"See Your Majesty!"

One after another, the respectful words came into Zhu Houzhao's ears.

Listening to these respectful words, Zhu Houzhao said with a calm voice: "Are you ready?"

"Now you need to follow me to another world to fight. "

"That world is not an ordinary world, there are many beings in it who have the same strength as you. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at the four generalissimos beside him with a calm look in his eyes.

In response to Zhu Houzhao's words, the four generalissimos beside him replied respectfully: "See Your Majesty, we have absolute confidence that we can solve all enemies!"

If what they need to do in the Ming Empire is to attack some particularly powerful world, such as the world where there was a snake demon before, they still 03 really don't have the absolute confidence to completely solve this group of guys.

Because the marshals of these four legions are very powerful, it does not mean that they are very conceited.

But what about now?

They had apparently gotten some news that the world they needed to attack next was not particularly strong at all.

Since the world they need to attack next is not particularly powerful at all, how can they feel any panic?

For the marshals of these four legions, they have absolute confidence that they can completely deal with those guys.

Listening to the words that these four marshals had at the moment, Zhu Houzhao had a soft smile in his eyes.

"Haha, it looks like you're very sensible. "

"Prepare, you'll need to follow me to the Hokage. "

"In the next world, all you need to do is to completely beat the demeanor of the Ming Empire!"

"The Ming Empire must not fall into that world!"

"Remember, what you represent next belongs to the Ming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a serious look in his eyes.

Looking at the seriousness on Zhu Houzhao's face, especially Zhu Houzhao's extremely serious words at this moment, the four generalissimos at this moment replied with an extremely excited voice: "Obey, Your Majesty !!"

"Let's go, let's see how the Blue Dragon Legion is preparing. "

Zhu Houzhao said lightly.

"Yes. "

The four generalissimos said respectfully.


Soon, Zhu Houzhao began to walk in the direction of the Blue Dragon Legion, and the four generalissimos followed closely behind him.



After a while, Zhu Houzhao and the figures of the four generalissimos arrived directly into the camp where the Blue Dragon Legion was.

With the arrival of Zhu Houzhao and the four generalissimos, all the soldiers in the Blue Dragon Legion at this moment had an extremely excited gaze, and even looked at the existence in their field of vision with an extremely serious look.

Zhu Houzhao stood on a high platform and looked down at the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Legion below.

"Soldiers, do you know what we need to do next?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a serious voice.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, all the soldiers in the Blue Dragon Legion replied so loudly: "I don't know!"

Faced with the reply of the Blue Dragon Legion, Zhu Houzhao continued to speak: "You don't know, then let me tell you that what we need to do next is to go to other worlds to fight!"

"You may even lose your own lives during this time, are you willing to lose your lives during this time?!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a serious look in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, all the soldiers in the Blue Dragon Legion said loudly at this moment: "I am willing to !!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill !!"

The overwhelming shouts of killing filled the entire barracks. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When this overwhelming shouting and killing filled the entire military camp like this, Zhu Houzhao, who was standing on the high platform, had a sense of satisfaction in his eyes.

The four marshals behind Zhu Houzhao also looked at the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Legion with a satisfied gaze.

What the soldiers in the Blue Dragon Legion need to do next is obviously to follow them to fight, since the next thing 680 needs to do in the Blue Dragon Legion is to follow them to fight, then the stronger the strength of this Blue Dragon Legion, then the next battle will obviously be better.

"Good. "

"All the troops are attacking!"

"For the glory of the Ming Empire!"

"Pick up the weapons in your hands and fight for the Ming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.

"Glory to the Empire!"

One soldier after another shouted loudly with a burst of excitement at this moment.

Faced with the shouts of the soldiers one after another at this moment, Zhu Houzhao directly opened the door to the Hokage world without hesitation.


When this buzzing sound sounded, the dark blue crossing gate once again appeared in Zhu Houzhao's field of vision.



The overwhelming Blue Dragon Legion entered the Hokage World directly through this dark blue crossing gate at this moment.


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