"Boom la la !!"

The overwhelming Blue Dragon Legion directly began to enter the Hokage World directly through this dark blue crossing gate at this moment.

With the overwhelming Blue Dragon Legion directly starting to rush towards the Hokage World, Zhu Houzhao at this moment returned to the Hokage World again.

It's just that compared to Zhu Houzhao, who left the Hokage World, Zhu Houzhao returned to the Hokage World this time, leading a whole army of soldiers and the four generalissimos with the power of the Great Grandmaster Realm, and most importantly, Zheng He, who had the Broken Void Realm.


In the face of this overwhelming army entering the Hokage world, on the street in Konoha Village, a dark blue gate of passage appeared in this Konoha Village again.



One after another, heavily armed soldiers entered Konoha Village.

Looking at the soldiers of the Blue Dragon Legion who suddenly appeared, the villagers and those ninjas who had in this Konoha Village, they looked at this sudden soldier with a look of confusion in their eyes.

"This, this..."

"Where did these soldiers come from?"

At this moment, one villager after another and one ninja after another looked at the group of guys that appeared in their field of vision with extremely confused eyes.

As for the soldiers in the Kirin Legion, then the guys in Konoha Village can basically know where they are, and they are basically outside Konoha Village.

As for the soldiers of the Ming Empire who have them in Konoha Village?

It's not nothing, it's just that there are very few soldiers of the Ming Empire in Konoha Village.

But now?

Where did these suddenly extra soldiers of the Ming Empire pop up?

And some ninjas saw that the armor on the soldiers of the Ming Empire who suddenly appeared was completely different from the armor on the soldiers of the Ming Empire before.

Their identity belongs to the ninjas, so they still have the ability to observe as ninjas.

Naturally, they saw that the armor of these suddenly extra soldiers was completely different from the previous armor.

For those ordinary ninjas who have the confusion, as the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hinata Hinata just looked at the scene in that field of vision with a look of surprise.


"What the hell is going on?"

At this moment, Hinata Hinata just looked at the dark blue crossing door that he had in his field of vision.

If it was just an ordinary door, it would be enough, but in that dark blue door, there were one Ming soldier after another wearing armor.

And the appearance of these Ming soldiers is completely different from the appearance of those who preceded it.

"Could it be that this so-called Ming Empire came out of this door?"

Hinata Hinata said to himself with this doubtful thought in his mind.

In Hinata's eyes, it seemed as if his idea was really true, and it was very likely to be true.

There is no way, the situation is directly here.

Before this, he had never heard of the Ming Empire, and it could even be said that he had never heard of the country with the Ming Empire.

But the Ming Empire popped out so suddenly, and then after the Ming Empire popped out suddenly, it directly occupied the entire Konoha Village with a strong force, and even now it has directly occupied the entire Fire Country.

If such a powerful Ming Empire really has any news, how could there be no trace in the entire ninja world?

But now it's different, at this moment, when Hinata Hinata looked at the Ming soldiers who appeared inside the door that appeared in his field of vision, all his doubts were completely solved at this moment.

"'This Ming Empire is likely to come from other worlds!'"

Hinata Hinata said with a solemn self-talk in his eyes.

"The Ming Empire from other worlds?"

At this moment, Hinata Hinata said to himself with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Maybe we can go and meet the emperor of the Ming Empire, the Hyuga clan must have to make a choice. "

A self-muttering voice came out of Hinata Hinata's mouth. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And at the same time that the words that accompanied this self-talk came out of Hinata Hyuzu's mouth, Zheng He, who had just entered the Hokage world, looked directly in the direction of Hinata Hinata with a calm gaze.

"There's a rat watching us, Your Majesty. "

"Are we going to get rid of the other party (Wang Zhao)?"

Zheng He said with a calm gaze.

Listening to Zheng He's words, Zhu Houzhao beside him looked in the direction of Hinata Hinata with a calm look in his eyes.

When Zhu Houzhao saw that the figure belonged to Hinata Hinata, Zhu Houzhao took his gaze back.

"It's okay, he won't do anything to betray the Ming Empire, just choose to let him go. "

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

"Understood. "

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's reply, Zheng He nodded and said he understood.

Soon, Zhu Houzhao took Zheng He to the Hokage Building.


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