"This, is this the Konoha Village decades later? "

A trace of complexity flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, looking at the Konoha Village that he had in his field of vision.

Although it is said that the Konoha Village at this moment is completely devoid of the appearance that the Ming soldiers had just entered this Konoha Village, and even these villagers in Konoha Village have adapted to the existence of the Ming soldiers, but the Thousand Hands Pillar still perceives a wave of killing intent in Konoha Village.

"That's right, the first Hokage-sama, before the Ming Empire did not occupy Konoha Village, the era in which the entire Konoha Village lived belonged to the era of the fourth Hokage, strictly speaking, but it was the third Hokage who was in charge of Konoha Village. "

I saw that the big snake pill beside him opened his mouth to explain.


"What happened?"

"Why do you say that this belongs to the era of the fourth Hokage, but it is the third Hokage who is in charge of Konoha Village?"

While Thousand Hands Pillar was originally looking at Konoha Village with an emotional gaze, he was suddenly interrupted by Orochimaru's words, and Thousand Hands Pillar looked at Orochimaru with a trace of doubt.

Faced with the inquiry of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Orochimaru replied with a smile, "As for what happened here?"

"I think it's technically a very humiliating act, but it doesn't matter. "

"Since the first Hokage-sama wants to know what is going on behind this, let me tell you the truth. "

A hint of interest flashed in Orochimaru's eyes at this moment, and at the same time, Orochimaru's tongue was also licking slightly from the corner of his mouth.

Regarding the appearance that Orochimaru currently has, Zhu Houzhao, who was beside him, pulled the corners of his mouth slightly.

Others don't know what the situation is with Orochimaru's current posture, anyway, he feels extremely disgusted by Orochimaru's current situation.

If nothing else, who can stand the posture that Orochimaru currently has!

Orochimaru is a serious man!

But the result?

This makes people not human, snakes not snakes, men not men, women not women.

For this posture of Orochimaru, even the well-informed Zhu Houzhao has to admit that he really feels a little powerless to complain.

And in the face of Zhu Houzhao, the corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth pulled slightly, Orochimaru flashed a trace of curiosity and replied: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

A hint of curiosity flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

Facing Orochimaru's curious gaze, Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly: "It's okay, go on." "

"You can tell the first Hokage about the situation in Konoha Village, and I can just listen quietly. "

Regarding the next story in Orochimaru's mouth about the fourth-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, Zhu Houzhao is still a little curious.

Even if he knows what kind of situation he has in the plot, after all, what he knows is only the situation in the plot, as for the situation in reality?

Zhu Houzhao said that he was embarrassed, this is a real world that belongs to the Eight Classics, so this is the real Hokage world, and it is not impossible for him to have some things that he cannot understand.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the Thousand Hands Pillar beside him also replied with a hint of approval: "That's right, let's talk about what happened here." "

"I also really want to know what happened here, why is the era of the fourth Hokage in the hands of the third Hokage?"

When the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at the villagers in the Konoha Village, he saw a deep silence flash in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

The current situation of Konoha Village and the destruction of Konoha Village in his mind can only be said to be earth-shaking changes.

Before that, Senju Tsuruma thought that the entire village was completely razed to the ground because Konoha Village was destroyed, but at this moment?

At this moment, although Konoha Village seems to have experienced the invasion of a war, there are no accidents in Konoha Village as a whole, and even some buildings belonging to his era have been seen among the Thousand Hand Pillars, which all mean that the current place belongs to the Konoha Village that he created.

It's just that this Konoha Village is a bit strange, it doesn't seem to be destroyed at all, so in the face of the current weirdness, the Thousand Hands Pillar really wants to know what kind of situation this belongs to from Orochimaru.

After listening to the words between Zhu Houzhao and the Thousand Hands Pillar, Orochimaru also said softly: "It's very simple, the reason why I say that this belongs to the era of the fourth generation Hokage, because according to normal circumstances, the current ruling Hokage of Konoha Village belongs to the fourth generation Hokage, but it's a pity that the fourth Hokage's Bo Feng Shuimen lost his life because of his foolish operation." "

"Then after the death of the fourth generation Hokage wave Feng Shui Gate, the third generation of Hokage Ape Fei Hi Slash directly took over the position of Hokage in Konoha Village. "

"That's why I said that this is the era of the fourth Hokage, but the Hokage belongs to the third Hokage. "

Orochimaru just looked at the Ming soldiers who were faintly visible in the distance who were demolishing the Hokage Rock.

In the face of Orochimaru's words, there was a silence between the Thousand Hands Pillar beside him.

"Shouldn't the fourth Hokage be elected as the fifth Hokage when he dies in battle?"

"Why did the third Hokage directly take charge of the entire Konoha Village once again after the death of the fourth Hokage?"

The eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar instantly narrowed slightly.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, he could only get a general idea from the few words of Orochimaru.

That is, the death of the fourth Hokage is definitely not accidental, because this action of the third Hokage is simply a little too unusual.

Under normal circumstances, after the death of the fourth Hokage, wouldn't it be necessary to select the fifth Hokage as quickly as possible?

This is one of the most normal operations, but what about the result?

As a result, after the death of the fourth Hokage, the third Hokage succeeded to the throne as quickly as possible, which all represents the greed of the third Hokage for the position of Hokage.


"It looks like this third-generation Hokage isn't a good thing either!"

A hint of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Regarding the displeasure in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Orochimaru beside him smiled slightly: "Indeed, the third generation Hokage is indeed not a good thing to some extent. "

In Konoha Village, under the management of the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, there are indeed many, many geniuses emerging, but which of these geniuses has really grown to the peak?

No, no, no, there is no normal genius who has grown to the peak at all, and basically all geniuses have been suppressed.

Destroy or die.

This is the fate of the geniuses of the third Hokage period.

So the Ape Flying Sun Slash is indeed not a good memory to some extent, which Orochimaru, a disciple of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, agrees with very much.

Just when Thousand Hands Pillar and Zhu Houzhao were listening to Orochimaru's words, a figure appeared directly in everyone's field of vision.

"Hey, Your Majesty the Emperor. "

"Here I go again!"

A pleasant voice came to everyone's ears.

For this happy voice, Zhu Houzhao looked into the distance slightly.

"You're here. "

Just when Zhu Houzhao had a hint of a smile in his eyes, the big snake pill beside him smiled at this moment and said: "The first Hokage-sama, this guy's identity is not simple, he belongs to the son of the fourth Hokage, but unfortunately, before that, his life in Konoha Village can be described as poor or even sad. "

"If it weren't for the fact that this guy's character is particularly strong, I'm afraid that Konoha Village would have one more person who is a rebel who is the son of the Hokage. "

Orochimaru said so quietly.

Listening to Orochimaru's words, Senju Pillar looked at Naruto Uzumaki who came forward with a solemn expression at this moment.

"This guy is the manpower pillar of this generation, right?"

"He had the breath of that fox in him. "

Senju squinted slightly, staring at Naruto Uzumaki.

Regarding Naruto Uzumaki, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar felt the aura of the Nine-Tails in the other party's body.

Then his wife Uzumaki Chihu belongs to the first generation of the Nine-Tails Human Pillar, so she is particularly sensitive to the aura emanating from Naruto Uzumaki's body.

Regarding the words between the Thousand Hand Pillars, Orochimaru smiled slightly: "That's right, he not only belongs to the fourth generation of Hokage's sons, but also belongs to this generation of Nine-Tailed Human Pillars. "

But it's a pity that before the other party didn't accept the Ming Emperor, the other party's life can be described as embarrassing. "

"And all of this is living in the reign of this third Hokage. "

"My identity is the apprentice of the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun. "

Orochimaru said leisurely beside him.

Listening to Orochimaru's words, the brows of the Thousand Hands Pillar furrowed slightly.

From Orochimaru's words and Naruto Uzumaki's current identity, the Thousand Hands Pillar already has a deeper understanding of the third-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, that is, the Sarufei Flying Sun Slash is simply not a qualified Hokage!

"This damn guy, how did he become the third Hokage?"

"How could there be such a Hokage in Konoha Village?"

I saw a trace of anger flash in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding the anger in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Zhu Houzhao, who was beside him, said directly and calmly: "If I remember correctly, the third generation of Hokage was personally appointed by your younger brother Thousand Hands Pillar. "

At the moment when Zhu Houzhao's words fell, the Thousand Hands Pillar was instantly stunned.

"Ah, this and this. "

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words, Qianshou Zhu really didn't know that there was such a situation for a while.

Only then did he remember that the third generation of Hokage belonged to the second generation of Hokage, and the second generation of Hokage obviously belonged to his younger brother Senjukuma, and the third generation Hokage was obviously appointed by the second Hokage Senjukuma himself.

And the identity of the third-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, the memory of the other party has already emerged in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment.

"Ape Fei Sun Chop, I remember, it's a disciple between the doors!"

In an instant, I saw a trace of seriousness flash in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

He finally remembered the identity of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, and the identity of the Ape Flying Sun Slash was a disciple belonging to his younger brother Thousand Hands!

"'This, is this Ape Flying Sun Slash actually such a Hokage?'"

I saw that at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar opened his mouth like this, and he really didn't know how to judge this question for a while.

And at the same time that the Thousand Hands Pillar was a little stunned for a moment, at this moment, the Nine-Tails in the body of Naruto Uzumaki, who had just arrived, fell into an unprecedented trembling.

"This, this, he, he, he. "

"Boom. "

Nine-Tails swallowed deeply with the fear in his heart.

"Isn't he dead?"

"Why did he come back to life again?!"

"How can he be resurrected?!"

"What's going on with him?!"

"How did he come back to life?!"

At the same time, a deep tremor and fear flashed in Nine-Tails' eyes at this moment.

When Naruto Uzumaki came to the side of the group, the Nine-Tails were already familiar with the aura of Orochimaru and Zhu Houzhao.

But for the breath of the other guy, the Nine-Tails felt a burst of fear that he had never felt before.

Because that breath had deeply entered his soul, Nine-Tails instantly knew who the other party's identity was when he sensed this breath.

"This, this..."

"This is the guy between the Thousand Hands Pillar!"

There was a deep fear in the Nine-Tails' gaze.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar, the Nine-Tails can be said to be particularly impressive.

Because the Nine-Tails always remembered that he lived carefree in the wilderness at the beginning, but the man between the Thousand Hands Pillar suddenly appeared in front of him, saying that his strength was too strong to suppress him.

If the other party's strength belongs to the same level as him, or even weaker than him, then forget it, the other party at least has the qualifications to say this.

But what about the Thousand Hands Pillars?

The Thousand Hands Pillar directly suppressed him with just one palm, and he didn't even have any resistance power at all, and this is the Thousand Hands Pillar that said that his strength was too strong.

For these words of the Thousand Hands Pillar, even to this day, the Nine-Tails still felt an unprecedented burst of anger.

It's just that when the Nine-Tails finally learned that the guy between the Thousand Hands Pillar had died, the Nine-Tails (Zhao Hao) didn't know how happy he was.

But the result?

As a result, the Nine-Tails once again sensed the aura emanating from the Thousand Hands Pillar.

For the aura emanating from the Thousand Hands Pillar, the Nine-Tails felt fear in their hearts.


"Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me. "

The Nine-Tails honestly hid in Naruto Uzumaki's sealed space, and muttered to himself silently.

However, the guy next to Naruto Uzumaki didn't have any sense of the movement that the Nine-Tails currently had in Naruto Uzumaki's sealed space.

Because the three guys next to Naruto Uzumaki didn't have any fear of the Nine-Tails.

Perhaps the definition of the Nine-Tails in the ninja world is a very frightening existence, but unfortunately, which of the three guys next to Naruto Uzumaki is an ordinary existence?

Among these three people, I am afraid that only Orochimaru can be regarded as the weaker one, but the strength possessed by Orochimaru is not weak to some extent.

As for Zhu Houzhao?

Excuse me, would he be afraid of the Nine-Tails?

Isn't that a joke?!

How could he be afraid of the Nine-Tails?

Although he may not be able to beat the Nine-Tails in terms of strength, it does not only mean that Zhu Houzhao is afraid of the Nine-Tails, but even the Nine-Tails belong to a fox at most in front of him.

But if he, the emperor of the Ming Empire, was really afraid of the Nine-Tails, then the result would definitely be very bad.

As for the Thousand Hands Pillar?

I'm sorry, among these three people, the Thousand Hands Pillar is completely neglected for the Nine-Tails.

Just as everyone gathered, Naruto Uzumaki said respectfully, "See His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty." "

I saw Naruto Uzumaki respectfully speaking to Zhu Houzhao.


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