedented sorrow.

Looking at the trace of sadness in Tsunade's eyes, a trace of calm flashed in the eyes of Zhu Houzhao beside Li Anguo.

"Fire Qilin, let's fight quickly, there is no need to continue grinding here. "

Zhu Houzhao said lightly.

For Zhu Houzhao's order, a trace of seriousness flashed in the lantern-sized eyes of the fire qilin who was fighting with Jiraiya.

"Roar, Roar, Roar, !!Roar, Roar, Roar, Roar, T

Bursts of roars came directly from the mouth of the fire qilin.

"Boom la la !!"

An extremely terrifying flame power erupted directly from the mouth of the fire qilin and frantically towards the jiraiya opposite him.

If the flame of the fire qilin was just an ordinary attack before, then the flame possessed by the fire qilin now really launched an attack with the attitude of killing the enemy.

"Boom !!"

Facing the crazy flames of the fire qilin, Jiraiya's face changed instantly.


For the terrifying flame possessed by this fire qilin, Jilai instantly understood that he was completely unable to withstand this attack.

For this attack, which he couldn't withstand at all, a deep determination flashed in Jiraiya's eyes.

"Then let me see how powerful you really are!"

At the same time, I saw a trace of firm opening in Jiraiya's heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

An equally not weak force poured directly from Jiraiya's body frantically towards the surroundings, but at the same time that this not weak force poured wildly towards the surroundings, a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the current Jiraiya.

"Tsunade, I don't know what happened to you, but that's all I can say. "

"You must get out of here!"

"The Ming Empire is not an ordinary empire, you must not have the idea of revenge, the strength of the Ming Empire is far beyond our understanding!"

I saw that all the power in his body burst out at the same time, and then he said to Tsunade in the distance with a serious word.

What exactly happened to Tsunade?

Jiraiya didn't know, but Jiraiya firmly believed that Tsunade was definitely coerced, after all, didn't he know what Tsunade looked like?

After so many years, Jiraiya knows better than anyone what kind of existence Tsunade belongs to, so the current Tsunade must be 100% coerced.

Since Tsunade was coerced, if Tsunade wants to take revenge on the Ming Empire in the future, Jiraiya's idea is not to take revenge, because this is just a battle, and Zilai can already speculate how strong the power of the Ming Empire is.

And in the face of Jiraiya's words, a deep gloom flashed in Tsunade's eyes not far away.

She went to take revenge on the Ming Empire?

She thought!

But the problem is that she can understand how strong the power of the Ming Empire is with the very clear 470, and the power of the Ming Empire is not at all an existence that their group of ninjas can contend with, even if her grandfather is resurrected by the Thousand Hands Pillar, it may not be able to compete with this Ming Empire.

You must know that her grandfather belongs to the god of the ninja world, but her grandfather may not be able to compete with the Ming Empire, because the strong man of the Ming Empire is the strong man who surpasses his grandfather, and at the same time, the mount of the Ming Emperor is a strong man at the level of his grandfather.

Let me ask, under such a powerful power possessed by the Ming Empire, what will she take revenge?

She doesn't have the capital to take revenge at all.

As soon as Jiraiya's words fell, Jiraiya rushed directly towards the fire qilin frantically.

"Come on!"

"Old man, let me accompany you!"

In an instant, Jiraiya shouted loudly.



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