"See His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

I saw Naruto Uzumaki speak to Zhu Houzhao with a respectful gaze.

Facing the respectful gaze from Naruto Uzumaki, Zhu Houzhao nodded lightly at this moment: "Well, now you have seen the appearance of Konoha Village, right?"

"You don't regret the choice you made. "

Zhu Houzhao asked calmly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Naruto Uzumaki sighed slightly at this moment: "It is definitely the most correct choice for me to bring Your Majesty into this world, although the Ming army came to this world to kill some people and kill some people, but it is a means that can truly achieve peace." "

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, he shook his head slightly and said.

For Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, he found that the life of the guys in Konoha Village was really much better than before, although the Kirin Legion from the Ming Empire was indeed a bit fierce, but the soldiers in the Kirin Legion never had the idea of oppressing ordinary civilians.

On the contrary, under the powerful power possessed by the Qilin Legion, there is no existence in the entire Konoha Village that can go against the will of the 430 Ming Empire, which also represents one thing from the side, that is, there is really no one in the entire Konoha Village who can compete with the Ming Empire.

In Naruto Uzumaki's view, there was only one thing in the end.

That is, Konoha Village has changed its leader, but overall, the lives of the poor people in Konoha Village are no different from before, since there is no difference, then Naruto Uzumaki naturally has no opinion.

Even Naruto Uzumaki seems to have seen the scene where the Ming Empire has knocked down the entire ninja world, so what will the scene look like at that time?

Naruto Uzumaki could completely imagine that at that time, the entire ninja world would definitely accept the jurisdiction from the Ming Empire, just like Konoha Village.

Anyway, the final result seems to be only one in Naruto Uzumaki, and the entire ninja world will fall into real peace!

In the face of Naruto Uzumaki's words, the Thousand Hands Pillar in front of him looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a look of disbelief.

If the perception of Naruto Uzumaki was not particularly clear in the Thousand Hands Pillar before, just after listening to Naruto Uzumaki's words, Thousand Hands Pillar finally understood what kind of existence Naruto Uzumaki belonged to, and Naruto Uzumaki was a traitor!

The other party directly attracted the so-called Ming Empire, and it can be said that the Ming Empire was brought by Naruto Uzumaki!

As the fourth generation of Hokage of Konoha Village, it turned out that the other party actually did such a thing.

This really made the current Thousand Hands Pillar feel a burst of confusion and a burst of anger.

"Boom, boom..."

In an instant, an incomparably powerful force poured out of the body of the Pillar of the Hands and poured wildly towards the surroundings.

And at the same time as this power poured out in all directions, the Nine-Tails in Naruto Uzumaki's body were sensing this power, and the Nine-Tails were trembling and trembling at this moment, not daring to react at all.

"That's what it feels like, that's what it is!"

A deep fear flashed through Nine-Tails' heart.

For this power that erupted between the Thousand Hand Pillars, it instantly caused fear in the Nine-Tails' heart.

Because this force is the force that suppressed him at the beginning, although the current force that erupted between the Thousand Hands Pillar is not as strong as it was at the beginning, but the Nine-Tails don't care about this, the Nine Tails only know that the power that erupted between the Thousand Hands Pillar is the force that once suppressed him.

The Thousand Hands Pillar was still an extremely frightening existence in the Nine Tails' heart, so when the strength of the Thousand Hands Pillar exploded like this, the Nine Tails felt trembling for a while.

And in the face of the trembling possessed by the Nine-Tails, Tsunade in the land of the Thousand Hands suddenly opened her eyes at this moment.

"Wait, this breath?"

Tsunade's brow furrowed slightly and he muttered to himself.

Tsunade didn't know why for this breath, she always felt that this breath seemed very, very familiar.

It's as if this breath belongs to one of her former relatives, but the problem is that all her relatives have already died completely, where do she still have relatives now?

There are no more clansmen, let alone relatives!

But at this moment, Tsunade suddenly sensed a familiar aura, and that familiar aura was definitely the aura emanating from one of her former relatives in Tsunade's senses.

"No, I'm going to see what the hell is going on!"

There was a determination in Tsunade's eyes.


Then Tsunade's figure began to walk towards the place where the breath erupted from the Thousand Hands Pillar.

And just where the aura erupted between the Thousand Hand Pillars, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment looked at the guy in front of him with a bewildered gaze.


"What's wrong?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Naruto Uzumaki's eyes flashed with a hint of deep bewilderment.

He didn't know why the guy in front of him suddenly burst out with this powerful force when he faced him, as if he had made some big mistake.

For this sudden impact of aura, Naruto Uzumaki seemed a little overwhelmed for a moment.

For Naruto Uzumaki, who had a hint of bewilderment in his eyes, Thousand Hands Pillar looked at Naruto Uzumaki so deeply at this moment.


Just as the Thousand Hands Pillar was about to say something, an incredible voice came into the ears of the Thousand Hands Pillar.



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