
In an instant, when this force directly surged towards Madara Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, who was originally extremely old, after the influx of this force, Madara Uchiha was like an arid earth that had suddenly received rain irrigation.


Waves of incomparably powerful power began to emerge directly in Madara Uchiha's body.

For this incomparably powerful force, the Six Dao Immortals at this moment looked deeply at Madara Uchiha and then waved his hand slightly.


I saw that the figures of Madara Uchiha and the Six Immortals completely disappeared into this illusion.

When the figure of the Six Paths Immortal completely dissipated into Madara Uchiha's field of vision, Madara Uchiha had already appeared in the cave he had generated after opening his eyes again.


For the cave that Madara Uchiha saw again when he opened his eyes at this moment, there was a hint of deep surprise in Madara Uchiha's eyes.

But just when Madara Uchiha's eyes carried a deep sense of surprise, an incomparably powerful force began to revive in Madara Uchiha's body.

But as this incomparably powerful force began to completely revive in Madara Uchiha's body, the black Jedi beside Madara Uchiha just looked at Madara Uchiha in his field of vision with a bewildered gaze.


"What's going on?"

At this moment, the black eyes showed extreme incomprehension at this moment.

Regarding the situation that Madara Uchiha had before, Kuro can only say that Madara Uchiha's situation belongs to the kind of old man who is about to die to some extent.

If it weren't for the fact that Madara Uchiha still had some chakras in his body, I'm afraid Madara Uchiha's situation would not be comparable to those slightly stronger young people at all.

The most important thing is that the young man he talked about belonged to the real kind of young man who had not cultivated any of them.

Madara Uchiha has decayed from the original ninja world Shura to the point where this young man who has not undergone any cultivation can completely kill him, which is something that belongs to the eyes of the black Jedi.

The result, at this moment?

What is going on in this situation that you have at this moment?

Why did such a powerful force suddenly appear into Madara Uchiha's body?

Black Jedi said he didn't understand.

For the confusion that the Black Jedi currently has, Madara Uchiha, who was in front of the Black Jedi at this moment, directly began to feel the power that was constantly emerging in his chain.

The most important thing is that the power in his body seems to appear out of thin air.

"Wait, could it be that this really belongs to the Six Dao Immortals?"

This thought popped into Madara Uchiha's mind.

For Madara Uchiha at this moment, it can be clear whether the one he has now is an illusion or not.

The situation he now had was not an illusion at all, for the power he had in it was on the surface.

The power he possesses within him is trying to push his strength to its peak.

How powerful was the power he once had?

Only he can understand how powerful the power he once had, but the decay he possessed was also on the surface.

Decayed like that, but it got so much power.

This is definitely not something that ordinary beings can do, so that mysterious guy claims to be the so-called Six Paths Immortal, and at this moment, Madara Uchiha doesn't seem to be an impossible thing.

"The legendary Six Dao Immortals?"

Madara Uchiha muttered to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

For this legendary Six Paths Immortal, the current Madara Uchiha is extremely curious.

After all, it belonged to the legendary Six Dao Immortals, although he didn't know why the legendary Six Dao Immortals suddenly appeared.

The most important thing is why this legendary Six Dao Immortals did not die, and the first thing to do in the sudden revival was for him to solve the so-called Ming Empire.

And most importantly, why didn't that Six Dao Immortal solve it himself?

On the contrary, he needs to use his hand to solve the Ming Empire. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is still a little bit incredible for Madara Uchiha at this moment.

Although this is still a little incredible, the power in his body does belong to the fact that it is on the surface.

Since the power in his body is a fact on the surface, Madara Uchiha, who participated in this 197 moments, naturally dispelled the doubts in his heart.

Although these things are very confusing, no matter how much doubt there is, how can they be compared to the power in the body?

The power he possesses in his physical strength is on the surface!

"The pinnacle of the past!"

"I'm back!"

"Ah, the ninja world!"

"Let the ninja world Shura descend on the whole world again!"

At this moment, a trace of deep excitement flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes.

For the next Ming Empire, Madara Uchiha at this moment expressed very, very much anticipation.

He wanted to see what this Ming Empire from other worlds was capable of.

"Ah, the ninja world, Madara Uchiha is back!"

A firm word came from Madara Uchiha's mouth.


Waves of incomparably powerful power began directly from Madara Uchiha's body, spreading out in all directions.


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