"What level of strength does this emperor of the Ming Empire have?"

At this moment, when Madara Uchiha felt a burst of interest in the Ming Empire, Madara Uchiha suddenly wanted to know what level of existence the emperor of the Ming Empire possessed.

To be able to master such a huge empire, the strength of the Emperor of the Ming Empire is definitely not ordinary.

In the face of Uchiha Madara's inquiry, the black absolute beside him was silent for a while before replying: "The strength possessed by the emperor of the Ming Empire, if I didn't make a mistake, the strength of the other party should belong to the upper ninja level, but there are some shadow-level powerhouses in the Ming Empire, and the "one-zero-seven" power possessed by the general who controls a million-strong army belongs to the shadow-level powerhouse level. "

Hei Jue just told everything he saw and heard in the Ming Empire.


"The emperor of the Ming Empire is only at the ninja level?"

Madara Uchiha's eyes flashed with a hint of incredulity.

Although Madara Uchiha has not come into contact with this Ming Empire, in Madara Uchiha's opinion, how could the strength of the Great Ming Martial Emperor who has mastered such a powerful empire be so weak?

An existence that can destroy Konoha Village, and the other party still belongs to a powerful force in the form of an empire, then the power possessed by the emperor should belong to the most powerful in the entire empire, right?

Why is that?

Why is the strength of the Emperor of the Ming Empire only an ordinary Shangnin-level powerhouse?

Although the ninja possessed by the upper ninja level is no longer weak, but unfortunately, in the eyes of Madara Uchiha, can a strong person at the upper ninja level be called a strong man?

A guy at the level of a ninja can only be regarded as an ordinary guy at most what Madara Uchiha has seen, and he can't attract any attention at all anyway.

But this powerful empire controlled by a strong man at the upper ninja level actually has the strength to destroy Konoha Village.

"This Ming Empire is a bit interesting, this Ming Empire is very special. "

A look of interest flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes.

In Madara Uchiha's thoughts, to be able to become a lord of power, then the strength of the other party is not to say that it can reach the level between him and the Thousand Hands Pillar, but at least it must be a shadow-level powerhouse who belongs to the Eight Classics.

Just like the shadows in the five ninja villages, although they say that they have extremely strong prestige, the most fundamental thing is that they have super strength.

If they didn't have super strength, how could they overwhelm other beings and become a shadow in the village?

And now?

According to the current situation, the Ming Empire has a shadow-level powerhouse, but the existence of the Ming Empire does not belong to the most powerful guy, on the contrary, the strength of the guy who controls the Ming Empire is just an ordinary ninja-level guy, which makes Madara Uchiha extremely incomprehensible.

For the situation that he didn't understand, according to Madara Uchiha's opinion, it was some secrets that the Ming Empire definitely possessed.

The secrets possessed by the Ming Empire are definitely beyond the strength of its people.

"From now on, all you need to do is monitor every move of the Ming Empire!"

"I want to know everything that happened in the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Madara Uchiha's eyes looked at Kurojue with a serious gaze.

And in the face of the gaze from Madara Uchiha, Hei Jue nodded slightly at this moment.

"No problem, I will directly monitor every move in the Ming Empire next, and I will definitely tell you everything I know when the time comes. "

At this moment, Hei Jue said softly.

About this Ming Empire?(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It can be said that the black absolute is also the existence that belongs to the origin of the Ming Empire that I want to know the most0 ...

Not for anything else, because the appearance of the Ming Empire interrupted all his deployments.

How can the millennium plan be so easily abandoned?

Hei Jue naturally couldn't give up the thousand-year plan, and the most important thing was that the thousand-year plan was about to be completely realized, and as a result, the birth of the Ming Empire disrupted all his plans, so Hei Jue cared more than anyone about what kind of situation the Ming Empire belonged to.


In an instant, with the wriggling of sounds, Hei Jue's figure disappeared directly into the field of vision of the cosmic waves.

Facing the black figure that dissipated in Madara Uchiha's field of vision, Madara Uchiha at this moment said to himself with those flashing eyes: "Ming Empire, no matter how powerful you are, since you are now in front of me, then you will perish!"

Madara Uchiha said so seriously at this moment.

Regarding his plan, he will never allow anyone to come and interfere with his plan, and in the face of this existence that hinders his plan, Madara Uchiha's attitude is very firm, that is, to completely kill all the existence that hinders his plan 4.9!

"I hope you don't disappoint me, otherwise the game won't be fun. "

Madara Uchiha muttered to himself in such a faint voice.

At this moment, after the other ninja villages learned that all the ninjas they sent out had been completely killed, they also learned about the scene that Jiraiya encountered in Konoha Village.

Anyway, they belong to one of the five ninja villages in this world, and their background is still very good.

So when they learned about what happened in the Ming Empire, the other four ninja villages except for Konoha Village all took full action.


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