
An incredible voice reached the ears of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

In the face of this incredible word, the brows of the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment were slightly furrowed, and when the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at the figure again, a trace of deep confusion also flashed in his eyes.

"Wait, are you?"


In an instant, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Maybe Tsunade's current appearance has changed drastically from the appearance in his memory, but the Thousand Hands Pillar can still tell that the other party is his granddaughter Tsunade!

For his granddaughter Tsunade, the Thousand Hands Pillar naturally felt a burst of excitement.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, when he died, his granddaughter Tsunade was just an ordinary~little girl.

But what about the moment?

At this moment, when the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at the appearance of the detention center, the Thousand Hands Pillar seemed to see the sadness that his Tsunade had in the past few decades.

And listening to the words of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Tsunade's eyes that originally had a hint of disbelief flashed with excitement at this moment.

"You're really grandpa!"


In an instant, Tsunade's figure disappeared in place, and when Tsunade's figure disappeared in place in an instant, Tsunade's figure appeared again in front of the hand-holding pillar.

Regarding the appearance of Tsunade, the Thousand Hands Pillar was holding back the excitement in his heart at the moment.

"Tsunade, this, these decades. "

For a while, the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment really didn't know what to say.

What to say?

He really didn't know what he was supposed to say now.

Because at this moment, Senju Pillar didn't know how to express his shame for Tsunade.

Regarding the words of the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, Tsunade who had just appeared in front of the Thousand Hands Pillar was instantly stunned.

"Grandpa, the Thousand Hands Clan no longer exists. "

At this moment, Tsunade's gaze opened with a heavy voice.

Tsunade didn't know what the situation was about her grandfather's appearance, but when Tsunade looked at her grandfather's face like a broken mirror holding hands, he probably understood in his heart what the situation was.

When he looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar, all the grievances in Tsunade's heart were completely vented at once.

For example, I am afraid that she is the only one left in the entire Thousand Hands Clan now, and there may be some descendants of the former Thousand Hands Clan in Konoha Village, but can those people still belong to the Thousand Hands Clan?

No, no, no, the only existence of the Thousand Hands Clan in the entire Konoha Village seems to be the only one left.

Therefore, it can be said that Tsunade has been very, very painful for so many years.

But now it's okay, her grandfather has appeared.

Her grandfather belonged to the Dinghai Divine Needle in the Thousand Hands Clan, and the Thousand Hands Clan should be proud of the Thousand Hands Pillar, and now the pride of the Thousand Hands Clan has appeared again.


"The Thousand-Hand Clan is gone?"

In an instant, the mood that had been calmed down by Tsunade was completely angry again.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, he felt that his anger was ignited again and again today.

First, when he learned that Konoha Village had been destroyed, then when he learned that the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Palm of Konoha Village was a complete melee, and then he learned that Naruto Uzumaki, the fourth generation of Hokage's son, attracted the Ming Empire, which led to the destruction of Konoha Village.

Now, now is when he learns from his granddaughter, Tsunade, that the Senju Clan no longer exists.

In the face of this anger being ignited again and again, the Thousand Hands Pillar could no longer hold back the anger in his heart.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar who fell into a state of anger at one time, Orochimaru beside him said lightly: "The destruction of the Thousand Hands Clan is inseparable from the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, it can be said that the fall of the Thousand Hands Clan is caused by the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash." "

0 begging for flowers

When Orochimaru's words fell, Tsunade, who was in front of Renju at the moment, nodded silently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding the destruction of the Thousand Hands Clan, Tsunade can still understand what the situation is in his heart.

This is indeed caused by her teacher Yuan Feiri's slashing.

Otherwise, how could she have left Konoha Village?

To put it bluntly, it wasn't what Konoha Village did, and it made her feel cold.

And in the face of Orochimaru and Tsunade's words, the most important thing is Tsunade's nodding action, which completely made Senju Tsuruma understand the culprit.

For such a situation, at this moment, there was an unprecedented anger among the Thousand Hands Pillars.

"Boy, can you reincarnate that guy from the Ape Flying Sun?"

"I'm going to make him break into ten thousand pieces!"

At this moment, I saw a thousand hands staring at the Great Snake Pill tightly, and a trace of unprecedented anger flashed in his eyes.

For Orochimaru, Senju Tsuruma understands that the other party has the ability to resurrect the dead again, and he is an example of this.

Since he can be resurrected, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash believe that he can also be resurrected.

Now he wants the other party to resurrect the third generation of Hokage Ape Fei Sun Slash, and he wants to completely kill the other party!

Facing the words of the Thousand Hands Pillars, Orochimaru just looked at the anger in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillars that was about to turn into substance, and Orochimaru nodded without hesitation.

"No problem, I can completely resurrect the Ape Flying Sun Slash and hand it over to the first adult to deal with!"

At this moment, Orochimaru replied with a hint of righteousness and awe-inspiring words.

As for Sarutobi Hizap is Orochimaru's teacher?

Sorry, he sold!


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