In the blink of an eye, the ninjas from various countries were wiped out at the moment.

When the last ninja was eliminated by the Jinyi Guard, many Jinyi Guards and Li Anguo's figures appeared in front of Zhu Houzhao again.

"Your Majesty, the rats have all been wiped out. "

Li Anguo said respectfully.

Regarding Li Anguo's words, Zhu Houzhao at this moment said with a calm gaze: "Go to a meeting, I will come to discuss what the Ming Empire will do next in this ninja world." "

Faced with Zhu Houzhao's order, Li Anguo replied so seriously: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, Tsunade, who was beside him, frowned slightly.

The emperor of the Ming Empire wants to discuss what the Ming Empire needs to do next in the entire ninja world?

There is no doubt that the Ming Emperor beside him will definitely need to lead the army to bring the entire ninja world into the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

Thinking that the entire ninja world would be included in the rule of the Ming Empire, a trace of deep helplessness flashed in Tsunade's heart.

"Alas, I don't know if the whole world has been unified by this Ming Empire - whether it is good or bad. "

I saw a deep confusion in Tsunade's heart.

Regarding the situation that the entire Konoha Village had after being unified by the Ming Empire, Tsunade really didn't know whether this belonged to the good times and the bad times, and the thought that the entire ninja world would be unified by the Ming Empire next, Tsunade felt even more confused.

Is this act of the Ming Empire to unify the entire ninja world good or bad?

Tsunade is not clear, but at this moment, Tsunade can understand that the unification of the entire ninja world by the Ming Empire will definitely cause the death of more ninjas, as well as the deaths of more villages and even some villagers in the five major countries and other small countries.

"Alas, even if the other villages are forgotten, I can only protect the villagers in Konoha Village for now. "

At this moment, Tsunade muttered to himself with a heavy sigh in his heart.

Casualties in other villages?

I'm sorry, if she had the ability to stop it, Tsunade wouldn't mind helping some villagers and ninjas in other villages to survive the attack of the Ming Empire.

After all, compared to the Ming Empire, several other villages can be regarded as belonging to the Eight Classics, and they all belong to the same world, but the Ming Empire is different.

The Ming Empire does not belong to their world at all, and Tsunade will naturally congenitally face some other ninjas in their world, even if it is not a ninja who belongs to Konoha Village, but after all, it still belongs to the existence of their world, but the Ming Empire is an intruder that belongs to the serious Eight Classics!

But it's a pity that she doesn't have this ability at all, and the only thing she can do at the moment seems to be the only thing she can do is to shelter the villagers of Konoha Village first.

At least now her identity is also a woman who belongs to the Ming Emperor, not to mention whether this has become an actual woman, but at least now that her identity is already a woman belonging to the Ming Emperor, then she can use this identity to protect the ninjas in the entire Konoha Village from being slaughtered by the Ming Empire.

Otherwise, why didn't she join forces with Zilai to make a move against Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty?

Isn't that because Tsunade's back belongs to the entire Konoha Village, and Konoha Village can't be completely destroyed because of her impulse, even if the current Konoha Village has been completely destroyed to some extent, but at least the villagers in Konoha Village haven't been hit hard?

All Tsunade needed to do now was to shelter the villagers in Konoha Village.

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Yingzheng, who was riding a fire unicorn, began to walk towards the former Hokage Building.

After a while, the figures of Ying Zheng and Li Anguo and many brocade guards disappeared from Tsunade's field of vision.

And at the same time that Jiraiya had just died, at this moment in a cave in a corner, Madara Uchiha, who was once famous, asked with a gloomy face. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Are you sure?"

"Konoha Village has really been destroyed?"

"Is the strength of this Ming Empire so powerful?"

"With an army of millions?"

At this moment, Madara Uchiha asked with a gloomy face.

In the face of the inquiry from Madara Uchiha, a black guy beside him nodded like this: "Although this may sound a little unrealistic, this is indeed a thing that belongs to the entire ninja world today. "

"Konoha Village was really destroyed by the so-called Ming Empire, and what the Ming Empire has doesn't seem to belong to the ninjas, and the guys in the Ming Empire are more like samurai. "

"The million samurai possessed by the Ming Empire directly wiped out Konoha Village, this is today's news. "

I saw that the black Jedi who was beside Madara Uchiha at this moment replied with an equally gloomy face.

And in the face of Kuro's words, Madara Uchiha's eyes were thinking with a heavy gaze.

"The Ming Empire?"

"This is a country, when did such a country pop up in the ninja world?"

A hint of deep doubt flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes.


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