"See Your Majesty, I am the Daimyo of the Fire Nation. "

I saw that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire replied with a heavy voice.

Regarding the reply that the Daimyo of the Fire Country had at this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes said with a sense of disgust: "The Daimyo of the Fire Country, it's really stumbling. "

"Forget it, since you've been captured, pull him down. "

"Give him a little money and let him fend for himself from now on. "

For this Fire Country Daimyo, the current Zhu Houzhao's idea is how far this guy goes.

As for killing this guy?

That's not necessary, if this guy is a very big threat to the Ming Empire, then Zhu Houzhao will definitely choose to kill the other party.

But it's a pity that the threat that the other party has is simply small and pitiful!

Since the threat of the other party is pitiful, Zhu Houzhao has no need to kill the other party directly.

Could it be that the other party can directly restore the Fire Country?

I'm sorry, if this stumbling guy is allowed to restore the country of fire when the Ming Empire is so powerful, then Zhu Houzhao thinks that he can definitely let this Ming soldier stationed in the country of fire sanction and apologize. 547

Since this Fire Country Daimyo did not have the qualifications to threaten the Ming Empire's domination in the territory of the Fire Country, Zhu Houzhao felt that they had no need to target this guy at all.

Anyway, this guy doesn't have the qualifications to be targeted.

"Yes. "

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's order, the Ming soldiers who were pressing the Daimyo of the Fire Country showed a deep respect at this moment.

And in the eyes of the Fire Country Daimyo who listened to Zhu Houzhao's words, a deep excitement surged in his eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, I saw that the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Country at this moment were so excited like never before.

For the current Fire Nation Daimyo, he thought that his next ending would be death, but he didn't think that his current ending would actually be alive!

For the Daimyo of the Fire Nation at this moment, this can be described as exciting.

You must know that he has already given himself a death notice in his heart, and he has even thought about what to do when he dies, whether he needs to maintain his majesty as the last Ming of the Fire Nation or needs to cry and beg for the forgiveness of the Ming Emperor?

He had thought about all of this, but he really never thought that the emperor of the Ming Empire would let him go so easily.

This is a great surprise for the Daimyo of the Fire Nation!

For such a surprise result, the eyes of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation still led the words of excitement and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty." "

For the excitement and gratitude that the great name of the Fire Nation has at this moment, Zhu Houzhao said that it doesn't matter.


With the sound of footsteps, the Daimyo of the Fire Country was directly taken away.

As the Daimyo of the Fire Country was completely taken away, one after another Jinyi Wei came to Zhu Houzhao's face.

"See Your Majesty, some of the changes that have taken place in this ninja world at the moment. "

The captain of the brocade guard who directly led him reported honestly.


"What has changed?"

Zhu Houzhao asked with a curiosity in his eyes.

In response to Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, the leader of the (adfc) brocade guard replied so honestly: "Your Majesty, according to the information currently known, the remaining countries in this ninja world and those villages with ninjas, they have all united to form a so-called ninja alliance to come and crusade against us. "

At this moment, I saw that the brocade guard in the lead just said everything they had explored during this time.

In the face of the words spoken by the current brocade guard, Zhu Houzhao's eyes were filled with a deep curiosity.

"This group of ninjas has formed a ninja alliance?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, they have formed a so-called ninja alliance to come and fight against us. "

The brocade guard in the lead reported honestly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listening to the report from the leader of the brocade guard, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a trace of deep curiosity and deep thought.

"It's interesting, it's so interesting. "

For the next action of the group of guys in this Hokage world, the current Zhu Houzhao is really extremely curious.

When did the outbreak of this ninja alliance come according to his memory?

If Zhu Houzhao is not mistaken, this so-called Cold World Alliance is purely a so-called Ninja World Alliance formed by the group of guys in the ninja world to fight against Madara Uchiha.

And now?

The so-called Ninja Alliance was not only established in advance, but the most important thing is that the timeline established by this Ninja Alliance is completely different from the timeline he has in his memory.

For the current situation, Zhu Houzhao's only thought at this moment was to feel extremely curious.

"It's so interesting!"

"Since you treat the Ming Empire as Madara Uchiha, then let me see that the Ming Empire is not Madara Uchiha!"

"Since they are ready to unite against us, then let's let them comprehend the strength of the Ming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of murderous intent and said.


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