"Crunch, crunch..."

With the opening of the palace gate, the Daimyo of the Fire Country in the palace also entered the field of vision of many Ming officers at this moment.

And in the face of the opening of the palace gate, many officers of the Fire Country in the palace gate also looked at the Fire Country Daimyo in the main hall.

When the eyes of both sides looked at each other, a wave of silent gaze emerged in each other's eyes.

Especially the Daimyo of the Fire Country at this moment, when the Fire Country Daming saw that the soldiers from the Ming Empire had appeared in his field of vision, a deep despair appeared in the eyes of the Fire Country Daming.

"It's over. "

In an instant, a trace of deep despair flashed in the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

Although he has understood that 100% of the ending he has belongs to death, this has not yet come after all, but after the officer from the Ming Empire really came like this, the daimyo of the country of fire has already understood a truth, that is, death has really come completely.

And many of the officers in the Great Ming Qilin Legion, as well as the general, when they just looked at the appearance of this Fire Nation Daimyo that he had in his career, a trace of deep disgust flashed in their eyes.

"Is this guy the head of a country in this country?"

"What a piece of rubbish. "

One guy after another complained at this moment.

This guy subverted the impression they had of the lord of the country, the impression of the lord of a country can seem extremely weak, but at least the lord of a country must not be like this.

And now the appearance of the Fire Nation 03 Daimyo in front of them is really extremely weak.

"Forget it, I didn't have any so-called expectations for this guy in the first place. "

"Since this guy is the daimyo of this Fire Country, then just arrest this guy. "

"Grab him, press him in front of His Majesty, and let His Majesty deal with this guy!"

At this moment, the leading general shook his head slightly with a disdainful word.

"Yes, General!"

In an instant, one officer after another, after listening to the orders given by their general, replied with a respectful expression in their eyes at this moment.


After a while, the figures of many officers began to pour towards the main hall.

In the face of the influx of so many officers, the Daimyo of the Fire Country in the main hall looked at the officers from the Ming Empire in silence.


"I am the daimyo of the Fire Nation, and I ask for a conversation with the Emperor of your Ming Empire. "

I saw the name of the Fire Nation and exhaled deeply.

However, listening to the words from the Daimyo of the Fire Country, the general in the leading Ming Qilin Legion didn't say anything, but the many officers who were about to arrest this guy couldn't help but sneer: "I'm afraid you don't recognize your current situation, right?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Do you really think you're the lord of a country?"

"Even if you are the Lord of the Fire Country, one of the five great powers in this world, don't forget that the strength of your Fire Country is an extremely weak existence in front of the Ming Empire. "

"The most important thing is that you are now a defeated country, how can a defeated country have the qualifications to dare to ask for this and that?"

At the same time, I saw that the eyes of one of the officers at this moment flashed with a hint of disgust at the name of the Fire Nation that they had in their field of vision.

If this Fire Country Daimyo is honest, then it is not impossible for them to treat this guy so well, after all, this guy is also the lord of a country that belongs to the Eight Classics, and from the side, the identity of this guy is equal to that of their majesty.

After all, they are all the masters of a country.

But is this really equal?

As long as you are not a fool, you know that the premise of equality is that you can have equal qualifications only when there is not much difference in strength between the two parties.

However, once the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, there is no such thing as equality.

Therefore, the identity gap between the Ming Empire and the Fire Nation can be said to be an earth-shaking difference.

As the name of the Fire Country, can his identity be the same as that between Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Empire?

The one they use is completely different.

It can be said that the identity of Zhu Houzhao from the Ming Empire directly hangs the so-called fire country daimyo.

And now?

This so-called Daimyo of the Fire Nation actually made such an excessive request, as a defeated country, and still as such a weak and defeated country to meet their Emperor Ming Emperor?

"Hold him down, see that this guy of yours still hasn't recognized the current situation. "

The general in the lead said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Yes. "

In an instant, one officer after another looked at the Daimyo of the Fire Nation in their field of vision with a serious gaze at the moment.


Soon, one officer after another came directly to the side of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

"Be honest!"


At the moment when many officers treated the Fire Nation Daimyo roughly, the Fire Nation Daimyō's arm was directly forcibly broken by this Ming soldier.



"Help me!"


Bursts of screams came out of the mouth of the Fire Nation Daimyo frantically.

Faced with this burst of screams coming from the mouth of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, the Ming officers directly chose to ignore it.


After watching the many officers directly suppress the so-called Fire Nation Daimyo, the general in the lead flashed a trace of disdain and spoke.

Especially when the leading Ming general looked at the suppressed Fire Country Daimyo with a downward gaze, a voice of words came into the ears of the Fire Country Daimyo: "Remember, your identity and status are not qualified to make any requests at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"All you need to do now is be honest and don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. "

"Otherwise, you will understand what real hell is!"

At this moment, a murderous aura contained in a disdainful word poured directly into the mind of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.


For the words spoken by the leading general, a deep fear flashed in the eyes of the Fire Country Daming.


"It's over, the Fire Nation is really going to be completely destroyed. "

Bursts of desperate thoughts shrouded in the mind of the Fire Nation Daming.


In this way, the Daimyo of the Fire Country was directly taken away by many Ming officers.

When the Daimyo of the Fire Country was completely taken away by many Ming officers directly, the Ming General who stayed in place said with disdain: "Hehe, a guy who doesn't recognize the form clearly. "

"With this bit of guts, I dare to have such an untimely idea. "

"Garbage. "

A mocking voice came directly from the mouth of the Ming general.

For that Ming general, if the power of the Fire Country controlled by the Ming Empire is not inferior to that of the Ming Empire, and even the Ming Empire will be able to fight you back and forth, then this guy really has the qualifications to make a little request.

But it's a pity that the strength of this guy is so weak but so arrogant, then what this guy does can be completely described as damn or even rubbish 640.

"Occupy the entire remaining territory of the Fire Nation!"

"It's time for the Ming Empire to completely exist in the form of a country in this world!"

At this moment, the leading general said with a serious word in his eyes.

"Yes, General!"

In an instant, after listening to the orders given by their general, the other officers replied with a serious look in their eyes at this moment.


With the departure of many officers, the news that the capital of the Fire Nation was breached by the Ming Empire was completely transmitted to several other four major powers, and even some other small countries.

When all the countries in the entire ninja world, the Ming Dynasty, knew that the capital of the Fire Country was captured by the Ming Empire, the entire Fire Country fell into an unprecedented turmoil.

If the turmoil that the Ming Empire had before belonged to the ninja side, then now that the capital of the Fire Empire has been breached, the level of influence of the Ming Empire has risen to all the countries in the entire ninja world.

All the nations in the entire ninja world once again looked at this Ming Empire.

Not to mention that the Ming Empire has broken through a country with ninja power, just by virtue of the Fire Country, one of the five great powers, this is actually breached, which alone can make all the beings in the entire ninja world feel an unprecedented tremble.

Because of this superficial result, that is, this Ming Empire has that ambition, and the Ming Empire is going to start expanding its territory to the entire ninja world, and I am afraid that this country of fire is the first step that belongs to the Ming Empire.

When the daimyo of all the countries in the entire ninja world realized this situation, the entire ninja world ushered in a truly unprecedented turmoil at this moment.


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