
In an instant, I saw a dark blue crossing door appear directly in front of Zhu Houzhao.

Faced with the appearance of this dark blue crossing door, a trace of calm flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

What he needs to do next is very simple, that is, to directly lead the army they have in the Ming Empire to completely pacify this so-called ninja alliance ~ .

For this group of ninja alliances, even if Zhu Houzhao doesn't take this group of guys to heart, he has to admit that the strength they have - it's really quite powerful.

From the side, this is completely the power of a world that belongs to the Eight Classics, and since this is the power that belongs to a world, it is really very likely that a Qilin army will not be able to compete.

Even if the strength possessed by the Qilin Legion was completely capable of defeating this so-called ninja alliance, but just in case, Zhu Houzhao decided to prepare to return to the Ming Empire and send another legion to this Hokage World.

"All you need to do next is to fully integrate all the forces possessed by the Kirin Legion, and a war will break out next. "

"The most important thing is to spy on the news about the so-called ninja alliance. "

"Although it will be a head-to-head battle at that time, we need to know more about them. "

Zhu Houzhao said to the Jinyi guard behind him and Li Anguo, the marshal of the Qilin Legion.

The next time he's not in this Hokage world, all these guys need to do is be careful.

Although the strength they possess is strong enough, the methods of the ninjas in this Hokage world are still a little strong enough.

In order to prevent them from really using some small means, Zhu Houzhao felt that he still needed to ask them well.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's entrustment, I saw that the current Li Anguo and the brocade guard beside him replied respectfully: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

A serious word came out of the mouths of the two of them.

Regarding the replies of these two, Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly.


In an instant, Zhu Houzhao's figure disappeared directly into place.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's figure as he disappeared in place, Li Anguo behind him and Jinyiwei beside him also looked at each other with a serious gaze.

"Be careful next, you should still know a little bit about the methods that those ninjas have, you must be careful and careful!"

At this moment, Li Anguo at this moment said to the Jinyi guard beside him with a serious word.

The means that these soldiers have are definitely not as good as these brocade guards, and the means of the brocade guards are still very strong.

If you really want to fight back against those damn ninjas, you'll have to get these brocade guards into action.

"Don't worry, Marshal, I will definitely let those ninjas come and go when the time comes!"

A firm voice came into Li Anguo's ears.



"See Your Majesty!"

When Zhu Houzhao's figure appeared in the Ming Palace, the brocade guards in the palace respectfully opened their mouths to worship.

For the worship of this brocade guard, Zhu Houzhao at this moment also looked at the group of guys in his field of vision with an extremely calm gaze.

"Call all the rest of the marshals over, and let the marshals of the Blue Dragon Legion prepare for the transfer of the army. "

Zhu Houzhao just opened his mouth to the brocade guard beside him and ordered.

"Yes. "

A respectful voice came from the mouth of a brocade-clothed guard beside Zhu Houzhao.

"Get moving!"

Soon, one after another Jinyi guards left the palace directly.


With the figures of many brocade guards leaving the palace and heading towards all corners of Kyoto, when they began to run away at the fastest speed, Zhu Houzhao's figure walked directly towards the depths of the palace.

After a while, Zhu Houzhao's figure came directly to the place where Zheng He, the foundation of the Ming Empire, was.

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"Meet our ancestors. "

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of respectful words to the place where Zheng He was.

For Zhu Houzhao's arrival, Zheng He, who was cultivating in the main hall, opened his eyes at this moment.

"Since Your Majesty has come, let me come in. "

A soft voice came into Zhu Houzhao's ears.

"Crunch, crunch..."

In this regard, Zhu Houzhao directly and without hesitation chose to push open the gate of the palace.

I saw that as Zhu Houzhao pushed open the gate of the palace, the figure in the palace also entered Zhu Houzhao's field of vision.

"It looks like your strength, Ancestor, has become even stronger. "

When Zhu Hou looked at the strength exuded by Zheng He, he instantly understood that the strength that Zheng He possessed had definitely improved a lot.

Although it is said that Zheng He's strength is the Broken Void Realm of the Eight Classics, Zheng He was only just breaking through before, but now Zheng He has begun to completely consolidate the power possessed by this Broken Void Realm, and the power possessed by Zheng He will naturally become stronger.

For the shock that this strength has become more powerful, Zhu Houzhao naturally felt a burst of joy.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Zheng He's eyes were filled with a smile.

"Yes, at present, my strength has been completely stabilized in the early stage realm of this Broken Void, and as long as it takes a while, I can completely enter the realm of the Broken Void Stage. "

Regarding the question of his own strength, Zheng He was smiling at this moment.

Regarding the strength that Zheng He possessed had been raised to the current level, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of joy and said: "Then Ancestor, there is really something to trouble you now." "

I saw Zhu Houzhao just go straight to the point.


"You say. "

Zheng He's eyes flashed with a hint of confusion and he said.


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