"Stop, what are you doing?"

At the same time that the Fire Nation Mission was preparing to go to Konoha Village, the Ming soldiers who were patrolling outside Konoha Village spoke with a hint of seriousness at this moment.

For these mysterious guys, the Ming soldiers have long paid attention to them, although they don't know what the origin of this group of guys is, but the situation of this group of guys outside Konoha Village knows that the origin of this group of guys is definitely not simple.

And in the face of the words spoken by the Ming soldiers, the envoys of the Fire Nation said so seriously at this moment: "Who are we?"

"We are messengers from the Land of Fire, and now let the guys in your Ming Empire who can speak come out. "

I saw one of the messengers speak so solemnly.

However, in the face of the words spoken by the current envoy, the many Ming soldiers in front of him just glanced at each other, and they all saw a trace of deep hesitation in each other's eyes.

As for this group of guys from the so-called Fire Nation, they are now 03 really eager to know what the situation of this group of guys is like.

However, from the attitude of this group of guys, we can also roughly know that this group of guys can be said to be extraordinarily arrogant.

You must know that the place where they are currently is the territory occupied by their Ming Empire, and as a result, they are still so arrogant in the territory occupied by their Ming Empire?

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that the current strength of this group of guys is simply extremely weak.

Such a weak strength is still so arrogant?

This really made the surrounding Ming soldiers feel a little surprised.

However, surprised to be surprised, many Ming soldiers still looked at these Fire Nation emissaries in their field of vision with a sense of oppression.

In the face of the oppressive gaze of many Ming soldiers, the current envoys of the Fire Nation swallowed their saliva tremblingly at this moment.

"What do you guys want to do?!"

"We are the emissaries of the Fire Nation!"

At this moment, the leading minister swallowed deeply and said.

"The eyes of these Ming soldiers are so terrifying. "

At this moment, the leading minister secretly said to himself in his heart.

Although he was said to be the minister of the Fire Country, the aura emanating from the guy opposite made him tremble a little.

This feeling reminded him of what he had in front of the group of ninjas he had before, and he was like this in front of the ninjas at that time, and the aura that those ninjas possessed really scared him completely.

And now, the aura exuded by these Ming soldiers also completely frightened him, and at this moment, the minister of the Fire Country swallowed slightly.

And in the face of the words spoken by the Minister of the Fire Country, many Ming soldiers in front of him showed a trace of disdainful smiles: "Hehe, what were you talking about just now?"

"Let our talkative guys in the Ming Empire come to you?"

"What are you?"

"Fire Country?"

"What is the Land of Fire?"

At this moment, one soldier after another had an unprecedented trace of disdain in their eyes.

Now that they have understood, there is no doubt that the envoys of this so-called Fire Nation have come to their territory to ask the emperor of the Ming Empire to meet them.

The most important thing is that the other party just sent an envoy over, and then asked the emperor of the Ming Empire to meet their so-called envoy?

Is this Fire Nation powerful?

Anyway, they didn't perceive any power in the bodies of this group of so-called Fire Nation emissaries at all, and they were even weaker than those so-called ninjas.

For this group of such weak guys, I saw that one after another Ming soldiers couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts.

"Brothers, I think we need to let this group of guys understand the majesty of our Ming Empire, otherwise cats and dogs will dare to come and provoke us at that time. "

I saw one of the soldiers just show a cruel smile and look at this group of emissaries of the Fire Country.

In the face of the words that this Ming soldier had, many soldiers around him also nodded in agreement: "It makes sense, it's time to let this group of guys understand the majesty of our Ming Empire, don't kill it." "

"Just be disabled. "

I saw that the captain in the lead just spoke with a hint of cold words.

In the face of the words spoken by the captain of the leader 463, the team members around him replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, captain, we have points in our hearts." "

"Do it!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

In an instant, one soldier after another directly waved their hands slightly.


Soon, in just the blink of an eye, the figures of many Ming soldiers had already appeared directly in front of the envoys of the Fire Country.

And in the face of the figures of many Ming soldiers appearing in front of the envoys of the Fire Country, those many envoys also looked at the group of guys in their field of vision tremblingly at this moment.

"You, what are you doing?"

One messenger after another had a look of fear in them.

Facing the frightened gazes of this group of messengers and their trembling words, the Ming soldiers showed a cruel smile: "It's nothing, it's just to let you understand something." "

In an instant, as the words of the Ming soldiers fell, many ninjas in the Fire Country let out bursts of screams at this moment.



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