"Guys, I think we should do something about it at this time!"

"To unite the other three villages, we must unite before we can completely solve the sudden appearance of the Ming Empire. "

At this moment, Lei Ying, who was in Yunyin Village, spoke so seriously.

Regarding the Konoha Village incident that happened in the Fire Country, Thunder Shadow, who was in Cloud Shadow Village, felt that it was their turn to do it later.

There is no way, the current situation is here, and the strength of the Ming Empire has proved that the other party is not inferior to the former Konoha Village, and even stronger than the former Konoha Village.

Since the strength of the current Ming Empire is even stronger than that of the former Konoha Village, then it is natural that these villages will definitely face an attack from the Ming Empire.

In Thunder Shadow's view, this is not something that cannot happen to 03, and it is even likely that this is just a result of something that will inevitably happen.

Since the Ming Empire has destroyed Konoha Village, this means that the Ming Empire belongs to that kind of aggressive existence, anyway, Lei Ying feels that if he is the emperor of the Ming Empire, it is absolutely impossible for him to take no action after destroying Konoha Village.

If the strength of the Ming Empire is a little stronger than that of Konoha Village, then forget it, but the strength of the Ming Empire is currently showing how many times stronger than the former Twilight Spring, which can only represent one result.

That is, the Ming Empire will definitely launch a war of aggression again, in order to avoid this situation, he feels that instead of waiting for the Ming Empire to take the initiative to declare war on them, then why can't they directly reverse the past and attack the Ming Empire first?

It's not the first time they've done it anyway.

In the face of the order from the Thunder Shadow, the news from Yunyin Village quickly spread to several other villages.

When the Shadow in several other villages received the news of what had happened to the Thunder Shadow in Cloud Hidden Village, they all made the same choice.

That is, together with the Thunder Shadow, he is preparing to launch an attack on the Ming Empire.

"Prepare to fight, this time prepare to attack the Fire Country, and even destroy the Ming Empire as much as possible!"

At this moment, I saw that at this moment, the earth shadow and water shadow, plus the thunder shadow and the wind shadow, all made the same decision.

That is, while the current Ming Empire destroyed Konoha Village, the most important thing is that the entire Fire Country is also at a critical point in unprecedented turmoil, and they are preparing to invade the Fire Country.

Soon, all the nations in the entire ninja world except for the Fire Nation were fully in action.

At the same time that all the villages in the entire Hokage world except for the Fire Country were taking action, the Daimyo of the Fire Country, who was currently in the capital of the Fire Country, couldn't help but ask a question to his minister.

"What do you think is the origin of the Ming Empire?"

"Will we be able to choose to accept the Ming Empire?"

"Or do you want to treat the Ming Empire as if it were once Konoha?"

I saw that the Daimyo of the Fire Country at this moment opened his mouth so heavily.

For the current Daimyo of the Fire Country, he can still understand the importance of Konoha Village to the entire Fire Country, Konoha Village is the most powerful military force in the Fire Country, but now Konoha Village has been destroyed like this, and the existence of Konoha Village is still a guy who claims to be the Ming Empire.

In the face of the title of the Ming Empire, the Daimyo of the Fire Country said that he still minded a little, you must know that he is a daimyo who belongs to the Fire Country, and he belongs to the well-deserved master of the entire Fire Country, but now there is a guy who claims to be in the Ming Empire in the Fire Country.

What's the situation?(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

A country within a state?

Then he definitely couldn't bear this situation, but the other party destroyed Konoha Village, which means that the strength that the other party has is really not something that the current Fire Nation can contend with.

But now he had to pinch his nose and admit one thing, that is, their Fire Nation must have a military organization, otherwise their Fire Nation would probably perish at that time.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation has received news from several other nations that their villages are preparing to wage war against them again.

Regarding the words of the Daimyo of the Fire Country, the current minister thought deeply for a while, and then said in such a heavy voice: "Daimyo, I think we can treat the Ming Empire as the former Konoha Village, if the other party is really a certain country, then what the place needs to do now is not to completely occupy our Fire Country first?"

"But the other party didn't do this, the other party should belong to some special ninjas. "

I saw that at this moment, the minister of the Fire Country said 143 his analysis.

"Daimyo, you see, the strength of the Ming Empire is very strong, but the other party just destroyed the Konoha Village first, then the other party should obviously belong to some ninjas, since the other party belongs to the ninjas, then we only need to treat the Ming Empire as the former Kimura. "

The Minister of the Fire Nation suggested to the Daimyo of the Fire Nation

"Well, that's like. "

"You have a lot of sense. "

Seeing that the daimyo of the Fire Country nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

No matter how strong the strength of the Ming Empire is, but in front of their Fire Country, isn't it the same to honestly choose to surrender?

"Go, go to Konoha Village, go and remove the emperor of Konoha Village, there can only be one lord of one country in the entire Fire Country, he crossed the border. "

"You go and warn him, and by the way, let him work for our Fire Nation. "

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation said solemnly.


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