"I am the emperor of the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao replied with a calm opening in his eyes.

"It's the Ming Empire that destroyed your Konoha Village. "

Zhu Houzhao replied with a calm light in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the Great Snake King beside him replied slightly: "That's right, the first Hokage, today's Konoha Village has really been completely destroyed, and it is the Ming Empire that destroyed Konoha Village." "

At this moment, Orochimaru replied so calmly.

For the first generation of Hokage's Thousand Hands Pillars, Orochimaru didn't have any sense of fear, if the Thousand Hands Pillars belonged to the peak period, then Orochimaru was completely "five-five-seven" and didn't have the courage to look like this in front of the Thousand Hands Pillars.

But now?

I'm sorry, the strength of the Thousand Hands Pillar is not even as strong as him, since the strength of the Thousand Hands Pillar is not as strong as him at all, then why should he be afraid of the Thousand Hands Pillar?

It is precisely because of this that Orochimaru will reply with such a bland attitude at this moment.

In the face of Orochimaru's reply, the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment showed an extremely heavy expression.

"Konoha Village has really been destroyed?"

"And you still destroyed it. "

The Thousand Hands Pillar stared at Zhu Houzhao in his field of vision so closely.

Regarding Orochimaru's reply, the Thousand Hands Pillars are barely a very believing attitude at present, because the other party's identity before this is a villager belonging to Konoha Village, and the other party is a ninja from Konoha Village, so he naturally has the trust of Thousand Hands Pillars.

So at this moment, when the Thousand Hands Pillar learned that the guy in front of him was the existence that belonged to the Destruction Konoha Village, a trace of deep anger flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.


In an instant, an incomparably powerful force erupted directly from the body of the Thousand Hand Pillars.

"Boom la la !!"

When this incomparably powerful force erupted directly from the body of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Zhu Houzhao, who was staring closely at the Thousand Hands Pillar at the moment, was also not to be outdone.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

A powerful force that was also not inferior to the Thousand Hand Pillars completely spread out of Zhu Houzhao's body and frantically towards the surroundings.

"Boom la la !!"

Two terrifying forces erupted directly in this laboratory.

However, in the face of these two powerful forces, a trace of deep solemnity flashed in Orochimaru's eyes at this moment.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being the emperor of the Ming Empire, and this really belongs to the first Hokage. "

After Orochimaru sensed the powerful power contained in the breaths of both sides, a trace of deep emotion flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

Although it is said that the strength realm between the two sides belongs to the level of the upper ninja of the Eight Classics, the power they burst out is no longer comparable to that of ordinary upper ninja, and in the induction of Orochimaru, the power they burst out is not inferior to that of ordinary shadow-level powerhouses.

Then the first Hokage of their Konoha Village can be understood, what level of character is the first Hokage of Konoha Village?

That's the god of the Warring States period who pacified their ninja world.,Although I don't know what kind of character is in the Thousand Hands Pillar in other worlds.,But I believe it's definitely not a weak existence.。

And this emperor of the Ming Empire is even more extraordinary, this emperor of the Ming Empire is in control of a huge empire, although he doesn't know how vast the Ming Empire is, and he doesn't even know how powerful the real power of the Ming Empire is, but he also knows the strength of the Ming Empire, even if their entire ninja world combined may not be able to fight. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And as the emperor who controls the Ming Empire, the other party is naturally not an ordinary person.

So at this moment, the competition between Zhu Houzhao and the Thousand Hands Pillar, although it seems a little strange in the current Orochimaru, this seems to be extremely normal0 ...

And at this moment, when Zhu Houzhao was feeling the power contained in the aura emanating from the Thousand Hands Pillar, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a solemn expression: "Sure enough, you are worthy of the god of the ninja world, I really don't know how strong the power you have at your peak." "

Zhu Houzhao really felt a little surprised by the powerful power contained in the aura currently exuded by the Thousand Hands Pillars, you must know that the current situation in the Thousand Hands Pillars is just a puppet with independent self-awareness, as for the power in his body?

The power he possessed in his body was within the limits of what his body could bear, which meant that the Thousand Hand Pillars possessed the power of this Grandmaster's peak realm just by virtue of his strong will, and it was not even inferior to the power of the Great Grandmaster's realm.

How strong was the thousand-handed pillar at its peak?

Zhu Houzhao didn't know, but Zhu Houzhao could judge that the strength possessed by the Thousand Hands Pillar at its peak was absolutely unavoidable.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, I saw that at this moment, 1.6 Thousand Hands Pillar looked at Zhu Houzhao opposite him with a solemn expression.

The strength possessed by the other party is not weak.

"Let's do it!"

"I want revenge for Konoha Village!"

In an instant, the Thousand Hands Pillar roared loudly.

As soon as the words of the Thousand Hands Pillar fell, he was about to rush directly towards Zhu Houzhao, but at this moment, Zhu Houzhao said so calmly: "If you kill me, then your granddaughter Tsunade will most likely become a widow by then." "

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao's words had just fallen, and he stopped his figure in a daze among the Thousand Hands Pillar.


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