"Boom !!"

In an instant, I saw Jiraiya's figure disappear in place in an instant, and when Jiraiya's figure appeared again, it appeared in front of the fire qilin.

It's just that in the face of this sudden appearance, there was no panic in the eyes of the fire qilin, and even a trace of deep disdain flashed in the eyes of the fire qilin.

Soon, the fire qilin directly exploded all the flames in his body towards the jiraiya opposite him.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The pillar of flames spewed frantically from the mouth of the fire qilin towards Jiraiya.

When this terrifying flame spewed out of the mouth of the fire qilin towards Jiraiya, Jiraiya, who was attacking the fire qilin, had already sensed the terrifying power contained in this flame.

Even Jiraiya's hair had begun to spontaneously combust under the influence of this terrifying flame.


Jiraiya yelled.


Just as Jiraiya's roar fell, the flames of the fire unicorn also hit Jiraiya fiercely at this moment.


"Boom la la !!"

There was an explosion first, and then the body belonging to Jiraiya began to burn continuously under the flames of the fire qilin.

Looking at the Zi Lai Ye, who was hit by the flames of the Fire Qilin, a trace of satisfaction flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes not far away: "Yes, yes, it seems that the power possessed by the Fire Qilin has become even stronger." "

Regarding the power of the flame possessed by the fire unicorn at this moment, Zhu Houzhao appreciated it with a satisfied attitude.

Because the power possessed by the flame of the fire unicorn is indeed refreshed once again his cognition of the fire unicorn.

"Sure enough, it belongs to the legendary beast. "

Zhu Houzhao said with a slight sigh.

And when Li Anguo, who was beside him, was looking at the flames of the fire qilin, a trace of deep solemnity flashed in Li Anguo's eyes at this moment.

"What Your Majesty said is very true, this is indeed worthy of belonging to the legendary divine beast. "

Regarding the terrifying flame possessed by the current fire qilin, Li Anguo's attitude at this moment is that the flame possessed by this fire qilin is very strong, because even he is not sure that he can be safe and sound under the flame of this fire qilin.

"Sure enough, Your Majesty, the power of this mount is already so strong. "

Li Anguo couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Regarding the terrifying power possessed by this fire qilin, the idea that the two countries have is that this is indeed worthy of their majesty of the Ming Empire, you must know that this fire qilin belongs to their majesty's mount, and then the power possessed by his majesty is already so strong.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's prestige once again rose infinitely in Li Anguo's heart.

Although Zhu Houzhao's prestige is an infinitely high existence in Li Anguo's heart, there is a higher level above this infinite height.

And at this moment, while Zhu Houzhao and Li Anguo were satisfied and emotional about the flames of the fire qilin, Tsunade on the other side flashed a trace of deep desolation.

Because of the terrifying power contained in the flame of the fire unicorn, Tsunade can already perceive it very clearly.

The power contained in this flame definitely does not belong to the existence that can be countered by the self, and in the face of this is not the power that can be countered by the self at all, and the self has been hit by this flame at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Jiraiya. "

There was a deep despair in Tsunade's heart.

At the same time that everyone had different mentalities, Jiraiya, who was hit by the flames of the fire qilin, had already sensed that his whole body was rapidly ignited, and the chakra in his body had no power to resist in the face of this flame.


I couldn't help but scream in pain.

And just when Jiraiya felt this deep pain in his body, Jiraiya also endured the pain in his heart and shouted loudly: "Tsunade, don't take revenge on the Ming Empire, you must leave here!"

Jiraiya endured the pain that came from all over his body, and shouted loudly at Tsunade who was beyond the flames.

For the cry that Jiraiya had before he died at this moment, Tsunade, who was not far away, couldn't bear the desolation in his heart anymore.


Tsunade knelt down in front of Zhu Houzhao.

"Please spare your majesty, I am willing to persuade Zilai to submit to the Ming Empire. "

At this moment, I saw Tsunade praying to Zhu Houzhao at this moment.

Then in the face of Tsunade's begging, Jiraiya, who was in the flames, showed a trace of deep pain.

"Tsunade, don't kneel down to him, stand up. "

"Try to live!"

Just as Tsunade's will to endure the pain had just fallen, the fire unicorn continued to increase the output of flames.

For the extremely terrifying flame of this fire unicorn (Zhao Mo Zhao), Zilai can no longer withstand this terrifying power.


In an instant, the last consciousness of Jiraiya was also burned clean under this flame.

When Jiraiya's consciousness was completely burned to death, Jiraiya's body was completely burned into a handful of ashes under the flames of fire paint.

"Buzz... Complement"

The Fire Qilin also stopped his flames at this moment, and when the Fire Qilin stopped the attack of the flames, the Jiraiya who was in mid-air had already turned into a handful of ashes and scattered to the ground.

At this moment, the self of this famous Konoha Three Ninja turned into a handful of ashes and dissipated into the world.


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