
"How dare they?!"

"How dare they attack the capital of the Fire Nation?!"

At this moment, there was an expression of disbelief in the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

For the Daimyo of the Fire Nation at this moment, he is waiting for the mission sent by them to bring him good news, and he is still waiting for this so-called Ming Empire to submit to their Fire Nation!

The result, at this moment?

Now I have indeed received news from the Ming Empire, but it is not the news that the Ming Empire is willing to submit to their Fire Country, but the news that the Ming Empire has sent a large army to break through the capital of the Fire Country.

Even the soldiers of the Ming Empire had already appeared in their Fire Nation capital.

"This, this..."

When the fire at this moment learned the news, the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Country were filled with a deep sense of incredibleness, but then there was a burst of unprecedented despair~ hope.

The soldiers of the Ming Empire have already called, so doesn't this mean that he is likely to be captured by the soldiers of the Ming Empire later-?

The thought that he would most likely be captured by the soldiers of the Ming Empire later, a trace of deep despair flashed in the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

"Hurry up and get rid of them!"

"The Fire Nation must not be occupied by them, and I must not have any accidents!"

"Hurry up and let those soldiers deal with them!"

At this moment, the Fire Nation Daimyo roared loudly with a look of horror in his eyes.

In the face of the terrified roar from the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, the Praetorian Guard soldiers in the palace at this moment quickly reacted.

"Yes, Daimyo!"

In an instant, one soldier after another replied with a serious voice at this moment.

For the soldiers in the palace, all they need to do now is to start dealing with the enemies in the capital.


Just when the soldiers from the palace began to pour out of the palace, the figure of the Ming soldiers directly entered the field of vision of the soldiers of the Fire Country.

"This, this..."

At this moment, the soldiers in the Fire Nation looked at the overwhelming army in their field of vision with a bewildered expression.

That's right, for the soldiers of the Fire Nation at this moment, the first impression they have of this enemy is that they belong to this overwhelming army.

The soldiers of the Ming Empire have occupied every street.

Therefore, for the soldiers of the Fire Nation at this moment, the first impression they used in their vision was that it seemed that there were only this enemy soldier left in the entire Fire Nation capital.


The soldier from the Fire Nation swallowed deeply.

And the soldiers from the Ming Empire also discovered the soldiers of this land of fire.


One of the leading captains ordered without hesitation.


Many soldiers of the Ming Empire directly aimed their weapons at the soldiers of the Fire Nation in front of them.

"Brush, brush!"

In an instant, the overwhelming attack directly began to pour towards the Fire Nation soldiers in front.

In the face of the attack possessed by the soldiers of the Ming Empire, the soldiers from the Land of Fire came back to their senses in an instant, but a trace of deep despair flashed in their eyes.



The soldiers of the Fire Nation disappeared as fast as they could, straight into the place where they had just stood.

Just when the soldiers of the Fire Nation disappeared in place, the soldiers of the Ming Empire would not just choose to let them go. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Kill them all!"

0 begging for flowers

One captain after another ordered without hesitation.


Soon, he began to be led to attack the front.

"Puff puff..."

In the face of the attack possessed by the soldiers of the Ming Empire, many voices of the Fire Nation were directly hit hard in just the first round of kung fu.


Bursts of screams began to echo.

Listening to the sound of these screams, the surviving Fire Nation soldiers felt trembling at this moment.

"Help, help, I'm going to survive!"

In an instant, the surviving group of soldiers trembled and looked at the angry Ming soldiers in their field of vision, and most importantly, at the soldiers of the Fire Nation who had no resistance at all.

The group of guys who survived had no idea of confronting the Ming soldiers at all, because they could understand that this was not an existence that they could contend with at all.

Just when many soldiers in this Fire Country began to be crushed and even slaughtered, the soldiers of the Ming Empire had completely occupied the capital of the Fire Country.

At the same time, the nobles in one mansion after another were constantly being driven out at this moment.

For those murderous Ming soldiers, the nobles in one mansion after another did not dare to have any idea of resistance at this moment.

Who would dare to resist?

I'm sorry, these so-called nobles wanted to resist, but they looked at the murderous eyes of the Ming soldiers and the blood-stained weapons in their hands.

They think they're honestly better.

In this way, the soldiers of the Ming Empire began to clean up all the unsubdued existences in the entire capital of the Fire Country.


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