
With a burst of screams, the last of the Fire Nation soldiers who resisted was completely killed by the Ming soldiers.

With the death of the last rebellious soldier, there was no one in the entire Fire Nation who dared to compete with the Ming soldiers.

"Let's go and have a look at this so-called royal palace. "

One of the generals ordered coldly.

"Yes. "

In the face of the general's "640" order, many officers beside him nodded slightly to show their understanding.


One by one, the figures began to walk towards the palace.

In the face of this Dao figure, as he began to walk towards the palace, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation who was in the palace was now sitting on his throne with a deep sense of despair.

"It's over, it's all over. "

"The land of fire will be utterly destroyed in my generation. "

A desperate thought came straight out of the mouth of the Fire Nation daimyo.

For the Daimyo of the Fire Nation at this moment, he naturally heard the screams that sounded outside the palace.

And most importantly, he heard the voices of some of his loyal soldiers in the midst of those screams.

There is no doubt that the screams that sounded outside the palace were the voices of his soldiers!

This means that the soldiers under his command and the soldiers of the Ming Empire have been completely slaughtered.

Since all the soldiers under his command were killed by the soldiers of the Ming Empire, what will the fate of him, the great name of the Fire Country, look like at that time?

Then there is no need to guess what the fate of his great name of the Fire Nation will be next, and death will be his destiny.

"I'm not reconciled!"

"I haven't enjoyed a more luxurious life!"

"I don't want to die like this!"

Bursts of unwilling words of despair came from the mouth of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

And when the sound of these words began to echo throughout the palace, General Daming and some officers came to the palace.

"This palace is really shabby. "

In an instant, one officer after another looked at the many palaces they had in their field of vision with a hint of disgust.

"Okay, don't ink, this is a very weak country in itself, how strong can you expect to be in this weak country?"

"This palace is naturally inferior to the palace of our Ming Empire 0 ..."

At this moment, the general who was leading the way said calmly.

"Let's go and capture the king of this fire country first, and act. "

The leading general waved his hand.


Soon, one soldier after another began to pick up their weapons and rush towards the palace in front of them.

After a while, the palace of the Fire Nation was directly occupied by many Ming soldiers.

Facing that the entire palace was completely occupied by the soldiers of the Ming Empire, the leading general led many officers to the outside of the palace where the daimyo was, and at the same time heard a burst of words coming from the palace.

"At this juncture, it looks like this guy is still a bit of a 3.0 count. "

I saw that General Daming smiled disdainfully at this moment.

"But all we need to do now is make this guy understand the truth. "

"Let's go inside. "

The leading general Ming waved his hand.

"Crunch crunch..." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


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