"If you kill me now, then your granddaughter Tsunade will become a widow. "

At the same time, I saw that Zhu Houzhao at this moment said lightly with a calm voice.

And in the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the thousand-handed pillar at this moment suddenly stopped his figure.

"You, what did you just say?"

A trace of unprecedented confusion flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Regarding the confusion in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Zhu Houzhao continued to speak: "What did I say?"

"You should have heard what I just said, what I mean is that if you kill me, then as your only bloodline, Tsunade, the granddaughter of your relative, will become a widow by then. "

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Zhu Houzhao just looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar with a hint of interest.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words, the previous playful smile, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar opened his mouth like this, but he didn't know what to say 03 for a while.

Looking at Zhu Houzhao again between the Thousand Hands Pillar, a trace of unprecedented depression and unprecedented pain flashed in his eyes at this moment.

Originally, according to the normal situation, when he learned that the so-called Emperor of the Ming Empire opposite him was the culprit who destroyed Konoha Village, then he would definitely kill the other party completely.

But the problem is only that the other party is a man who belongs to his granddaughter Tsunade, that is to say, the other party is his grandson-in-law.

Let him go and kill his grandson-in-law?

I'm sorry, Senju Tsuruma can't make this action at all, and the most important thing is what if his granddaughter Tsunade gets angry?

After all, if his granddaughter Tsunade really became a widow, Senju Tsuruma felt that it would definitely be a very painful result for his Tsunade.

And in the face of the uncertainty in the face of the Thousand Hands Pillar at the moment, Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly: "Look, isn't this honest?"

"Why do you have to kill me?"

"We don't have to be like this in our relationship, we can just calm down and talk about the outcome that we have between the two of us. "

At this moment, I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment looking deeply at the Thousand Hands Pillar in his career, with a relaxed smile in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at Zhu Houzhao so deeply and was silent at this moment.

In addition to the other party's current identity as his grandson-in-law, the most important thing is that the other party still belongs to the culprit who destroyed the entire Konoha Village!


The Thousand Hands Pillar didn't know what to do for a while.

Just when the Thousand Hands Pillar didn't know what to do, Zhu Houzhao looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar calmly, and then said lightly: "Since you don't know what to do now, then come and follow me to meet your granddaughter Tsunade." "

Zhu Houzhao said lightly.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar looked so deeply at the culprit who destroyed Konoha Village in front of him, but when he thought that he and Tsunade had not met for decades, the Thousand Hands Pillar couldn't help but nod.

"Let's go check it out. "

"Take me to see Tsunade. "

A heavy opening between the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Although the guy in front of him is the culprit who destroyed Konoha Village, the other party has one sentence that is very correct, that is, maybe you can go and see Tsunade.

As soon as I thought of Tsunade, the thoughts of the thousand hands between the pillars for decades suddenly poured into my heart.

And when Orochimaru on the side was watching this scene like this, Orochimaru's eyes were so slightly flashing at this moment.

"That's it?"

"Is that okay?"

Orochimaru opened his mouth, and for a moment there was a look of confusion. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He couldn't imagine that the result between the emperor of the Ming Empire and the first Hokage was actually solved so easily?

You must know that the Ming Emperor is the culprit who destroyed Konoha Village!

As the first Hokage of Konoha Village, Thousand Hands Pillar naturally would not just choose to give up, the aura exuded by the other party just now was enough to represent the Thousand Hands Pillar's thoughts, the other party really wanted to completely kill the Ming Emperor in front of him 573.

But as Emperor Ming's words fell, the Thousand Hands Pillar chose to stop the anger in his heart.

"Is this Tsunade's place in the heart of the original Hokage?"

Orochimaru had a deep emotion in his heart.

Although he said that he knew that Tsunade was the granddaughter of the Thousand Hands Pillars, he really never thought that Tsunade would have such a deep status in the Thousand Hands Pillars.

You must know that the culprit in front of them is the culprit who destroyed Konoha Village, but after the identity of this other party was only switched to the man of Tsunade, the Thousand Hands Pillar actually let go of the other party's crime of destroying Konoha Village.

How could this not make Orochimaru feel a little deeply shocked?

"Let's go. "

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.


I saw that under the leadership of Zhu Houzhao, everyone left the laboratory.


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