"The ninja world needs your strength!"

At this moment, the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals said with a serious word.

Regarding the words of the Six Dao Immortals, Madara Uchiha in front of him looked at the Six Dao Immortals with a calm gaze.

"Now I finally understand, according to what you mean, that means you need to use my strength to solve this so-called Ming Empire. "

"You're going to use me as a puppet. "

At this moment, Madara Uchiha looked at the Six Dao Immortals with an extremely calm gaze.

For Madara Uchiha at this moment, he didn't need to hide it at all.

Why is he hiding it?

Because of the "one hundred and sixty" in front of him, a guy who claims to be a six-way immortal?

I'm sorry, if this guy in front of him really belonged to the legendary Six Dao Immortals, then the other party would have personally gone to completely eliminate all the Ming Empire.

The Ming Empire may be very powerful, but how can the strength of the Ming Empire compete with the Six Dao Immortals?

This is a well-known thing, how powerful the Six Dao Immortals are, there is no need to think about it at all, after all, it also belongs to the ancestor of the entire ninja world, and it belongs to the legendary immortals!

But the guy in front of him, who claimed to be a Six Dao Immortal, didn't have the idea of personally going to the Ming Empire, but the other party asked him to solve the Ming Empire.

This alone can explain a lot of things, at least the package in front of him is a guy from the Six Dao Immortals, and he doesn't have the ability to solve the Ming Empire at all, and he even needs to act to solve the Ming Empire.

In that case, what is he afraid of?

Why is he hiding?

He just said everything, and the guy in front of him was treating him like a puppet.

Regarding Madara Uchiha's words, the six immortals in front of him did not hide it.

"That's right, in a way I'm using you as a puppet. "

"I'm not good at doing it myself, you're different. "

"You can make a move, and the strength you currently have can completely shake the Ming Empire. "

At this moment, the Six Dao Immortals looked at Madara Uchiha in front of him with a calm look in their eyes.

For the Six Dao Immortals at this moment, this is not a secret at all, since this is not a secret at all, then why didn't he tell this matter honestly?

After all, compared to the hidden ones, the Six Dao Immortals felt that he could still tell this matter.

Otherwise, you won't be able to gain Madara Uchiha's trust at all.

Listening to such a straightforward reply from the Six Dao Immortals, Madara Uchiha looked at the Six Dao Immortals in his field of vision so deeply at this moment, and a trace of deep thought flashed in his eyes.

"I'd love to get rid of the existence of other worlds, but there's one thing that's on the surface. "

"That is, the strength I currently have is not enough to solve the Ming Empire, and my strength is not very strong. "

"I'm not at the peak of what I used to be, I'm not as strong as I used to be. "

As he said this, a deep gloom flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes.

How powerful he used to be!

At that time, the strength he possessed could be said to belong to the person who stood at the top level of the entire ninja world, and at that time, he could be called one of the two most powerful people in the entire ninja world.

Who is the other person besides him?

Quite simply, the name of another person is called Thousand Hands Pillar 0 ...

The strength possessed by the Thousand Hand Pillars and the strength possessed by Madara Uchiha deservedly belonged to the two most powerful people in the original ninja world.

Who could have been better than them at that time?

Not a single one!

But what about now?

Now that the Thousand Hands Pillar is dead, what about him?

What is the difference between him and death in some way?

In a way, he really didn't make any difference from death, and this kind of lingering life was not what Madara Uchiha hoped for at all.

He wants to die on the battlefield, he wants to be able to meet that kind of evenly matched enemy!

But it's a pity that he doesn't have that ability at all now.

Listening to Madara Uchiha's words, the Six Immortals looked at this old man in front of him so deeply, and even looked even older than him When Madara Uchiha looked even older than him, there was a deep calm in the eyes of the Six Immortals.

"It's fine, as for when you have it, it's not a problem at all in front of me. "

"When the time comes, I will restore your strength to its peak, and then the strength you have will be able to compete with the Ming Empire. "

5.3 "It's up to you what you do then, but hopefully you'll be able to use your power to keep the entire ninja world safe." "

"No matter what, the ninja world must not be occupied by this Ming Empire from other worlds. "

I saw that the eyes of the six immortals said with a serious expression.

Facing the reply of the Six Dao Immortals, Madara Uchiha looked at him so calmly at this moment.

And in the face of the gaze from Madara Uchiha, the six immortals didn't say much, and he directly began to swing a trace of power to rush towards Madara Uchiha.


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