"The whole army obeys the order!"

I saw Madara Uchiha wave his hand at this moment.

With the wave of Madara Uchiha's big hand, I saw that the Ming Empire opposite the Ninja Alliance was also looking at the Ninja Alliance in their world with a vigilant gaze.

"Is this the strength of the Ninja Alliance?"

"It looks like it's a little stretched. "

After looking at the strength of the ninja alliance in front of them, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding on top of the fire qilin, shook his head slightly.

The ninja alliance in this Hokage world looks very powerful, but in front of the Ming Empire, the strength shown by this ninja alliance seems to be a little stretched, at least at this moment, Zhu Houzhao is really "seventy-three-seven" and looks down on this so-called ninja alliance.

"It's not going to work, garbage. "

After seeing the ninja alliance in front of him, Zhu Houzhao just stared at it slightly for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Regarding this ninja alliance, Zhu Houzhao posted to them no matter how he looked at it, some of the existences that could make the Ming Empire feel threatened.

On the contrary, the more Zhu Houzhao looked at it, the more he felt that the strength of the ninja alliance opposite him could simply be described as a crotch pull or even garbage.

Such a garbage ninja alliance still wants to solve the Ming Empire?

Who gave them the guts?

Is it the one surnamed Liang?

"It looks like it's time for this group of guys to understand what the real gap is. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at the group of guys in the world with a calm gaze in his eyes.

Regarding the calmness in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, the five generalissimos beside him also looked at the so-called ninjas in their field of vision with an extremely expectant gaze at this moment.

"Your Majesty, we can attack it at any time!"

Li Chengan, the marshal of the Blue Dragon Legion, said so seriously.

In the face of Li Chengan's words, Li Anguo, the marshal of the Qilin Legion at this moment, nodded slightly and replied: "That's right, Your Majesty." "

"We can attack those so-called ninjas at any time. "

Regarding Li Cheng'an and Li Anguo's words, I saw that the other three marshals also nodded one after another and replied: "That's right, Your Majesty." "

"We're ready to attack at any time, and we're ready to get those guys down completely!"

The firm words came out directly from the mouths of the five marshals at this moment.

For this group of so-called ninjas?

I'm sorry, but the marshals of the five major legions of the Ming Empire don't take them seriously at all.

Maybe the strength of the guys in the so-called Ming Empire is quite good in the strict sense, but the strength they have is nothing more, and if they want to compete with the Ming Empire, it can only be said that it is a little worse.

The Ming Empire is one of the original nine empires in the Kyushu Continent!

The size of the Kyushu Continent is obviously not an existence that can be compared to the Hokage World.

The Kyushu Continent can completely beat the so-called ninja world, and the Ming Empire, one of the original nine empires, can naturally beat the so-called ninja world in the same way, not to mention some of the strong people in the Ming Empire.

Regarding the battle that the five marshals had at this moment, the current Zheng He said calmly: "Your Majesty, there is indeed a fellow Broken Void Realm guy who is secretly watching us. "

"It's just that that guy's strength seems to be a little weak. "

Zheng He frowned slightly.

Regarding Zheng He's words at this moment, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding the fire unicorn, turned his head around and asked Zheng He, "What level of strength does that guy have?"

Zhu Houzhao asked Zheng He with a hint of expectation in his eyes, 0 ...

As for who is the powerhouse of the Shattered Void Realm who is secretly watching them?

There is no doubt that it must belong to the Six Dao Immortals.

For the situation that the Six Dao Immortals are watching them, there is nothing wrong with it in the Princes' Dao, and even in Zhu Houzhao's opinion, this is an extremely normal thing, after all, the Six Dao Immortals have been looking down on the entire ninja world for thousands of years, so this suddenly popped out that the Ming Empire interrupted all the plans that the immortals had, and the Six Dao Immortals would definitely be watching the Ming Empire tightly, after all, it was impossible for him to hope that the Ming Empire would win this war, right?

Therefore, the Ming Empire is not the kind of existence that must be eliminated by the Six Dao Immortals, but it is a pity that the strength of the Ming Empire is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

At the very least, what the current Ming Empire shows is a powerhouse in the Broken Void Realm, which belongs to a powerhouse who belongs to the same realm as the six immortals in this Hokage World.

For this powerhouse who belongs to the same realm as the Six Dao Immortals in the Ming Empire, the Six Dao Immortals must choose to hide it tightly in secret, and must not leak 0.8 out of any momentary breath, otherwise it is very likely to attract the attention of that unknown powerhouse at that time.

However, this is not something that the Six Dao Immortals can hide if they want to, at least Zheng He has already discovered the traces of the Six Dao Immortals.

This also means that everything that the Six Dao Immortals have is hidden in front of him, which is simply like a joke.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Zheng He replied with a confident tone at this moment: "Your Majesty, I have enough strength to completely solve the other party!"

I saw that Zheng He replied without hesitation at this moment.


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