
As the curtain came to an end with a burst of screams, the envoy of the Fire Nation, who was like a puddle of dead mud, appeared in front of many Ming soldiers.

"Heh, a group of guys who don't have the strength to be so arrogant deserve it. "

Looking at this group of Fire Country emissaries who are no different from dead, it's just that this group of Fire Country Emissaries can still speak, and the most important thing is that this group of guys is not dead yet.

In the face of the words spoken by these Ming soldiers, the current envoys of the Fire Country, who were no different from a puddle of dead mud, showed a deep despair.

Especially the minister who took the lead, the minister who led the lead had an endless sense of remorse in his heart at the moment.

Who knows what he's going to do when he's here?

Judging from the current thoughts of the Minister of the Fire Country, no matter how much the Ming Empire doesn't treat them, at least it will definitely not turn its face, right?

You must know that they represent the country of fire, but they are one of the five great powers in the entire ninja world!

And what about these so-called Ming Empires?

It's better to say it's an empire, but it's just an alternative version of a ninja village.

Since they belong to the survivors formed by ninjas, then their Fire Nation naturally has the qualifications to despise.

But what is the result?

As a result, the guys from the Ming Empire didn't bother to care about their identity as envoys of the Fire Country, and the most important thing was that the other party crippled them.

At this moment, in the eyes of the ministers of the Fire Country, they have completely lost the ability to live, and I am afraid that they will die by then.

The thought of dying later, the minister from the Fire Nation felt a sense of despair in his heart that he had never seen before.

For these guys who were still wailing, the captain of the Ming soldiers waved his hand slightly: "Take them all away and take them to Your Majesty~." "

"Let Your Majesty take care of this matter. "

I saw that the captain in the lead said calmly.

For the emissaries from the Fire Nation, if their Majesty hadn't come, they could have left the idea to their marshal.

But when their Majesty came, the supreme commander was naturally their Majesty.

Now it is up to their Majesty to dictate what they are going to do next.

The plan for dealing with the Fire Nation must be handed over to their Majesty.

"Yes. "

Soon, soldier after soldier began to drag away the group of emissaries of the Fire Nation who had been beaten to the ground.

But when the emissaries of the Fire Nation were completely dragged away, there was a burst of words in the depths of the distant underground.

"It seems that this Ming Empire is completely different from other ninja villages, they don't care about these so-called nobles at all. "

At this moment, a consciousness in the depths of the earth spoke to itself at this moment.

If Zhu Houzhao is here, he will definitely recognize the identity of the other party at first sight, because the other party is the black absolute of the thousand-year-old filial son.

And the reason why the Black Jedi came here at this moment was because he received an order from Madara Uchiha, and even if he didn't receive the order from Madara Uchiha, Black Jedi would also come outside Konoha Village to see what the situation of the so-called Ming Empire was.

After looking at this Ming Empire, the Black Absolute Ming Empire has a preliminary understanding.

In Hei Jue's opinion, this Ming Empire is actually an alternative version of a ninja village to some extent, and he had always thought so before that.

But now?

Black Jedi realizes that his previous guess was actually wrong.

These guys from the Ming Empire really don't belong to ninjas.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the guys from the Ming Empire, they don't care about the nobility in this group of so-called ordinary people.

The previous Konoha Village and the current Ming Empire were different.

Although the previous Konoha Village was said to be the first of the five ninja villages, the power possessed by the Konoha Village could be said to be the most powerful of the five villages, but this Konoha Village still honestly chose to treat it humbly in the face of the nobles of this fire country.

Even not only Konoha Village, but the ninjas of several other villages have always had the same attitude towards this group of so-called nobles.

That is respectful treatment, obviously with such great power, but in the face of these so-called ordinary people among the nobles seem so humble.

That's the attitude of this group of ninjas, and it's been like this for a hundred years. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But at this moment, the guys of the Ming Empire have made completely different actions, the guys of the Ming Empire don't care about the so-called nobles at all, and even the ordinary soldiers of the Ming Empire dare to directly do it to the nobles in the so-called ordinary people.

Although this is not nothing, it is enough to represent what the attitude of the Ming Empire towards the nobles in this group of ordinary people (Wang Qian Zhao) is like.

They're going to kill them.

"'It looks like something big is about to change. "

Hei Jue said to himself with a gloomy face at this moment.

He felt that his plan had deviated significantly, and that it was a radical change from his original plan.

"Damn the Ming Empire!"

Hei Jue couldn't help but curse secretly at this moment.

"No, the plan must be successful!"

I saw that Hei Jue's eyes were given with a firm self-talk.


In an instant, the black figure disappeared in place again.


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