
In an instant, an incomparably powerful force spread directly from Madara Uchiha's body in all directions.

When this incomparably powerful force spread out of Madara Uchiha's body and spread out in all directions, Madara Uchiha's appearance also changed drastically at this moment.

If the appearance that Madara Uchiha had before belonged to old age, or even the appearance of an old man who was likely to die at any time.

The appearance that Madara Uchiha has now has returned to his former youth, or the appearance that Madara Uchiha has now has returned to the appearance he once had when he was at his peak

Looking at the appearance that Madara Uchiha currently has, the black Jedi beside him doesn't seem to have anything on the surface, but in fact, the black Jedi has an unprecedented heaviness in his heart.


"What the hell is going on?!"

"Why did this happen?!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Why is Madara Uchiha like this?"

"Why is the power in Madara Uchiha's body revived?"

"What the hell?!"

Hei Jue really expressed extreme incomprehension in his heart at this moment.

Although according to the original plan, Madara Uchiha will also return to the peak of his former state, but definitely not now!

Madara Uchiha has returned to his former peak, which is definitely not good news for the Black Jedi at this moment.

Because the plan has been completely disrupted!

Although his plan has been completely disrupted by the Ming Empire that popped out of nowhere, at least Madara Uchiha did not have any accidents.

Because the main core of his plan belongs to Madara Uchiha.

But what about the result at the moment?

At this moment, the situation that Madara Uchiha himself has has also changed drastically.

He didn't know what was going on with Madara Uchiha, he only knew that Madara Uchiha's current strength had returned to its peak, which meant that all the plans he had now were no longer useful.


Hei Jue couldn't help but secretly scolded in his heart.

He was tempted to find out what was the bastard that had caused his plan to fall into ruin, and that his plan had lost any purpose.

For the anger in the heart of the black Jedi at this moment, the feeling that Madara Uchiha has at the moment is extremely excited.

"It's this feeling, it's this power!"

When Madara Uchiha sensed the incomparably powerful power in his body, a trace of deep excitement flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes.

The power he possessed was finally restored to its former peak!

It was this power, the power he had ever mastered!

Now, he can finally master this once more powerful force!


Bursts of maniacal laughter came from Madara Uchiha's mouth.

After a while, Madara Uchiha forcibly dispelled the excitement he had in his heart.

Although Madara Uchiha forcibly dispelled the excitement in his heart, the smile on Madara Uchiha's face still told the mood in his heart.


Madara Uchiha exhaled deeply.

"Black Jedi, what is the current situation in the entire ninja world?"

Madara Uchiha asked Kuroaki beside him after temporarily suppressing the maneuver in his memory.

Regarding Madara Uchiha's inquiry, the black absolute beside him could only forcibly suppress the anger in his heart, and then replied to Madara Uchiha so honestly.

"The current situation in the entire ninja world is simple. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't know where the Ming Empire popped out of nowhere, occupying the former Fire Country, and all the countries and villages except the Fire Country have united to form a so-called Ninja Alliance. "

"The situation in the entire ninja world is that the ninja alliance is preparing to fight against the Ming Empire. "

Kuro Jedi told Madara Uchiha about the situation that he currently had in the entire Hokage world.

And in the face of Hei Jue's words, Madara Uchiha at this moment pondered his chin slightly, and fell into a burst of thought.

"'The Ninja Coalition and the Ming Empire. "

"Interesting. "

"Very interesting!"

At this moment, Madara Uchiha's eyes flashed with interest.

For Madara Uchiha at this moment, he really had never seen such a situation happen in the entire ninja world.

All the guys in the entire ninja world are banding together against a being from another world.

"In that case, then let me see what level of power this ninja alliance has, and whether it has the capital to compete with the Ming Empire. "

Madara Uchiha's eyes flashed with thought.

"Let's go, go to the Ninja Alliance. "

"Go and master the entire ninja alliance to solve the Ming Empire!"

I saw Madara Uchiha say with a serious look in his eyes.

Since he wants to solve the Ming Empire, he first needs to go to the Ninja Alliance and control the entire Ninja Alliance, because only in this way can he mobilize the strength of this so-called Ninja Alliance.

Otherwise, he will rely on his own strength to confront this father of the Ming Empire?

Although Madara Uchiha doesn't know what level of strength this so-called Ming Empire is, he can also roughly know that the power of this Ming Empire is definitely not weak, after all, this is an existence from other worlds.

It's best to be cautious.

So first, go to the Ninja Alliance and completely master this Ninja Alliance!

"No problem. "

The black one beside him replied so honestly at this moment.


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